how to gain 26 posts

And Finally....

(as if anyone bothered to read this)

You guessed it

Im gonna dissapear for a while now to avoid any noteriety lol
As this seems to be sort of a "wasted" thread, I think I'll just screw around a bit, just ignore me....
I'm not sure I even want an avatar....Chosing one would be such a hassle.
Or a scepter of course. Typical phallic symbolism, but that would be so obvious.....
This is sort of like cheating isn't it. Such actions probably shouldn't be encouraged...
I'm separated, my wife left me about 14 months ago.

But I met a wonderful women about 13 months ago.

And I'm happier than I've been in years!
She moved in with me.... When people ask us if we're married we say yes....Just not to each other. :D
I have the most incredible sex with her.
I can talk about things with her I could never talk about with my wife.