I am a Maestro with 38 years in this lifestyle

I was wondering what classic music had to do with BDSM, besides both requiring some talent and natural aptitude as well as skill. ;)

Last time I tried to bake a cake...Well. Least said, really.


LOL.....that goes in my GIANT VAULT OF UNUSED PLOT BUNNIES, right next to the IRS agent getting punished by an irate taxpayer and the married couple who were supposed to divorce but never did because of the wife's falling for the husband.
LOL.....that goes in my GIANT VAULT OF UNUSED PLOT BUNNIES, right next to the IRS agent getting punished by an irate taxpayer and the married couple who were supposed to divorce but never did because of the wife's falling for the husband.
You always were a romantic... :cattail:
Are we ordering cakes now? Put me down for a lemon cake with lemon frosting!
I'm an angel so Angel Food Cake is my food.

Being fucked by a maestro would be fun if I could leer at the trombonists and be serenaded at the same time. Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain" would be super duper! Or maybe Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries."
Mmm, cake!
