How To Prepare For Anal Penetration: The ULTIMATE Guide

Marquis said:
I know I said this already, but the way you talk about anal sex is absolutely thrilling. Where are women like you all in real life? I guess these aren't topics that come up too often in regular day to day environments.

My philosophy is that if certain subjects never come up, then you might want to find an opportunity to bring them up. You'd be surprised at what comes crawling out of the woodwork. "We" are everywhere!

My most recent sexual topic of interest has been male circumcision. I bring up the topic all the time amongst polite society asking their opinion on the practice, which I consider to be barbaric and criminal. And besides that, my experience has been that both the man AND the woman can have more pleasurable sex when the penis is uncircumcised. Of course, in polite society, I pretend that I have only read about the topic - I do not dare mention all the hands-on research I have been doing.

So if you keep sexual topics on a somewhat intellectual level, you can discuss them amongst polite society. Then the bareback buttfuckers will pick up on the fact that you are the straight-up freak in the group and they will corner you later on for a more "nuts-and-bolts" kind of conversation. In answer to your question "Where are we?", I would say that if you find a way to let us know that you are a like-minded individual, we will gladly make ourselves known.

Of course, there was that time when I was having drinks with a group of girlfriends whom I considered to be hip, happening & worldly career women. I told them that I was frustrated over my expense to replace torn pantyhose. (2 or 3 times a week, the guy I was living with at the time would walk in the door with me after work, close the front door, reach under my skirt and rip a hole in the crotch of my pantyhose and fuck my ass off right there in the front hallway. It got to be kind of a habit & I absolutely loved it, but it also got to be rather expensive after a while.) As I was explaining my dilemma, I noticed that the girls were all looking at me as if I had just landed from the planet Mars. They proceeded to tell me that none of them had ever had this experience before and they asked me why didn't I just take off my pantyhose, not understanding that the ripping was a necessary part of the ritual. At that moment, I realized that it's better to give just a hint about your preferences and then wait to see who takes the bait. Giving too much information in polite society settings can send some people into shock.

My idea of nirvana: a world where condoms are no longer needed and pricks are all uncircumcised. Show me a hard, unsheathed, uncircumcised prick and I'll be on it like Whoopi on a white man!!!

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Thats some good advice about making the subtle suggestions. I forgot about this, but I actually used to have a miniature whip on my keychain and sometimes girls would ask me why I had that and when I told them they would be intrigued. Met a lot of interesting people that way.

As for cirumcision, I'll never know what its like to have an uncircumcised dick, but I cant say I'm unhappy with mine. Oh well. At least it didn't happen to me when I was 13 like it happened to all my agemates when I lived in Kenya.
Marquis said:
Thats some good advice about making the subtle suggestions. I forgot about this, but I actually used to have a miniature whip on my keychain and sometimes girls would ask me why I had that and when I told them they would be intrigued. Met a lot of interesting people that way.

As for cirumcision, I'll never know what its like to have an uncircumcised dick, but I cant say I'm unhappy with mine. Oh well. At least it didn't happen to me when I was 13 like it happened to all my agemates when I lived in Kenya.

Ah, mon frere, you may have spoken too soon. Check out these websites:

Circumcision reversal is really catching on. It's described as being a rather simple and painless procedure: when the penis is not in use, the skin below the head of the penis is pulled up over the head and a certain type of "clip" is applied to hold the skin there. In a relatively short period of time, the skin stays there on it's own and the penis is restored to it's pre-circumcision state. All of the sensitivity returns also.

To give you an idea of the sensations that you are missing out on, consider this: the head of the penis (the glans) was ALWAYS meant to be AN INTERNAL ORGAN, just like your tongue is an internal organ. Imagine that if, since you were an infant, your tongue had not been protected by and kept moist by your mouth. Imagine that as a baby, your tongue was surgically removed and implanted on the back of your hand. Do you think this dried out remnant would have retained enough sensitivity to even tell the difference between the taste of a lemon versus the taste of a peach? Or the more subtle differences between the taste of strawberry jelly versus the taste of grape jelly? That's the kind of thing you are missing out on. Makes you want to pass a law against this form of mutilation, doesn't it?

[P.S.: In case you were wondering, most major medical authorities/organizations have concluded that the removal of the foreskin is in no way necessary for health or hygiene reasons. See the supporting info on the aforementioned websites.]
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MsDemeanor said:
Its talk like this that will keep me from trying any of it. :eek:

Nahhh, don't worry about that! Here are some links to the last two threads on this topic:

If you are familiar with your own body - you will know what you will be able to handle with a partner. That's all you need to worry about. Anal sex is wonderful!!!!! It's a shame so many people do it badly!!
brnsuga said:
P.S.: In case you were wondering, most major medical authorities/organizations have concluded that the removal of the foreskin is in no way necessary for health or hygiene reasons. See the supporting info on the aforementioned websites.

Exactly right. There is no medical reason for circumcision. That is why, even though my husband is cut, our young son is not. If he chooses, when he's older, we'll get the procedure for him. Otherwise - forget it!! :)
brnsuga said:
[P.S.: In case you were wondering, most major medical authorities/organizations have concluded that the removal of the foreskin is in no way necessary for health or hygiene reasons. See the supporting info on the aforementioned websites.]


Just a quick note. I am not doctor, nor have I studied up on this topic, but I do recall reading there is evidence now that uncircumcised men, and the human papilloma virus they can carry, can be a cause of cervical cancer in women. I'm sure there is plenty of debate online to look up if one is interested.
TxBelle said:
he said something about making women cry when he ate them (he was stoned and spent the food money on that shit ...BASTARD) I told him they were crying because they were fucking bored and wondering how they managed to pick up such a asshole yet again.

You made me spew orange juice! ROTFL

brnsuga said:
Ah, mon frere, you may have spoken too soon. Check out these websites:

Circumcision reversal is really catching on. It's described as being a rather simple and painless procedure: when the penis is not in use, the skin below the head of the penis is pulled up over the head and a certain type of "clip" is applied to hold the skin there. In a relatively short period of time, the skin stays there on it's own and the penis is restored to it's pre-circumcision state. All of the sensitivity returns also.

To give you an idea of the sensations that you are missing out on, consider this: the head of the penis (the glans) was ALWAYS meant to be AN INTERNAL ORGAN, just like your tongue is an internal organ. Imagine that if, since you were an infant, your tongue had not been protected by and kept moist by your mouth. Imagine that as a baby, your tongue was surgically removed and implanted on the back of your hand. Do you think this dried out remnant would have retained enough sensitivity to even tell the difference between the taste of a lemon versus the taste of a peach? Or the more subtle differences between the taste of strawberry jelly versus the taste of grape jelly? That's the kind of thing you are missing out on. Makes you want to pass a law against this form of mutilation, doesn't it?

[P.S.: In case you were wondering, most major medical authorities/organizations have concluded that the removal of the foreskin is in no way necessary for health or hygiene reasons. See the supporting info on the aforementioned websites.]

Very few men have difficulty orgasming because their cock has been desensitized due to circumcision. Since almost all men orgasm, the more desensitized a penis is, the longer the man can last before orgasm. Last time I read up on it, staying power was considered a big plus.
I think, sometimes, introducing any subject to a person in such a way as to turn them onto an idea so much that they eventually overcome their fears or hangups, and want to give it a try is a good idea. But, I don't think this would work with a person with a true phobia or fear brought about by bad experiences. For those who are just resistant to the concept because of conditioning or societal expectations, it can turn that slight fear into curiousity - but to those who are terrified of the act or have a deeper seated fear of it, for whatever reason, it could cause unwarranted pressure and actually backfire on the person attempting it.

I have a friend who was raped anally, and she was petrified of ever doing it - even with a man she loves and trusts implicitly. The other two of us in the friend threesome love to do it, and perform it at any opportunity. Consequently, her mindset has shifted slightly in this regard - she is now more aware that it can be a very pleasurable act with the right person. And I know it has even crossed her mind once or twice, that she'd like to try it. Bu that's through hearing us talking about it, not through any type of pressure by her boyfriend. I honestly believe that if he tried this trick on her, it would send her completely backwards again, and fill her with the old fear she had previously. Why? Because it's become a pressure, an expectation, an obligation. And in that, I think would send her back to the person who raped her this way.

So for some, it could be the "ultimate" method of warming them up to the idea, but for others it could be the very worst thing a person can do to them.
lark -- The human papilloma virus can be carried just as well by circumcised men as by uncircumcised men. It's contagious when there are lesions anywhere around the genital area (scrotum too) -- not just under the foreskin.

I'm not a doctor either, though. I've just done a lot of HPV research, since there's been an HPV scare running through my group of friends here in the past few years.

*Edited to say: Dang -- I usually catch my moments of dyslexia before I have to use the edit function, but when I read lark's quote of my post and found out that HPV is contagious when there are legions of tiny little soldiers marching around some guy's pubic area, I just had to laugh.
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NemoAlia said:
lark -- The human papilloma virus can be carried just as well by circumcised men as by uncircumcised men. It's contagious when there are legions anywhere around the genital area (scrotum too) -- not just under the foreskin.

I'm not a doctor either, though. I've just done a lot of HPV research, since there's been an HPV scare running through my group of friends here in the past few years.

Ah thanks - no idea here if it is more common and thrives more easily in uncut foreskin.

Merely a note that there is "no medical reason" may be debatable.

It was simply a thought, and as it's not a personal concern here, I've done no research, but I bet there is plenty available.
If you ever call anything you say or do the 'ultimate' then you shouldn't be surprised when people 1. Mock you. 2. Think you're dead wrong.
Here comes the high-post-count back up brigade! Lighten up people, why do so many threads at Lit have to turn from simple infotainment into some huge competition.
I thought it was called discussion - different perspectives, reactions and interests, that evolve from one single topic.
Nothing insightful to add, but desperate

My wife and I have been married since 1996

The thought of anal sex arouses us both. She really enjoys laying on her stomach while I oil between the cheeks of her ass and fuck her crack, the head of my cock teasing her hole on the upstroke and the feeling of my shaft sliding all the way up

We have tried to have anal sex, but she says I am too big. I know that can't be the reason, because I'm only 7 inches around.
but she says it hurts. Even my finger hurts her when placed inside.

She loves to have it licked and flicked and teased, but we cannot get past the pain during penetration.

I read an earlier post that it isn't supposed to hurt if done properly.

We both want this, but the pain she endures makes her try less and less often

Any help here?


PS Oddly enough, I can take pretty much anything with little or no lube GO FIGURE LOL
I hate to inform you that 7 inches around (as in circumference) is frickin big... huge. Getting close to beer can circumference. The average cock is like 4.5 - 5.0 inches in circumference. And the scale for circumference is much more compressed compared to length. So 7 is comparable to like 10 or 11 inches in length.

Sounds like you need to get her a small vibe... something that is less than a finger width at the tip and maybe goes up to a finger or two at most. Once she can use that totally.. them move up to a buttplug or bigger vibe.

Beer can? Maybe beer bottle

It's really weird reading your post PB (i;ve read alot of your posts and find you very cool). I just don't see myself as HUGE.

Here's how we arrived at the measurement. I'm no math genius, so here it is

We simply took a sweing tape measurer and measured around.

You mentioned a small vibe, but my question is: If she has trouble with the finger, isn't that going to be just as uncomfortable

In essence, I want to know. Is anal something that some people just can't do even if they want to. Or maybe she WANTS in her heart but can't get her brain to go along?

Re: Beer can? Maybe beer bottle

SouthTampaGuy said:
It's really weird reading your post PB (i;ve read alot of your posts and find you very cool). I just don't see myself as HUGE.

Here's how we arrived at the measurement. I'm no math genius, so here it is

We simply took a sweing tape measurer and measured around.

You mentioned a small vibe, but my question is: If she has trouble with the finger, isn't that going to be just as uncomfortable

In essence, I want to know. Is anal something that some people just can't do even if they want to. Or maybe she WANTS in her heart but can't get her brain to go along?


I'm only going by the national average of 4.5-5.0. And the scale is pretty compressed since even smaller guys are at least 4.0. 6.0 is pretty thick. 8 would just be massive. Hell I'm 6'2" and a pretty heafty guy. I consider my arm to be average to above average compared to the other men I know. I just measured my wrist... it's just under 7.0. Trust me, 7.0 circumference is big....ESPECIALLY for a first time anal.

It will take her time. Some people cannot just jump right into it. Relaxation is also a key part of it. A small vib like that will allow her to control it herself...

This is gonna take some time... especially for you.

Sorry my friend. Best of luck. Don't forget.. tons of lube and patience.

brnsuga said:
Ah, mon frere, you may have spoken too soon. Check out these websites:

Circumcision reversal is really catching on. It's described as being a rather simple and painless procedure: when the penis is not in use, the skin below the head of the penis is pulled up over the head and a certain type of "clip" is applied to hold the skin there. In a relatively short period of time, the skin stays there on it's own and the penis is restored to it's pre-circumcision state. All of the sensitivity returns also.

To give you an idea of the sensations that you are missing out on, consider this: the head of the penis (the glans) was ALWAYS meant to be AN INTERNAL ORGAN, just like your tongue is an internal organ. Imagine that if, since you were an infant, your tongue had not been protected by and kept moist by your mouth. Imagine that as a baby, your tongue was surgically removed and implanted on the back of your hand. Do you think this dried out remnant would have retained enough sensitivity to even tell the difference between the taste of a lemon versus the taste of a peach? Or the more subtle differences between the taste of strawberry jelly versus the taste of grape jelly? That's the kind of thing you are missing out on. Makes you want to pass a law against this form of mutilation, doesn't it?

[P.S.: In case you were wondering, most major medical authorities/organizations have concluded that the removal of the foreskin is in no way necessary for health or hygiene reasons. See the supporting info on the aforementioned websites.]

I just got in a big brouhaha with some chicks about this shit...daring to compare circumscision to clitorectomy. They freeked. All I could say was...if men were cutting off any part of women's bodies in this country w/o their say so, shit would hit fans.
In physical expectations I think it would be safe to argue that women are pressed upon. Shaving, make up, douching, wearing high heels and tight clothing, styling of long hair, pierced ears, perfume, plastic surgery, liposuction, breast implants, garters, stockings, corsets, etc., etc., etc.

In some African countries full removal of the clit and sewing up the vagina is practiced. There's the practice of foot binding in the past as well. Am I against leaving men uncircumsized, no. Rant on, brothers and sisters. But saying that men are more pressed upon physically... ummm, don't think so, if you look at the larger picture.
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Besides, they're just friggin ugly. *shudders*

Sorry, I'll leave now. :)
Freya2 said:
Besides, they're just friggin ugly. *shudders*

Sorry, I'll leave now. :)

Shhhh.... you naughty girl! lol

Report to your room from a spanking and merciless teasing. ;)

P. B. Walker said:
Shhhh.... you naughty girl! lol

Report to your room from a spanking and merciless teasing. ;)


Oooh my love muffin has arrived!


Hey PBW!