how do I deal with girlfriends past

me again

Thanks white rose, sounds like you really know what I'm going through. The posts on here have really helped me. I know whats past is past, as you can tell, im serious about this girl and know she is serious about me, I dont want any skeletons in the closet so to speak, put the ghosts away and move on.

She is insecure about her body, even though so is very pretty. She does have hang ups about "down there" and like someone said, maybe a ex commented on it in a bad way and made her paranoid, she takes things to heart and is very sensitive.

She said that since women all have what she has and as react the same way when aroused, then it was easier to let the women go down on her, cause she had one too? It sort of makes sense if she thinks men would judge her or compare or think she gets to wet or something, anything like that.

I do see pictures in my mind, I know almost all of the main things that happened, at the time, it was a turn on , her as the story teller and we had great sex after(during). Now my mind punishes me, I pushed her, like you, to tell me more, now I feel haunted.

I am dealing though, these posts help me so much.

Why are you worrying? She's with you now and you're quite lucky. You have a sexually experienced woman who can tell you exactly what she wants.
Life is too short too worry --- go for it and enjoy:p
Get over it man,thats nothing my girl has told me all about her past. She told me in depth about everything she has done including having been gangbanged six times. She doen't care what anyone thinks about her and I get turned on listening to her stories.
Would anyone be interested in reading her stories or has someone got some good gangbang stories to tell?
Tell you what, let's change places for a day.

My partner discovered six months into our relationship, that I had three relationships in one year, prior to meeting her. Since then it has become a war of the roses.

Love without trust is meaningless. We often make the mistake to think that if we love someone, we should marry them. In my opinion, I have to say it is wrong.

We should change the way we propose to a woman. "I trust you. Would you marry me?"

So, what I am trying to say is, live with it, or get out. That green monster can cause a lot of problems, unless you are mature enough to control it.