how to gain 26 posts

I never believed in "happily ever after".
No I'm not so sure. Hopefully we will be.
That should have read " Now I'm not so sure "

(I could have edited that, but that would be missing the point wouldn't it?)
I live in a very rural area, I like it that way.
Cities are nice to visit but.....
And I can make love in my back yard, swim in the nude with my girlfriend.....
I do possess firearms and am quite proficient in the use of them. So I don't really worry about the lack of a police presence. Besides, there is very little violent crime here.
I can piss off my porch if I choose to.

(Not a good idea though, it attracts insects and pheromone sensitive women)
I haven't got a whole lot of money, my dear wife bankrupted me before she departed.

But the departure was worth every cent! :D
Well, enough of this for now.

Hope I haven't pissed anyone off too much.

Better than an alphabet thread....No?
Scepter said:
Well, enough of this for now.

Hope I haven't pissed anyone off too much.

Better than an alphabet thread....No?

Well, hello Scepter....
Welcome to Literotica. I see you have found a good way to cheat at getting those posts up :D
I do hope however that was not the reason your wife bankrupted & left you! ;)
Yes it is a very big state....But I'm sure we could make it worth the trip :nana:
Kpooh said:
PM me & maybe we could discuss this further ....

I don't know how my GF would feel about that. ;)

I wouldn't want to screw up a good thing.

Have you ever considered a threesome?