i can't find that other "bdsm in television" thread so i'm starting this one

Well, that depends how you define soft porn, doesn't it?

I do remember seeing some rather kinky BDSM stuff on the TV in my hotel room in Montréal, though, so Canada must be more liberal with that stuff after all. (And yet they keep blocking the gay magazines in the mail....)
well in this movie they had this man.. who had his gf/Mistress handcufff him.
then she was smacking his face till there was blooodd..
anyway.. she ends up dead after beating the crap out of a guy.
he kills her. never seen a chick fight like that LOL
poor guy pretty emarrasing getting beaten up in a fight buy a girl LOL
yeah it was rather intesresting movie LMAO
I was like WTF!!

Etoile said:
Well, that depends how you define soft porn, doesn't it?

I do remember seeing some rather kinky BDSM stuff on the TV in my hotel room in Montréal, though, so Canada must be more liberal with that stuff after all. (And yet they keep blocking the gay magazines in the mail....)
Etoile said:
Well, that depends how you define soft porn, doesn't it?
Well, in the U.S. there are times in the middle of the night that something can sneak in. But, even then, it is probably only tight fitting clothing and suggestive scenes.

I saw an old (1970s circa?) Buck Rogers or somebody? movie where the evil ruler's daughter was shackled face down to a table and flogged by some evil woman. Of course, she was fully clothed, but it was tight fitting. and, of course, you only see a couple of hits, and then a few reverberate off camera.

Then, they said "bring out the bore worms!"

The captive said "NO! Not the bore worms!" Then, the scene changed. That is uaually all we get on public TV in the U.S.
LOL no we get much more then that.. one night I was watching tv..
and anyway going threw channels.. and saw a chick laying down. there was another girl in it
and some man on his knees with I'm guessing a flogger or something I dont really know LOL
couldnt find it again.
They play interesting stuff in canada.

DVS said:
Well, in the U.S. there are times in the middle of the night that something can sneak in. But, even then, it is probably only tight fitting clothing and suggestive scenes.

I saw an old (1970s circa?) Buck Rogers or somebody? movie where the evil ruler's daughter was shackled face down to a table and flogged by some evil woman. Of course, she was fully clothed, but it was tight fitting. and, of course, you only see a couple of hits, and then a few reverberate off camera.

Then, they said "bring out the bore worms!"

The captive said "NO! Not the bore worms!" Then, the scene changed. That is uaually all we get on public TV in the U.S.
DVS said:
Well, in the U.S. there are times in the middle of the night that something can sneak in. But, even then, it is probably only tight fitting clothing and suggestive scenes.

I saw an old (1970s circa?) Buck Rogers or somebody? movie where the evil ruler's daughter was shackled face down to a table and flogged by some evil woman. Of course, she was fully clothed, but it was tight fitting. and, of course, you only see a couple of hits, and then a few reverberate off camera.

Then, they said "bring out the bore worms!"

The captive said "NO! Not the bore worms!" Then, the scene changed. That is uaually all we get on public TV in the U.S.

:eek: ...I think you're talking about Flash Gordon!! I have that movie on VHS. lol.

Pixie, we're not *supposed* to show nudity on TV here in the states but that has become a lot more lax in the last few years. They made a big deal over showing David Caruso's not so muscley butt on NYPD blue and now there are butts all over the place and that's on the regular channels. Sci-Fi has been known for some racy shows...I've seen a couple of episodes of Lexx (sp??) and some of what I saw on there had me falling out of my chair laughing. For some reason seeing *racy* stuff on TV doesn't surprise me; American TV uses women's sexuality to sell everything from apples to xylophones. How many TV shows and commercials have women in skin-tight or barely there clothing, nipples hard, etc.? I know some women who it really bothers; I, on the other hand, figure why be a hater just because I don't look like them? :D

The only TV reference I can think of, besides the Lexx episodes I saw, is the CSI episode with Mistress Terri?? I can't remember her name, sorry. There have been a couple of references to Eric Cartman's mom on South Park. he he :D
Blackbich said:
:eek: ...I think you're talking about Flash Gordon!! I have that movie on VHS. lol. :D
Ah, yes, that was it. Flash Gordon, Buck Rodgers? I get them mixed up.

Now on pay TV, HBO and the like, there are many more shows to pick from. But, when you have sponsers that want their product associated with a show, bland is it, when talking about sex and situations of kink.

But, James Bond got pretty racie at times. And, yes, some shows did it on purpose, because there was no real plot. Beach shows with scantilly clad lifeguards or shows where the two actors (male and female couple) are put into sexual situations that leave out the visual, and you fill in the kink from your own thoughts.

Yes, we are getting closer than we used to. Every so often we will see a nice female ass, but it is rare. Trust me, I look for them! NYPD Blue has helped some. They sort of broke the barrier of no skin on a TV series. But, Europe is far far ahead of we yanks. Everybody is far ahead of us! :(
A few nights ago I saw a commercial for a new HBO show (or maybe Showtime). I only got a few seconds but I do remember some chick saying monogamy wasn't for her. It may have nothing to do with BDSM.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Channel? Name of Show?

why would that be BDSM related??
many none BDSM people are in polygamous relationships.

emer said:
A few nights ago I saw a commercial for a new HBO show (or maybe Showtime). I only got a few seconds but I do remember some chick saying monogamy wasn't for her. It may have nothing to do with BDSM.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Channel? Name of Show?
