How more manly?

Indulge your interests, explore life and be curious. Everything else is an outcome of that.
Manliness is a fun discussion for me because it's about how you present yourself. Work on being assertive, making decisions, talking less, listening and engaging more, and being decision.

Better yet, check out the U.S. Marine Corps's Leadership Traits. There's a phrase JJ DID TIE BUCKLE that summarizes the things you need to do be more manly.

justice, judgment, dependability, initiative, decisiveness, tact, integrity, endurance, bearing, unselfishness, courage, knowledge, loyalty, and enthusiasm
Hi all....

My wife and I have a pretty good sex life. There's a semi-old thread about it if you are curious, where I posted some real life updates. Maybe I'll add to it....

Anyway, we are middle-aged, but still very active and energetic. I'm actually in the best shape of my life right now (like, I actually look good!?), and I can tell she likes it. But as we go through this phase, I can tell that she wants me to be a little more....manly?

Sometimes when we have sex she wants me to take her hard, which is fun and good but it's not something we ever did in the past. I was also never a dirty talker, and now she clearly wants me to sort of objectify her, call her dirty names, etc. And she does make more comments when I'm a little dirtier from working outside.

But, being a little rougher and acting stronger is not something that comes natural to me - or at least I've pushed it down.

So, the question is - what are some things I can do outside and inside the bedroom to be the more physical specimen she wants?
If I was with you I would enjoy you, just as you are. You’d make my anal juices and mucus flow like a golden stream.
What feckin sort of Trump Dirtbag are you?
Not a very good one. I was parodying what I've seen is the MAGA image of manliness, with lots of guns and confederate flags on display at those Trump rallies.
Not a very good one. I was parodying what I've seen is the MAGA image of manliness, with lots of guns and confederate flags on display at those Trump rallies.

He wants to turn on his wife, not make her divorce him and alienate their children.