How Do I convince My Dog!

Is it still considered rape, if the dog starts it. The dog starts sniffing, and if given the opportunity it will lick, is it considered rape, didnt for him to do anything, that was not natural for him.
How many time has a dog tried to sniff your crotch, or tried to hump your leg ? It happens all the time. Should the dog be arrested for rape, or unwanted sexual advances ? Granted the original question posted about the guy asking how to get their dog interested in doing his wife, that may be crossing the line.
Unregistered said:
Should the dog be arrested for rape, or unwanted sexual advances ? Granted the original question posted about the guy asking how to get their dog interested in doing his wife, that may be crossing the line.

I didn't mean that the dog is guilty of rape, I mean that the person trying to sexually advance on it is. If a dog humps your leg, you can say no and push it away -- knowing that the dog isn't actually making a sexual advance on YOU, or even understands what that is. However, an animal can only do so much to resist without having language to say what it feels.
Enlighten me on how a dog can be considered a rapist or be accused of making sexual advances. Seems to me that people think that dogs have a natural desire to get it on with anything that is female. In reality dogs are pack animals, and have a very strong sense of community, one reason why they bond so quickly with their owners. That is just how dogs are. Dogs lick, of course they do, mine does. I don't consider that to be a come on babe lets get some action going, its just my dog licking me.

It is up to the owner of the dog to make sure it knows what is acceptable 'pack' behavior. It seems unfortunate that some people feel it necessary to make use of their pets for their own pleasures. Thats not just sex. Training a dog to fight is just another example of the abuse of the power and trust that a dogs owner has. Such people have no right to own animals and should be treated the same as child sex offenders.

Burn me I expect it - but thats my view and I am excercising my right to express it.
nice and slow

Well, the thing is you have to get your dog to recognize your wife as a sexual creature. Have you had sex with him in the room? a lot of dogs will go crazy with that.

Or, let her masturbate and let the dog lick the juices off her fingers. IN time she can lead the dog closer and closer to her till finally he is licking off of her. Then nature will take its course. If it doesn't all you have to do is pull back his sheath and he will start trying to fuck her.
ok I've said it once & I'll say it again....

I know I know. I'm sorry, but I jst can't help it. Every time I read this thread & see someone actually encurraging this -person... well..
Dogs do have a desire to lick, first they sniff, and if they like that then they have a desire to lick, its normal. I agree that MAKING the dog do it is wrong. However if the dog is interested and the person is interested, what harm is it? Tell me what harm can come from the dog doing what it does naturally? If the person gets pleasure thats great, thats what we are all about as humans, we all seek pleasure. Personally I think there are somethings that I would never do, its just not interesting to me, Im not going to bash some one because they enjoy it, to each their own. We are all different, and thank God we are.
The dog can say no, in fact. If the dog does not like what you are doing, it can walk away or bite. That is one of the major dangers of the practice, dogs have claws and teeth. Similarly most dogs have fairly easy to read expressions and it should be fairly obvious whether or not they are enjoying themselves.

Now it may be a bad idea because the dog might become violent if confused or the wife could pick up a disease from the dog. Those are definitely things to keep in mind.
Depending on where you live there are laws against fucking an animal.

In the U.S.A. the following states have laws against it:
Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Deleware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mass., Michigan, Minnessota, Mississippi, Montana, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Penn., R.I., South Carolina, Tenn., Utah, Virginia, D.C., Wisconsin.

The action taken ranges from a $1000 fine to 20 years in jail.

There are no federal laws, but federal charges can be brought up using what they call the Roth Test. You'll have to look that up for more info.

Canada will give you 10 years in jail.
new Zealand will give you 7 years in jail.
the U.K. will give you life in prison...usually 30 years.

None of the laws I found say anything about weather it's your animal or not.

I have in fact done the research for my story in other places. I am not looking to this thread or these people for info.
Please read what I posted last here, more carefully.
I have no desire to avoid anyone or these subjects, I am not the one that finds it puzzling and revolting. I was asking for the umpteenth time why would someone who DOES find it distasteful would keep reading, or for that matter, read to start with a thread that clearly advertises it's content, which is so revolting? Do I need to express this question any more clearly? I’m sure I have an old grade school English text somewhere...
As for the winters in Alaska I can’t speak for everyone, nor everywhere in the state, but mine is going rather well, thank you. I have had a busy and fulfilling season and plenty within my personal interests to keep me busy, As well as the satisfying experiences in my relationships with my boyfriend and my Master respectively.
thanks for the entertainment!:rolleyes:
I am not saying that isn’t awful that our pets are considered property as a house or a car is. Or, that we don’t have responsibilities in keeping pets to their well being and health.
I am by far not an expert, Nor do i back, personally everything I've said on the issue. I just commented on what I read here, and found when I looked it up. There are some places that have begun to change that idea, but it’s not as well known an issue such as abortion etc. If you do a search on animal rights you’ll find many groups advocating the treatment of pets as family members and/or people.
I’d be interested in where you found that information, that is what I was looking for initially when I posted what I learned about personal property and beastiality.
as for the passions running high about this topic i guess i just don't understand it as well because my interest isn't personal, it’s much more academic in nature. I have one pet, a playful black cat with yellow eyes named Madjaii... so understand my detachment!
SweetBrat73 said:
Depending on where you live there are laws against fucking an animal.

In the U.S.A. the following states have laws against it:
Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Deleware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mass., Michigan, Minnessota, Mississippi, Montana, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Penn., R.I., South Carolina, Tenn., Utah, Virginia, D.C., Wisconsin.

The action taken ranges from a $1000 fine to 20 years in jail.

There are no federal laws, but federal charges can be brought up using what they call the Roth Test. You'll have to look that up for more info.

Canada will give you 10 years in jail.
new Zealand will give you 7 years in jail.
the U.K. will give you life in prison...usually 30 years.

None of the laws I found say anything about weather it's your animal or not.


Thank goodness I live in Cali...
Im not sure you want to get in to the legal issue here.
Do you have any idea how many things sexual are illegal in this country, most of what are discussed freely here on Lit. ? There is alot. Im all for freedom.
From A to Z, there are alot of things in between. Im not going to go into the detailed list, but pretty much everyone here has "broken a law" with regards to sex at one time or another. There are alot or strange laws on the books.
If you don't agree with a sexual act, then dont do it. What gives you the right to be judge- jury- and executioner? It seems that you don't like the people that have a relationship with their pets, or even curious about it. If someone isnt forcing the person, or animal, where is the harm? If an animal didnt like it, it react to it, probably biting or scratching, to stop. but from what I understand that doesnt happen. Someone would be a fool to try to force a 60+ pound dog to do something it didn't want to do.
Personally I dont agree with people how like to play Scat games, but hey if they enjoy it, then what the hell. As far as diseases, animals are much cleaner then humans.
I had posted a couple comments, while unregistered...

Apart from all the other 'bs' in this thread, which I find personally offensive as a woman and a human being. I have to wonder if it is the womans desire to be fucked by a dog or the mans fantasy to see his wife degraded to nothing more than animal status as the family pet performs for him.

It would be interesting to see how many other people believe this is the case because I can't for one minute believe a sane woman would lower herself to this level.

Interesting also to note that no women have come forward to offer any 'Expert' advice, given that they are the one actually experiencing this act, although the men seem have a pretty good handle on its technicalities.


Just as a side, I read somewhere here that animals are cleaner than humans. 'Hello !', Where did you hear that one ?,

My dog licks himself true, does that make him cleaner than me, I don't think so. I don't after all lick my ass then proceed to lick other parts of my body.

And of course as humans we have exclusive rights to sexually transmitted deseases. Ever here about Trichonosis - thats the one that can cause blindness in small children that have played on the grass in the play area where considerate people have allowed their pet to do it's business.

Wake up and smell the air. If you think a dog who has been licking his butt isn't transmitting, bacteria or parasites when he licks you then you need to get back to grade school.

Oh I forgot, Dog's have special antiseptic saliva, ha ha


Sorry if you find this abrasive but I absolutely abhor animal abuse.
and do you kiss your boyfriends open mouth or does he have to brush his teeth and use anispetic mouth wash first? do you suck his cock when the mood strikes you or make him go wash first? let him take you without being thourougly cleaned first? most people's average sex lives aren't exactly clean.
A woman with a little experience

My husband found the thought of our dog licking me very erotic, and I'm an open-minded person, so we tried it. We used peanut butter, which can be a bit messy, but worked. I didn't find the experience very enjoyable(a few accidential nips), and I didn't get the feeling our dog was enjoying it much either, so it only lasted until the peanut butter was gone. I won't do this just didn't arouse me. But if all parties are willing(including the dog) have some fun.
Well I guess my partner does just happen to brush his teeth daily, not at my request, just because he does. and since he doesn't lick his arse I have no problem there anyway. As for the other, thankfully yes we are regular shower takers.

Our dog on the other hand appears not to have actually brushed his teeth at all this year :(

He has been caught snuffling in the cat litter tray I may add for which he did get repremanded, but hey dogs are like that aren't they. What else, oh yes showers, I afraid he hasn't done that either, I think the faucet is a bit too high for him to turn on. He does however indulge in a couple of genital washing sessions each day. I don't know if thats after checking out the cat litter tray first or not since I don't pre occupy my time studying his person hygenie regime.

On the second point, bacterial infections do occur between men and women, I never claimed that they didn't infact they probably higher than many people think. The point is certain infections are combatible by our own immune system, I wouldn't want to extend that list to include bacteria common to dogs or cats.

All of this is beside the point. Sexual abuse of an animal is an abuse of power. As I mentioned before, no different to child abuse, also an abuse of power. Both are hineous acts, carried out by self indulgent individuals.
that, SM, was pretty much my point although i didn't have the patience to write that much in response. Your dogs hygiene including his teeth, are in fact *your* responsibility! so if you haven't had them cleaned i'd suggest you consider it. perhaps your boyfriend is to well trained, and you haven't had to worry about turning on the water for anyone else in awhile, but as you pointed out, your dog cannot, so please make yourself a note to do that for him as well. he is after all, as you put it, less powerful then you are, and totally your responsibility.
I wonder sometimes if people actually understand the english language or perhaps I was too subtle.

I said sic. 'Our dog on the other hand appears not to have actually brushed his teeth at all this year. '

That doesn't imply his teeth aren't cleaned, just that he is incapable of performing that task for himself.

The same applies to the part about showers, though to be honest no he hasn't had a bath yet this year.

What has power got to do with a dog being able to turn on a faucet that it is out of reach ? Perhaps I should use better synonyms.

Yes I agree these things are my responsibility, just as are making sure he gets all his shots, is well fed, treated and exercised.

I also have a responsibility not to abuse the privilege of being a dog owner by mistreating him or using him for my own selfish pleasure or desires.

That's the point that people seem to find difficult to understand.
i'm going to bow out of this conversation now, with this. what you do in your bed privately is your thing... have fun. everyone has an opinion here, and obviously emotions are a bit heated. Sorry if you missed my Sarcasm and amusement SM... i'm off to laugh with people who can laugh at themselves and don't take other peoples sexual habits so damn seriously.

I'm outta here
Well I can see that no matter what is said , there are some people that wont ever accept or approve certain sexual acts.
It is America, everyone has a freedom of choice. I'm Not saying that everyone should call their dogs over and spread their legs, and "abuse them". And I'm Not saying that you all should shit on their partners and play in it either. Some people like that and some don't. You shouldnt bash someone because of their sexual tastes. Enough said.
Sir1765 said:
You shouldnt bash someone because of their sexual tastes. Enough said.

I can't agree with that at all. Do you really think that anybody's sexual tastes are ok? Does that include ppl who like small children? Men and women who like to rape and torture others?

There are just some things you have to draw the line at.

The only reason I brought up the legal point is because someone else said they've never seen laws against fucking your animal...only someone else's...I was just correcting them.
The problem here is that society deems what's right and wrong. If you look at various cultures, you'll find that someof them have every day common beliefs that would be considered by us to be morally wrong. Like having more than one wife, or marrying inside the family, or an adult having sex with a 12 year old child. These are all socially acceptable acts in different cultures. We just don't agree with them because of what our society has set as our socially acceptable standards. I personally don't put much value in society, for I find it is so contradictory to itself.

Put plenty of Hellmans mayonnaise on her hot pussy and asshole and your dog will lick her to orgasm after orgasm......

~~~Irv the Perv~~~