How To Prepare For Anal Penetration: The ULTIMATE Guide


brnsuga said:
Fast and deep, Eric, fast and deep. It might get too rough and I might ask you to stop. If you know what's good for you, you'll ignore me.

And do me a favor - be sure to hit it from different angles. When I'm on my hands and knees, hit it from the right, then from the left, then come from underneath with enough force to lift my knees off the bed. Then finish up with an angle from up above. Keep pounding until my knees buckle under and I'm lying flat on the bed. In this position, my ass closes in around your dick like a hotdog bun hugs a hotdog. And then cum in my ass and I'll cum,... for the third time.

There is no feeling like the orgasm you get from clit stimulation while your ass is being pounded. It's down right other-worldly...

As always,

:D Hi I'm Sterling. Nice to meet you. And you are where?
Don't be a dickhead

UCE said:
What is that EB saying to you, lol! I'll never know cause I got the silly bitch on IGNORE--Perm. variety. However, did you know that there's this new operation they can do where they xfer your dick to your head, thus protecting your brain from those who would cut, but...causing an unfortuante nickname to be appended to those who have had this advanced treatment.

And can you tell me what that name is? ;) Anybody?


I can't remember what she said. I've been suffering from sleep deprivation and I'm sure I read the wrong thing. Attempting to crack a joke that makes no sense now. :rolleyes: Oh well. I'll keep trying.
sterlingclay said:
I just wanted to throw in a piece of advice to an old post from the Tampa horse cock fella.

"You mentioned a small vibe, but my question is: If she has trouble with the finger, isn't that going to be just as uncomfortable"

FINGER NAILS dude! They can be a real pain in the ass. Try wearing latex gloves and lube'em up. The fingers will slide right in, along with your hand up to your forearm. If she can handle your hand I'm sure she can take that beastly pecker of yours. But the glove will help. I work part time labour so my hands are a little rough. Gloves are a must.


Oh Man, FINGERNAILS! Worth repeating! Cut them! Glove them! Anything!
Re: Re: Beer can? Maybe beer bottle

UCE said:
....A lot of women "seem" to get used to buttfucking through just perservering through the pain until it stops cramping so bad, but I don't think every woman can do that. If the idea is NOT for this to be painful for her (gotta ask because this is the bdsm forum), then you need to show her you're trustworthy by slowing or stopping each time she asks you during the process of stretching her anus.


That's good advice. I'd also add it's a good idea to warn the doee that your coming in again if you want to gain her trust.
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OoooP's! Sorry...technical problems...I was copying an attachment and it didn't work...I'm deleting this message.

Peace & Luv,
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