How Do I convince My Dog!

Thanks for replys, certainly brought up so moral issues, about me being a rapist, abuser( As nothing has happened that carnt be right) talking of abuse do i have the same rights as my dog, who's name is Tyson by the way. i dropped my pen out of my pocket bent down to pick it up the other day and he was on my back like a flash,(wish he did the same to my wife lol ) took a box of dog buiscuts to get him off.... Do i go and tell the police as i feel abused... OOOO so you mean only Tyson has rights. Anyway thats another debate.

Right latest update still trying to work on, she said maybe the other day! but thats because she wanted to go shopping (women)! lol........Watch this space!
Use Peanut Butter on Your Wife's Clit and Pussy Lip's.

What does YourDog Like that He Loves to Lick.
You know. Is Your Wife into it.They have to have a Special Bond. Experiment, until You get the Right Atmosphere they like Music To. Try Barry White or Andre Bochel
Good Will Hunting, Ole! Bow WoW.
JailBait said:

Thank goodness I live in Cali...

Why? If you live in a state that doesn't have the law, no one is going to force you to fuck a sheep or something. You probably won't even see it. Contrary to popular belief, there is not this sweeping wave of sheep(dog,pig,monkey, etc)-fuckers throughout America that desperately need to be put down.
All this arguing about this, is B.S. some people like things that others dont its the way it is. I dont see where its hurting the animal to let it do what it does naturally. Cruelty to animals give me a break, there are people out there doing alot worse things to animals than this. Go jump on their ass, and I would be glad to help you. I being a female I gave tried this act, and I was a little scared at first, but I wanted to see for myself, what if anything the dog would do if given the chance to lick. Nothing forced just natural opportunity. I can say he has a awsome tongue, I never came so hard and so often, there was a bit of taboo with it, but wow. Im not saying I will give up human contact for the love of my pet, but where was the harm. I know you will bash me for being Unregistered, but I needed to say this, soon to be registered user Debby
Woof - gag!

I'm reluctant to even add to this nonsense however...I'm glad JAILBAIT pointed out -finally - that sex with animals is ILLEGAL and punishable by lengthy stays at the crowbar hotel where doubtless your room mate "Bubba," a dog lover with an IQ of 55 and hung like a freakin Rhino would teach you the error of your ways.

I'd like to point out also that if you lived in some Arab countries such an act would be punishable by some typical sentence from that part of the world. I mean, routinely the woman victim in a RAPE conviction gets sentenced to more lashes than her attacker. Go figure the logic in that.
Anyway sex with a goat or having a camel dork your wife would probably get you death. Not probably. It's how they'd do it what would worry me. Death by a thousand cuts (box cutters, no doubt) and rancid camel dung poked in all the cuts. while you die of massive infection you're made to run across the desert with some fat mullah's fatter wife on your back...something like that. Maybe worse. Ya...worse!

In some defence of singling out the Arab world it should be noted that most of the "Bible Belt " states in the USA had laws against cunnilingus and felatio up until...well I think many of them still do. The Playboy legal Foundation has gone to the aid of a number of men thrown in prison for 799 years for going down on their wives. Some nasty girl being happily gobbled until she decides to divorce him and when he doesn't roll over and give her everything he owns , she has him charged with a "Crime Against NAture" - as the church call s it. Of course it's a crime for the church. The more women swallow the fewer folk around in a few years to toss $$ in the collection tray, right? Right! So check. MOST of the southern states still have HUGE sentences for such acts of depravity. Personally I think it's worth ever lick..the danger that is. It makes it a LOT more exciting, doesn't it, knowing that going down on a girl or having your peepee sucked on could land you in prison for a thousand years with Bubba? Sure it does.

Which brings me back to the sikfuk and his wife and dog. It seems to me that if she's so ugly that he wants his DOG to take over his marital duties then he should be flogged. Somebody call the SPCA. Sure dogs eat their own puke sometimes but this dog obviously has higher standards than our dear contributor. If the dog is sooo reluctant (as is the hubbie it seems) to dork his wife
then he has no choice but to pick some LOWER species for this a LAWYER or a POLITICIAN.
iam personally Fasinated that You knew All Along how faithful pets can be.

Dear Debbie: The Barry White thing was to get Your attention. they do react to certain music differently.I new there was at least one lady who was willing to step forward and share Her Experiences,You got Balls! So you'll register, You've got nothing to hide.Here Try two Of these kama sutra Positions and email me in the Monning,
ciao, Doc4uLuv:p
about the laws...

EVERYTHING, other than the standard missionary between a male and female, (both must be human), is against the law in wonder we are so far behind the rest of the country...we can't have any fun!:confused:
Re: degrading....

Originally posted by Snork Maiden
Apart from all the other 'bs' in this thread, which I find personally offensive as a woman and a human being. I have to wonder if it is the womans desire to be fucked by a dog or the mans fantasy to see his wife degraded to nothing more than animal status as the family pet performs for him.

It would be interesting to see how many other people believe this is the case because I can't for one minute believe a sane woman would lower herself to this level.

Interesting also to note that no women have come forward to offer any 'Expert' advice, given that they are the one actually experiencing this act, although the men seem have a pretty good handle on its technicalities.

Hi there
Now thats interesting. Why are people interested in interspecies copulation? Since it can never produce offspring, inclusive fittness of genetics is out. Pure hedonism is a possability. Perhaps simplicity and convience, no questions, no entanglements at all, not even the most basic human interaction problems can occur. Most likely the reasons that men and women would be intested would vary, but in what way? There seem to be a great number of sites offering this type of material, so what ever it is it must be quite compelling. It is possible that some would see this as a control issue rather than being controlled as your comment about "lowering herself to this level" implies. I really think this is interesting as personally I find the topic compelling and don't really know why. But in the service of good questions, this last statement. The reasons people would like to watch are probably quite different than the reasons of those who would like to participate.
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Well Once Again The Morell Of This Thread Is How Much Morells Everyone Has, Its Not Helping , If You Dont Like This Sort Of Thing Find Another Thread, And To All Those Who Want To Live and Let Live Even If It Isnt Your Thing Your So Welcome.

I would like some coments from anyone who has actuly tried it though, even if its a e.mail
Take Care

Yo, sexjunkie. A MORELL is a poisonous MUSHROOM.

Nice Freudian slurp...ummm slip.

You're obviously a skilled and cunning lingusit.

Very cleaver.
Hi everyone
I posted here the other day, I was unregistered. Im glad to part of the Lit. family, now all I need to do is get past the "virgin" status... Love me or hate for what I do, I really dont care. We all enjoy different things, and different levels of pleasure, I dont see a need beat someone up over it. I will agree that trying to force someone (person or animal) is wrong. Which I guess is how this thread got started. I said it before and I will say it again I have received a licking from my dog, and it was so intense, is the only way to describe it. I will never give up human contact for it, but its a nice addition.
DDebby said:
...I will agree that trying to force someone (person or animal) is wrong. Which I guess is how this thread got started. I said it before and I will say it again I have received a licking from my dog, and it was so intense, is the only way to describe it. I will never give up human contact for it, but its a nice addition.

I'm with you Debbi.

I don't think it is an abuse to love your pet to it's ultimate conclusion. It would be wrong to force your dog to do anything but if he's is willing then where is the harm.

I don't know how to advise you (Sex Junkie) on the best way to get your dog to gain interest in your wife, if he isn't interested he isn't interested I guess.

My first experience was accidental but I have to admit extremely intense licking. It was a neighbors dog and I was babysitting at the time, he didn't need any encouragement - you could say he was a very forward dog. I do remember at the time I was in the middle of my cycle so whether or not that had anything to do with it I don't know.

Getting him to actually mount me was a different story, that happened a few months after the first contact when I was feeling bolder and had done some research.

The dog has to feel comfortable with your wife , that is important, she must get used to handling his penis and talking to him and also get him used to seeing her naked. After all he doesn't usually get that pleasure.
Play around with him roll about, get him to think she is a dog too. She must sniff him, let him sniff her. You will find the rest follows naturally.

PS. It might be an idea to let your wife do this in your absense as your presence may prevent him from loving your wife. Your dog probably regards you as 'Top Dog' and your wife as your property. In your absence she will be fair game to him.

Let me know what happens

Sammy I would like to Thank You and applaud you for coming forward and admitting what you have done. It does take courage.
How long have you been into this kind of fun? Does anyone know in RT what you do in private? Maybe we could chat in private sometime, or even E-Mail....
Hey Debby,

I guess it's no big deal, I am sure more people have tried it to varying degrees without out actually admitting it.

I was 19 when I was initiated as I said before it was totally accidental but I can't describe how amazingly powerful the sensations were, sorry guys you come nowhere close to performing oral in quality or quantity.

I keep my 'perversion' to myself, I am not ashamed of the fact that I do it, but it certainly isn't something I would let anyone else in on in the real life.

Judging by some of the highly moralized posts here you can understand why.

Having said that I reiterate that I agree that it is wrong to force any animal to do something it doesn't want to. Having said that, again, any dog owner knows that if your dog isn't happy he will let you know, and I would want an unhappy dog anywhere near my tender spots if you get my meaning. Explaining a set of canine teeth marks around your vulva might prove embarassing at the area ER.

I am fortunate to have my own apartment, and as they say 'who knows what goes on beyond closed doors?'


hey, i don't really know if anyone actually gave you any real advice, and i don't want to read the whole tread cause it's kind of sick, but if it's a male dog, just have your wife get down on all fours and have her ass up in the air, most male dogs will usually try to mount her and go at it......
consensual--and a real answer

.....Allowing a male dog to mount your wife may be disgusting to many, punishable by death someplaces (tho I'm sure it happens all the time)...but it certainly isn't nonconsensual. I would suspect he would very much enjoy it. It CERTAINLY isn't in the same class as rape or pedophilia.

For a real answer see:
under "How to have sex with a dog"

Let us know how it turns out (assuming you're serious)

Absolutely Cream Pie Boy.

If the dog isn't interested he isn't interested. This seems to be the problem with the sexjunkie's dog.

I know two dogs very well and they don't have any hesitation when I present myself, in my opinion I want it and they want it. Its totally consentual on both sides.

Perhaps sexjunkie's dog is gay :)
