How many AH participants take delight in male physicality?

I do write a fair bit about men's appearance, cos female gaze, innit. Especially if it's their bodies that are particularly attractive,
You've written 63 stories. Too many to browse. Can you name some where this happens?
Part of it is people writing for a male audience who want to imagine themselves in the place.of the male character. Apparently that's why men in heterosexual porn are usually mostly off-screen apart from their dicks, and when they do appear, are pretty non-descript.

That's exactly what it is, not just part, mostly, often the only reason.

The other smaller reason is 'no-homo'. A minority of men actually don't like the idea of another man in the room. They don't want even a hint of anything that might be gay. Developing the male lead in a stroke story with details that do not resemble the reader himself feels like another guy in the room and it's a turn off. It's also why fmf, ffm, or fmffff (however many) is always welcome, but a second m in the menage will get downvoted. I know that this is a thing because a lot guys in the chat are this way. They don't want to see another dick in the room but their own just to make sure that there is nothing gay in the scene whatsoever. It is a thing.
That's exactly what it is, not just part, mostly, often the only reason.

The other smaller reason is 'no-homo'. A minority of men actually don't like the idea of another man in the room. They don't want even a hint of anything that might be gay. Developing the male lead in a stroke story with details that do not resemble the reader himself feels like another guy in the room and it's a turn off. It's also why fmf, ffm, or fmffff (however many) is always welcome, but a second m in the menage will get downvoted. I know that this is a thing because a lot guys in the chat are this way. They don't want to see another dick in the room but their own just to make sure that there is nothing gay in the scene whatsoever. It is a thing.

one of the lowest stories in an ongoing series of mine involved 2 of the male characters together... where the female is more involved, the ratings are higher. same where the female is with another female.

I am usually vague about characters as i find too much detail annoys me when reading! You want mystery (well, I do) I want to discover something, or imagine something, not have it all given to me. I did have to go through several of my own stories just to confirm the F was blonde. In my mind she was, but I wasn't sure I had actually written it. Several times the M has been self-conscious and pointed out other men are more 'manly', but, as I said, I tend to leave more to the imagination.
You've written 63 stories. Too many to browse. Can you name some where this happens?
Offhand, try Turkish Delight or Sex Swing Satisfaction (both GM). There's various paragraphs in Educating Laura but you'd need to search. Probably ch3 where she ends up in a threesome with Richie & Andy.
A scene that I'm working on involved a girl wearing tight pants, so I googled for some imagery and as i scrolled down I saw ...


(blush, whistles innocently)
I'll say this very bluntly: the lit-verse needs more detailed sexy male characters. The vast majority of male characters (certainly in stroke stories) are faceless or even invisible. People complain about weakly written female characters, but at least the girls get measurements and hair color and a short skirt or something. The men are nothing but a big dick. Now certainly sexiness involves more than just the physical, but this is erotica and erotica centers on pleasures of the body. Those characters who are merely emotionally and intellectually sexy are fine in romance but romance is only a small slice of erotica. Where are the sculpted abs? the chiseled cheekbones? the thick bedhead hair? Where are the confident guys? the daring guys? Where are the lifeguards? the covert spies? the race car drivers? Most stories just have a faceless dick that gets lucky. As a female reader it gets very disappointing.
They are in GM.
Mmmmmm, nothing like some hunky eye-candy.... I like to keep my character physical descriptions a little general tho and leave it to the reader to draw the image in their mind - that said, I always work with images of my main characters pinned on my corkboard - I like to have them there so I can stay consistent and have that image of them in my mind....

I've been told by a number of women that some of my stories get a female gaze going on, but I'm never sure about it. They've said there's a "strong male sense" about my stories which they like, but I don't know if that's from my characters or from the writing - which I know has a strong male gaze on the women in them, because the women interest me far more than the men. They're the fantasy, not the men in the stories, but perhaps I give my MCs more physical screen time than I think. I don't count the sentences though, and don't stop the story to describe him.

Having said that, my long ago beta reader, who was bisexual, said I wrote better head than he did; and the chapter with a long male sex scene in my Arthurian yarn has an upwards blip in both score and views, which I attribute to people reading it twice and liking what they've found. I've also had readers think I'm a woman, which I suspect comes from the way I write intimacy, with a balanced gaze, not so much the way I write the male physicality.

When I do get into detail about a younger man, he tends to be tall and slender with a swimmer's physique, tanned with blond hair and blue eyes, but that's only because I'm writing the young me. The older version gets silvering hair and the grizzled beard, drives a blue car. And when on occasion I look at a man and think, you're a good looking man, he's either androgynous like the young Sting from The Police, or like George Clooney.

Then there's my Mickey Spillane tribute story, where the street-wise PI gets to fuck the young me, but I suspect it's more about narcissism than anything else. I don't think this answers @AG31's question though, not really.
I don't take delight in the male physicality, as a straight dude, but I do understand that there are female readers as well as male. In my stories I always feature attractive men as well as women. Because I want a woman to enjoy the story as much as any man. So the men are handsome, sometimes ruggedly so, generally fit and/or moderately muscular. I describe their build and height, rather simply with terms like broad shouldered, stocky, chiseled, lean, tall, medium height, and then add eye and hair color. This is enough for a reader to get a mental picture.
I don't think this answers @AG31's question though, not really.
OK, let me try to answer it for you. I haven't read most of your stories, but most of the ones I have read don't exhibit a delight in male physicality because your men are too busy delighting in feminine physicality.

But Tied up by a Mistress and Her Maid does a splendid job of portraying male physicality. I found it delightful.
This guy is available if any women are interested - (from my upcoming story - A Maiden-Song)

The taller, rough-looking older guard stepped forward. His broad intimidating presence towered over me. Strands of scraggly charcoal-and-ash hair leaked from beneath his helm, the thin greasy tendrils reaching to his shoulders. He held out a dingy hand and said in a voice as hard and raspy as a sword blade held against a grinding wheel, "Love, is it? Well, love has a price."

I suspected this introduction turned out differently than the guard planned, and feared a possible thrashing as he led me into the hallway. The guard moved his face close to mine. His crooked smile revealed several missing teeth, and as he spoke in a hushed voice, his rotting breath washed over my face. "Like you, I once loved a woman. But I was a coward and did not fight hard enough to win her love."
That's exactly what it is, not just part, mostly, often the only reason.

The other smaller reason is 'no-homo'. A minority of men actually don't like the idea of another man in the room. They don't want even a hint of anything that might be gay. Developing the male lead in a stroke story with details that do not resemble the reader himself feels like another guy in the room and it's a turn off. It's also why fmf, ffm, or fmffff (however many) is always welcome, but a second m in the menage will get downvoted. I know that this is a thing because a lot guys in the chat are this way. They don't want to see another dick in the room but their own just to make sure that there is nothing gay in the scene whatsoever. It is a thing.
A minority? I'd have said a majority. I've always thought there's a fairly strong homophobic under-current here at Lit, mockingly referred to as the Real Men of Lit, so macho they could be in an old Village People video. There's a bunch of people who seem to protest pretty loudly, "Oh no, not me," whenever this pops up.
This has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, but every time I open the AH and see "How Many AH Participants..." I want to complete it with "...does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"

I don't have an answer for that, but there have to be some good ones.
This has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, but every time I open the AH and see "How Many AH Participants..." I want to complete it with "...does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"

I don't have an answer for that, but there have to be some good ones.
Which would lead to comparison on how long the separate AH participants could sustain the screwing.
A minority of men actually don't like the idea of another man in the room. They don't want even a hint of anything that might be gay.
Most heterosexuals are disgusted by homosexuality. It's what you would expect. I dunno how having another dude watch me plow some chick is homosexual however. Then again, I've never thought homosexuality was that odd either.
I had been taken with him straight away. Kind blue eyes, dark hair, woodsman's patchy beard, nice long rangy build, flannel shirts and jeans, a little shy, even awkward.
Most heterosexuals are disgusted by homosexuality. It's what you would expect. I dunno how having another dude watch me plow some chick is homosexual however. Then again, I've never thought homosexuality was that odd either.
This isn't heterosexuality. It's homophobia.
This isn't heterosexuality. It's homophobia.
I didn't claim it was heterosexuality; I claimed it was an attribute of most heterosexuals. As far as the moralism, that's for the politics board... or maybe we need a religion board.
I didn't claim it was heterosexuality; I claimed it was an attribute of most heterosexuals. As far as the moralism, that's for the politics board... or maybe we need a religion board.
It's an attribute of homophobic heterosexuals. I don't have numbers to back this up, but in my experience that isn't 'most' heterosexuals.

EDIT: worth noting too that not looking for it in your porn does not necessarily constitute 'disgust.'
I seem to rarely write more than one sentence at a time about looks, before getting into action or dialogue. Did find this:

He stood up. I knew Richie had the typical lean physique of a twenty-year-old, but I'd never seen him towering over me before, even if I had seen him wandering the corridor in boxers, as all the lads did. He was more muscular than I'd thought.

His wet shorts clung to him as he waded ashore, showing off a delightfully pert arse. Returning with the rum provided an equally impressive frontal view, with some visible pecs and a larger package in his shorts than I'd have expected.

Richie sat down again, opened his bottle, took a deep slug, and passed it to me.
I didn't claim it was heterosexuality; I claimed it was an attribute of most heterosexuals. As far as the moralism, that's for the politics board... or maybe we need a religion board.
To accurately define a word is value-neutral. It becomes politics when civility is more important than accuracy.