How do you know??

Re: Re: apology

glad I'm forgiven :p

Kimura said:
Don't worry about it, about 90% of the people on here did at first. They try to read my name like an english word which it isn't. It's pronounced kee-merra, it's Japanese.
Hey I don't hold a grudge.:D The band was called Genatortures or something like that.
Well.. That explains it LOL the name of the band.

I'll stick with type o negative thank you very much

Kimura said:
Hey I don't hold a grudge.:D The band was called Genatortures or something like that.
ME TOOOO! bf got me into them a year ago.
there awesome. he loves music one of his passions.. he wanted me to know him more.
music is how he expresses himself and stuff. anyway so he was showing me music he likes
LMAO first song he showed me.. was.. Christian woman by type O.
I was like :eek: LMAO

Kimura said:
I love Type O.
Pixie Mischief said:
ME TOOOO! bf got me into them a year ago.
there awesome. he loves music one of his passions.. he wanted me to know him more.
music is how he expresses himself and stuff. anyway so he was showing me music he likes
LMAO first song he showed me.. was.. Christian woman by type O.
I was like :eek: LMAO
That was the first song I heard by them, I was like"I have to get this album".
I was rather shocked LMAO!
hes burnt me a copy of that album and october rust.

Kimura said:
That was the first song I heard by them, I was like"I have to get this album".
I think that my favorite song by them is the Summer Breeze cover they did that song is sad yet beautiful at the same time.
Mine is "love you to death" makes me cry almost.

Kimura said:
I think that my favorite song by them is the Summer Breeze cover they did that song is sad yet beautiful at the same time.