How do we destroy the two-party system?

Most gov't are formed after an election, that's how elections work.
But it's different with a presidential or separation-of-powers system. The executive is elected with his own separate mandate, and takes office regardless of his level of support in the legislature. So no one party having a legislative majority does not impede the process.
PR is a better way to elect a multimember policymaking body -- Congress, a state legislature, a city council.

For election to just one office -- president, governor, sheriff -- see instant-runoff voting.
Most gov't are formed after an election, ...
With the seeds of their own destruction.

We hold elections every two years, so now, the resistance begins in the open and not in the cabinet (but we do have an entrenched bureaucracy too that answers to no master and it loathes Trump; can thwart him). All the Left needs to do is win the House.

Big Orange Vulture Capitalist becomes lame duck...
Destroying the two-party system is more urgent now than ever.
That is the clarion call of the loser which is heard as a plaintive whine by the victor.

The two-party system is healthy, alive and well.

The one-party ideas might be ill...