How many AH participants take delight in male physicality?

Most stories just have a faceless dick that gets lucky
That's because most readers are faceless dicks who want to get lucky.

But by all means write a story about a dick that has a face. Not sure what category it should go into. Probably SF.
I write exclusively CFNM, so my stories are very much about the nude male body. I always feature women staring at and appreciating my recurring MC's naked, heavily muscled body. There's a lot of female gaze in my stories; it's a massive turn-on for me, both in my stories and IRL.
I’m not really into the male physique, but I have written a few imo sexy male characters. My most frequent male lead, Doug, has a stocky action hero body similar to Patrick Swayze, Sonny Chiba, and Seann William Scott. His best friends are Boris (Dolph Lundgren type), Clarke (The Rock), and Keith (lanky Chinese guy, Will Yun Lee maybe?). His other friends are Wouter- a thin Dutch ex-soldier and Yoshi- a Japanese noble chef, but I’ve never really detailed their physiques or cast actors for them. I’ve also done stories featuring a roadie engineer, a cowboy, Kratos of Sparta, Solid Snake, bikers, navy guys, and a few male celebrities including Benicio del Toro, Ryan Reynolds, Matthew McConaghey, Eamon Sullivan, and Micheal Phelps. Plus a few guys meant to be modern day representations of Dynasty Warriors characters. Again, no in depth detailed physiques.

I haven’t ever detailed female physiques either, now that I think of it. Not beyond petite, slim, athletic, curvy, or voluptuous. I like to leave some things to the imagination. Readers can also google a lot of my female leads if they need pics. Same is true for the non-original male characters. The original female characters… force of habit kicks in most of the time and I don’t detail them much either after the introductory paragraphs. I think only my most recurring female character Lisa has ever gotten a weight class or cup size (featherweight and C if anyone cares). I doubt I’ll ever post her or anyone else’s full measurements. Not like any of my characters would be able to tell such details at a glance or care.

I’ve only ever seen one complaint about lack of detail in original character descriptions. I guess other readers have adequate imagination or AI art tools.
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I write exclusively CFNM, so my stories are very much about the nude male body. I always feature women staring at and appreciating my recurring MC's naked, heavily muscled body. There's a lot of female gaze in my stories; it's a massive turn-on for me, both in my stories and IRL.
And I love your stories!
I'm not really into it, but I incorporated some of this in my story Lisa and the Pool Boy, which, as the title suggests, involves an older woman staring at a handsome young pool boy through the blinds of her house. Things go from there. It's the only story I can think of where I tried to play up a significant "female gaze" element. If I ever get around to writing my planned gay male story, there will be a lot of emphasis on the male physique.
Yes, I do!

Personally, I wouldn't enjoy writing a smut story if I wasn't horny for all of the characters involved. However I'm also a fantasy writer and the men I write about are usually non-human races/creatures like dragons, lizardfolk, gnolls, etc. Human men don't excite me much so I rarely have them included as the focus.

Within this context I'm definitely attracted to stereotypically "masculine" features, so I'm absolutely gonna describe the fantasy beast-man's rippling abs, bulging muscles, broad shoulders, and his throbbing, veiny cock etc alongside the more animalistic traits like sharp teeth, claws, hard scales, rugged fur, and so on.
Obviously there are a lot of such folks reading and writing in the GM genre, but the only GM author I've noticed here in AH is @KeithD. If I'm missing people, would you speak up?

And then there's me. A male MC (a good looking one) is essential in what I read and write. Neither I nor my stories are gay oriented (although there are hints, and some would say blatant homosexualtity. But I don't agree.).

Here's why I'm curious. I'm 80 now and almost all of my life I had a low libido. My sexual relations were more romantic and interpersonal than erotic and physical. A not un-common experience for women, I think. Then, 3 and a half years ago I had an experience that suddenly opened up the world of appreciating male physicality. The example that most describes this, I think, is that I undress men with my eyes. In places like church and the subway. Their faces don't have to be particularly attractive, but as long as they aren't chubby I can get a happy image. I imagine this is a little more like life is for men. Well, anyway, to hear my hubby tell it.

This was a gift, and, in general, I feel more whole than I ever had before.

But I've noticed that I don't find much written or discussed about simple appreciation of male physicality, on the order of what you find regarding female physicality. It feels pretty healthy and I'm just wondering if I'm just not looking in the right places.

Let me know what you think.
Hmmm... there you go, making me think... I've never really liked men's bodies. I like men, I've enjoyed the company of my buddies and my comrades in arms, but I really have always loved the pure beauty of the female body.

Years ago I fell in love with the F-16, a slim, curvaceous little airplane with a nasty temper. I worked on that airplane for a year all the while trying to figure out why I liked it so much. It didn't have a bomb bay, it had seven engines less than I was used to, It had a gun that could shoot the pilot in his back, and it weighed less that many weapons packages that I put on B-52s. Why did I like it so much? Then I looked back on my favorite airplanes (F-106, F-4, F-16, B-1) they all have something in common called the area rule. The area rule is an aerodynamic curvature of the fuselage which gives them a feminine "wasp shape" The B-52 didn't need that because it wasn't going anywhere fast, and if the F-111 had it, it was hidden beneath huge wings and leaks of all kinds of fluids which makes an airplane unattractive.

To me the most beautiful thing on earth is a woman's back, curves flowing off her shoulders, maybe a hint of breast on each side from behind, then narrowing to her waist, then sweeping out to round hips and curving around to her delightful buttocks. That's actually area rule also, those gentle curves reduces aerodynamic drag at transonic speeds on the F-106, F-4, B-1, and F-16. If a woman could fly, with her area rule body she could outfly a blocky C-130 shaped man. So yeah, I just mixed erotica with aerodynamic engineering, but that's why I don't write about men. We're a subsonic species.