How do you settle down? (Closed)

He enjoyed feeling her orgasm on his shaft as he pushed himself hard and deep into her, hearing her ask softly for what she seemed to crave. He came inside her, flooding her womb with his thick, warm cum, holding onto her hips, groaning softly in pleasure.
She screamed in pleasure and collapse under him feeling full and loving how he took control
He allowed her to collapse, flopping down next to her on the bed, breathing hard. He was in the best shape of his life, but for some reason this angry fuck had him trying to catch his breath. He raised a hand to stroke over the cheek that Alyona had slapped, flexing his jaw a little.

"So . . . why do you . . . hate the word . . . slave, so much?"
Alyona turn her back to him and shrugged: " I just felt like....I did not like you saying that me being caring was equivalent to being like a sex slave. If you insist, we can just be married on paper and we can find new partners...i just might not be your type..." replied annoyed: " I know , you seem to believe , i am some peasant girl that was brought up to obey her husband bullshit cause your ignorant. But i am not, more chance i kill you for inssurance ..."
"Oh stop being so dramatic. I'd rather be married to you than just have your name on a paper. Of course, there will be moments when we misunderstand each other. We don't know each other at all, we basically only met yesterday."

He smiled to himself at her threat of most likely killing him for insurance, "I didn't mean that if you care for me you are a slave. I am just not used to somebody looking after me and I don't want you to solely focus on me, but on you as well. That is all."

He looks at her, "Don't be mad about something like this? I want to get to know you better, but I can't if you are angry with me."
She turn away from him dramatically as if ignoring him while she is hiding a smile, whispers: " i don't know about that....i like being angry with was pretty amazing...might pick fight just for the sex..." *Smirk to herself *
He turned on his side to look at her, his eyes narrowing in suspicion

"Waaaaait a minute, are you taking a mickey out of me right now?"
He met her eyes and saw the still lingering humor there from her silently laughing to herself

"Ah yes, I just translated an American saying. Taking a mickey means that you are making fun of somebody."

He had only realized at her confused look that they had been talking in Russian ever since she got here.
Alyona nodded:" I see... Micky is like joke...okay..."* * She didn't bother answering him, and closed her eyes:" thank you, good night..." * She started enjoying messing with him*
He groaned and playfully punched her arm, making sure not to hurt her.

"It's early morning, I don't see any good night."

He got up off the bed, went to the closet to get fresh clothes, and walked out of the room to go have a shower and start with the rest of his day.
She smirked and curled up in bed and pulled the blanket over her head. She had no intention of waking up, she plan sleep in the whole day. She loved that soreness she felt from his intense pounding.
He continued his day by starting with another cup of coffee. Then went about his chores of feeding and caring for the animals, he checked on his e-mails every hour or so and then carried on with his work.

It always felt good to work outside, it reminded him that there was much more to life than his old life.
Alyona looked online for nice cooking recipes and also look for a movie to watch. She plan make porc shop with double baked potatoes and peas . Adding a nice apple pie for dessert, top it off with a nice fresh salad. She started marinate the meat before going to see her husband in the barn: " I was thinking making salad, pork chop, potatoes and pie for tonight, what you say? And i have a great movie to watch , Mr & Mrs Smith! I been wanting watch it for soo long...i love assassin movies..."
He looked up from his work when Alyona came into the barn, he was glad to see that she had gotten out of bed and was talking to him, even planning meals and activities. He wanted to say that the movies were never like the real thing, but if she would ask him how he knew, he could not really answer her.

Instead, he smiled at her and nodded, "That sounds wonderful, I will definitely enjoy that. Need help with anything?"
She thought it over:" before you return home , could you bring milk from the goat/ cow... I will make some cheese,butter and cream for tomorrow....oh and eggs,please... I will grab some veggies for salad..."

She quickly grabbed lettuces, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots for the salad and rushed inside. She started prepare every ingredient and began to cook. Soon enough when she open the window, he would smell the delicious meal that made his stomach growl*
He looked after her when she left, it was quite different to have another person around. He wasn't used to it and found that it did have an impact on his normal way of doing things. He grinned at the thought of her slapping him, which led to him losing a bit of control in the morning.

Luckily the goat had a kit and would be able to provide the milk that she had wanted, he could smell the food she was making and thought that if there was nothing else, he was quite happy that she could make very tasty food. After milking the goat and giving her an extra helping of feed, he went into the house and placed the milk down on the draining board.

"There you go, that is as much as I can get for you now, can't steal all of the little guy's milk."

He gave her a grin and sniffed, "That smells very good, seems like you are using the spices I never had any use for."
She point to a piece of paper: " I made a list of new spices to buy and other stuff" * she kissed him as she made him taste the salad:" mind setting the table,Hun?"

She started to hand him the dishes to place on the table and motion to start with the salad:" eat up..."
He picked up the paper and had a look over it, most of the names were in Russian, which meant that he would have to re-write the list into English. He took the plates and cutlery and set the table, washing up before sitting down as she placed the dishes on the table. All of it looked perfect, he dished up for himself and started to eat.

"Hmm, I should have married you sooner, I have been missing out on great meals all this time."
Alyona smiled as she made her own dish and smiled as her replied:"Hmm, I should have married you sooner, I have been missing out on great meals all this time."

She smiled: " I will just have to fatten yopu up from now on to make up for it."
He chuckled, "And I will try my best to not get fat from all this good food."

He finished his meal and leaned back in his seat, "Thank you, that was a wonderful meal."
She finished her own dish and smiled:" I will place the rest in a topawear in the fridge... If you go back to work and I am busy
You can sprinkle water over it and pop in the microwave, okay?". She kissed him and started clean up the kitchen and put things away, slowly*
He was done with the work outside and knew that she wanted to watch the movie a bit later. He went to his room and retrieved a bag from his safe, he stopped in the kitchen, "I'll be back in about an hour or so."

He walked to the barn, got on the small dirtbike, and after kicking it to life, he drove off into the field.
She kissed him as he passed through the kitchen:" hurry up, I'll prepare snacks for movie. She started make marshmallow balls, popcorn and cold drink. She waited for him in the livingroom in a babydoll
He returned a few hours later, stowed the bike away, and entered the house, after stowing away the bag, he had a shower and changed into comfortable clothes. He found her in the living room, dressed in what appeared more like sleepwear than anything else. He looked at the snacks she had set out and took a seat on the couch next to her, "You've been busy, it looks like you really are planning to fatten me up."