
this is why i never go near sonnets... iambs make my skin crawl.

to write, i mean - they are always a delight to read.

poets, i'm awed by your collective talent, and your dicipline to squeeze it into a restrictive form like this.

delightful lesson there BooMerengue, thank you :)
champagne1982 said:
A challenge need only be completed to win... This is not a contest!

no, but Lauren hasn't ever finished reviewing the sonnets submitted, which was part of the challenge. So a bunch of us are still waiting impatiently to hear.
Lauren hasn't posted since Aug. 6... I believe she's havin serious computer problems tho I'm not sure. I would have liked to see all her reviews cuz she reviews so well, but I guess it's not gonna happen soon.

What happened to the Gunfight? Can someone else(Ange) take over being the moderator? Those things are fun.
Vacation, baby! :D

I'm back now, fully recharged and will tackle the rest of these fuckers soon. Worry not. :rose:

This is just a little reminder that some people's 'hypers' never got reviewed. I thought if I left a post on the thread, it might spur Lauren a little...

mmmmm...spurs...Lauren...mmmmm...oops, wrong thread for that kinda stuff. :devil:

Hey! They need a little 'crop' smiley!