I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

Mister Lettuce, you made it through the entire first paragraph?!

Bless you

that shows fortitude.
Mister Lettuce, you made it through the entire first paragraph?!

Bless you

that shows fortitude.

I admit I couldn't make it through it... I was stunned that no one else had discovered it... for the love of all that is holy.
Mister Lettuce, you made it through the entire first paragraph?!

Bless you

that shows fortitude.

As you might have noticed normally I do not bother reading any posts.
I find great pleasure in reading the title, then posting the first thing that comes up in my head.
This time I tried, I really tried.

More fool me.
It has been a rare event in my lifetime when I have personally suffered the injury of a libel against me. I say rare, as my use of the term rare is to inform you, the reader, that I have been previously subject to a libel, and that a libel has been inflicted upon me more than once, but not on numerous occasions.

My writing style and use of carefully chosen words are meant to create an emotional response in the reader purposefully. Many writers would agree with me when I say that the reactions of readers to the words we use in telling a story, describing an event, or expressing our opinions, are as numerous and varied as there are persons alive. Because I use words that tend to have stronger meaning, the emotional response by the reader to these particular types of words is also stronger, more powerful, and sometimes beyond the emotional level that I had originally attempted to achieve, within the reader. Exciting, vibrant, colorful, brash, bold, shocking, and disgusting are some of the milder adjectives used to describe my particular writing style, in my opinion, and in the opinions of others. I think that if I can get your emotions stirring from the first sentence, I have a greater possibility of retaining you as a reader beyond that first sentence.

There are consequences for driving any reader’s emotions up that ladder of intensity. If your readers become accustomed to having their emotions driven to a higher level, the harder you push, the closer you come to having the label of “shock journalist” placed on your desk. Such a label is fraught with great rewards and/or great problems. On the rewards side, Stephen King has been rewarded handsomely for his tales of shock, horror, and mystery. Salman Rushdie was forced to go into hiding to escape a religious death sentence. In my opinion, both are fantastic writers, and serve as legitimate examples of the results of heightening a reader’s emotions.

As a writer, there are limitations and constraints on the words, and meaning, of my writings. These restrictions put on me come from different sources. Some are legal, and are meant to attempt to prevent my writings from inducing violations of law, encouraging others to act in an unlawful fashion, creating panic, injuring the reputations of others, and many more social impacts. Some are ethical, such as requiring my accuracy, and complete details. These restrictions are not applied universally around the world, nor are they the same in different locations. Often, such restrictions are used to discourage the free flow of information to the population as a whole.

Violating restrictions on our writings can have different consequences. Some of these consequences include, but are not limited to monetary damages, jail, torture, and death. Functioning within these restrictions, while still getting our words in front of the reader, is one of the greatest challenges we face as writers.

Some of these restrictions apply even in personal writings, such as a letter, or on the internet. With a letter, the words used are concrete, and once opened and read by the recipient, are words that cannot be changed. The internet allows writers greater freedom in writing personal writings from an editing and distribution standpoint, and is exceptional in lowering the cost of sending a communication, and the time it takes to be received by the recipient. The words that are used in a personal writing cannot be written in a manner that would signal a clear intent of harm to the recipient, or to damage the reputation of a person in the writing. If such writing is made available by publishing, either in hard copy, or electronically, it cannot contain words that would signal a clear intent of harm, or damage to the reputation of a person named in the writing.

Personal perspectives sometimes confuse the meaning of words. What may have one meaning to one reader does not necessarily translate into the exact same meaning for another reader. One of the tasks that a writer undertakes is to choose words that have specific meanings; meanings that are not easily changed by the reader. In using these words in sentences, there can be adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and so on that help to better define the author’s intent. This can be critical if there is a possibility that a sentence is constructed in such a manner that the reader could reasonably conclude that the writing restrictions aforementioned have been violated. Qualifiers such as but, perhaps, could, etc. prevent the reader from drawing a conclusion from a sentence based upon specific words in the sentence prior to the insertion of the qualifier(s). Wishing and hoping is not the same as intending to take an action, or taking an action. “Wish” and “hope” are subjective terms, and imply there is no certainty by which any other thing associated with those words in a sentence will happen. For example: I hope that the engine in my car will start. I wish that my girlfriend will kiss me when we go out tomorrow. In each example, the person represented by the word “I” is not certain that these things will occur. The use of the word “but” is also another qualifier that changes the context of a sentence. All of this information is important so that there is proper context to my complaint.

A sentence that I typed on this website has been taken out of its original context, and has been used as the basis for a false accusation of making a threat of violence against others. It is interesting that both “threat” and “violence” are used in the same sentence by the person leveling the accusation against me. By combining both into the same sentence, it heightens the reader’s emotional level, creating an amplified response to the emotional level created by the word “threat”. Because of the number of times that this complaint has been published, and the different forums that it has been seen posted, has lent it a seemingly greater urgency so that the reader is more likely to form a negative opinion of me, and to attempt to damage, as well as damage my personal reputation, and my reputation as a writer. Any writer who has published any work eventually comes to understand that both author and publisher carry responsibility for false information that is published. This responsibility is due to the fact that both have legal and ethical obligations to ensure that what is written, and published, is accurate, and not written solely to harm, attempt to harm, demean, or attempt to demean, any other party.

The sentence that I typed was the following:

I could hope to find you at a formal literotica function (if there were such a thing), and just accidentally heel you, but I would be no better than you have been to me.

The sentence does not state clearly that the author intends to heel the reader. Let us look at the most important words in this sentence, and their definitions (All definitions courtesy of Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary, Copyright 2008).

Main Entry:
\kəd, ˈku̇d\
verbal auxiliary
Middle English couthe, coude, from Old English cūthe; akin to Old High German konda could
13th century
past of can
—used in auxiliary function in the past <we found we could go>, in the past conditional <we said we would go if we could>, and as an alternative to can suggesting less force or certainty or as a polite form in the present <if you could come we would be pleased>

Technically, in the sentence I used, it is a present or future tense verbal auxiliary, and is a word that operates on others around it, within the same sentence. With the context “could only hope”, the meaning of these three words is that the author could have hope, but nothing else.

Main Entry:
Inflected Form(s):
hoped; hop•ing
Middle English, from Old English hopian; akin to Middle High German hoffen to hope
before 12th century
intransitive verb1: to cherish a desire with anticipation <hopes for a promotion>2archaic : trusttransitive verb1: to desire with expectation of obtainment2: to expect with confidence : trust
synonyms see expect
— hop•er noun
— hope against hope
: to hope without any basis for expecting fulfillment

In the sentence that I typed, the word “hope” is a noun, and as such, means that there is no expectation of anything actually occurring.

Main Entry:
14th century
1: arising from extrinsic causes : incidental, nonessential2 a: occurring unexpectedly or by chance b: happening without intent or through carelessness and often with unfortunate results
— ac•ci•den•tal•ly \-ˈdent-lē, -ˈden-təl-ē\ also ac•ci•dent•ly \-ˈdent-lē\ adverb
— ac•ci•den•tal•ness \-ˈden-təl-nəs\ noun
synonyms accidental, fortuitous, casual, contingent mean not amenable to planning or prediction. accidental stresses chance <any resemblance to actual persons is entirely accidental>. fortuitous so strongly suggests chance that it often connotes entire absence of cause <a series of fortuitous events>. casual stresses lack of real or apparent premeditation or intent <a casual encounter with a stranger>. contingent suggests possibility of happening but stresses uncertainty and dependence on other future events for existence or occurrence <the contingent effects of the proposed law>.

In the sentence that I typed, “accidentally” is an adverb, acting on the word “heel”. At this point the sentence states that there is no certainty that a wishful thought would create an accidental circumstance, which when combined, is more like a dreamlike thought, and shows no intent whatsoever on my part to undertake any type of specific action.

Main Entry:
Middle English, from Old English būtan, preposition & conjunction, outside, without, except, except that; akin to Old High German būzan without, except; akin to Old English be by, ūt out — more at by, out
before 12th century
1 a: except for the fact <would have protested but that he was afraid> b: that —used after a negative <there is no doubt but he won> c: without the concomitant that <it never rains but it pours> d: if not : unless e: than <no sooner started but it stopped> —not often in formal use2 a: on the contrary : on the other hand : notwithstanding —used to connect coordinate elements <he was called but he did not answer><not peace but a sword> b: yet <poor but proud> c: with the exception of —used before a word often taken to be the subject of a clause <none but the brave deserves the fair — John Dryden>
— but that
: that —used after a negative <there is no doubt but that it must be done>
— but what
: that…not —used to indicate possibility or uncertainty <I don't know but what I will go>

Because the subject of the sentence is “you” following the conjunction, “but”, the definition of the word “but” is to mean “with the exception of”, thereby placing the final qualifier on this trivial thought, and eliminating any possibility that such an action would ever take place. Once again, there is no intent to harm any other party. It is the expression of a thought about an action that could not take place, for it would reduce the moral standing of the author lower than the person that the sentence was addressing. In this sentence, the author clearly and unequivocally states that it is better to take the high road, and brush thoughts aside that are not worthy of contemplation, or consideration.

The expression of an emotional thought in a letter is nothing new, but when it sounds mean, the author has to make absolutely certain that such a thought is qualified to prevent the actual expression from being taken out of context. Because of my writing style, I must be extra careful in the words I choose to make a distinction between impossibility and a real possibility. Clearly, the sentence that I typed meets that distinction, hands down.

Now let us turn to the accuser, and the definitions of the words used in the accusation that has been lodged against me, and published on Literotica.com:

Main Entry:
Middle English thret coercion, threat, from Old English thrēat coercion; akin to Middle High German drōz annoyance, Latin trudere to push, thrust
before 12th century
1 : an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage 2 : one that threatens 3 : an indication of something impending <the sky held a threat of rain

The sentence that I typed does not contain a threat, for the meaning of the sentence, and the qualifications placed on the emotional thought behind the sentence, do not meet the intent definition, nor was I threatening, becayse the four qualifiers in the sentence negated that meaning, and the words “could” and “hope” did not indicate impending action that was assured.

Main Entry:
\ˈvī-lən(t)s, ˈvī-ə-\
14th century
1 a: exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse (as in warfare effecting illegal entry into a house) b: an instance of violent treatment or procedure2: injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation : outrage3 a: intense, turbulent, or furious and often destructive action or force <the violence of the storm> b: vehement feeling or expression : fervor; also : an instance of such action or feeling c: a clashing or jarring quality : discordance4: undue alteration (as of wording or sense in editing a text)

No intent to inflict injury or harm to the reader was expressed, as the four qualifiers, once again, negate any possibility that the emotional thought would be translated into action.

Not only was one libel committed against me, but several; even though the same libel was repeated. Each and every instance of libel was, unto itself, a separate and distinct libel. At Literotica.com, the writers who post comments on the bulletin board must make a deliberate effort to place their words within the bulletin board’s forums. Comments are not magically teleported out of a person’s mind and transformed into computer code by sheer thinking ability alone. The words must be placed within a text box, and a form button must be clicked on by the person doing the posting themselves. What is a libel?

Main Entry:
Middle English, written declaration, from Anglo-French, from Latin libellus, diminutive of liber book
14th century
1 a: a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought barchaic : a handbill especially attacking or defaming someone2 a: a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression b (1): a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2): defamation of a person by written or representational means (3): the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures (4): the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel

In my declaration that a libel has been committed against me by both publisher, which is Literotica.com, and the writer, who pen name is Catalina Francisco, the definition of the word “libel” for the purposes of my complaint is definition number two from the dictionary. Furthermore, it is easier to claim joint responsibility for damage is held by both Literotica.com and Ms. Francisco, as Ms. Francisco holds a position of authority, even if not compensated, for aspects of operational control of the Literotica.com website. As a moderator, Ms. Francisco has the technical ability, available to her through an operator’s console, to make changes to the Literotica.com website, and the content that is posted on it. With this established connection already in place, the consequences of the action of libel squarely fall on Literotica.com and Ms. Francisco jointly, and in equal responsibility.

A brief summary of the libelous statements, time of the posting, and forum location within the Literotica.com website is contained below:

Today, 03:11 AM #3

Happily insatiable always

catalina_francisco is offline
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Posts: 16,778 Oh, in the interests of full disclosure, here is my initial PM:

" Sorry to bother you...
...but the BDSM forum has been under a constant barrage of abuse and threats of physical violence against various posters, myself included, from PrincessGoddess. I have been patient, lol apparently beyond belief according to some posters, but continue to get PM after PM and she keeps posting threads and posts on the forum to hurl further abuse and threats at everyone, and all because we did not agree with a thread she started or many of her ideas. We also dared to ask about a few things she had said which contradicted other things she said..and of course which she doesn't answer or mention as is her right.

Posters did not abuse her, at least not to start with, but she abused from the second post, not to mention she has also insisted subs/slaves are not worthy of posting in her threads...I explained a threadstarter did not own a thread, nor could a poster tell others where and how to post...didn't work. Actually given some of the past events such as this, the forum as a whole have remained fairly nice and not broken out into all out nasty attack..most have just had fun and thought it all a bit of a joke. She on the other hand has threatened physical violence including saying she mentions things like this to her friends who then take care of those who upset her without her needing to be implicated if it becomes legal, and threatened legal action as well, oh and to rally up some people to come in and wreck Lit by making it so unpleasant we will all leave and they can take over....in other words a bully.

Up to now I have only replied to her various threats with a request to read the rules and honour free speech, but I won't be around today and on waking I see she has been busy again with pages of abuse on the forum and yet another PM, this time telling me as a moderator I had legal responsibilities. Of course, it reminded me I did have responsibility, to notify of the threats and protect the beauty of Lit as a free speech and safe site, not as she felt, to make people stop standing up to her bullying and tell her she is wonderful. Of course she also said she had notified the site on me, and another poster ...possibly more, I haven't had time to read it all...and she told me there would be repercussions so I thought it was time to let you know and leave it in your capable hands if you decide it is worth your time...personally I think you have more important things to bother with, but just covering the forum's interests.

Here are links to her various threads..I did merge 2 which were the same...second one was to give us an opportunity to change our previous posts and tell her she was wonderful and right and the greatest Domme...strange as she identifies as a submissive since 1974 (13 yo at the time?):

Take My Challenge, NOW!

Lit is not a place for courtesy, respect, or nice people

This is why I left last time

No-one Has The Right To Stalk or Harrass Me On This Site

Sorry to bring this to you but figured it was best to let you know so you can or cannot get involved as you see fit. I will be around for a couple of hours I think, then I am off to Amsterdam to meet another Litster who is in the country just for today..should be fun to meet yet another poster.



Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

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Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

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Today, 05:11 AM

Today, 11:31 AM #20
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Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
The server operators on this site have been informed that Ms. Francisco allowed 27 users in the same forum to participate in harassing me, sexually and otherwise, together, as a mob, in a manner not consistent with the United States Constitution and the first amendment. It became necessary to ask my father to come onto this site to obtain copies of posts that Ms. Francisco made herself as a part of this mob, and the fact is that the actions that took place are NOT defendable under the 1st amendment protections. Therefore, I guess that we will find out whether or not Ms. Francisco's actions on one part, and lack thereof on another part, will be defended by the server operators. I fully expect that an apology will be extended to me in the near term by the server operators, and if that were to occur, then I am certain that there might be a reason to have a CONVERSATION with the server operators concerning the willingness on my part to perhaps let the matter go. However, if in the course of further investigation it is determined that there is a reasonable suspicion that violations of federal obscenity and child pornography laws have occured, any information related to those matters will be turned over to federal investigative bodies for their determination, and further disposition.

Yanno princess, it is not good to continue to try to intimidate people with threats, especially me, when you already know you are in the wrong by the posters, the forum, the law (threatening people with violence), the site owners, and the laws of human nature. Of course if you have the guts to carry through on your threats, good luck, but it seems you are just dumb...and yes, dumb you are when you claim to be good friends with the site owners and that you have informed them on me and other posters and have them on side, and then see within 15 minutes or so of my contacting them (and my posting what I told them), their response, which I also posted.

You see, where as you like to threaten people to try and get what you want through intimidation but never actually intend doing anything because you know you can't, I tend to be a different animal and I don't threaten idly, I promise and I keep promises well. I told you I would contact the site owners, and instead of telling you over and over and following your lead of doing nothing and lying through my teeth (not my style), I actually did inform them immediately as you saw and shock horror, your good friends backed the posters, the forum and myself, not you. Since then, and before I left for the day, I also had further PM's from them, and believe me they were not to tell me I am a bad moderator and you are an angel, so if I were you I would think before making any further threats, especially against the site as they might just take that more seriously than prima dona tantrums... do some research as to what you could have already legally implicated yourself in...I am sure the evidence has been checked and recorded incase it is needed, and yes, they will be able to tell your IP and who and where you are if they haven't already, so no problem even if you do delete what you said to people. Choice is yours. Oh also BTW, I am not Ms Francisco...you might have trouble if you try finding anyone under that name and title. I am being kind in not telling Francisco of course that you called him Ms., or me Francisco...he actually has a short wick with such people, and interestingly has some really interesting contacts in terms of security which extend internationally and legally. OTOH, you might need to also ask daddy how much money he has to spend if you figure any legal action against me...we aren't even on the same continent...oh I'm sorry, you keep missing that, don't you?

And child porn?...oh honey, please, we don't want to see your baby photos. On a serious note though, as I saw in a discussion last week about people who see child porn where it doesn't exist, it really makes you wonder just where they get those notions when they come solely from their own brain...sort of makes you think, doesn't it, who actually has the pedophile tendencies?


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

Our Stories and Poetry

The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".
Last edited by catalina_francisco : Today at 12:00 PM.

Today, 02:22 PM #10

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Oh, give it a break PrincessGoddess, or whatever alt you are using now...so nice of you to tell us you have several alts, but they really are not very cleverly designed when the physical description and location remain the same. It also wasn't smart to tell us that you have a history of posting under one name and then dropping that name and starting a new one, repeatedly..as people told you, unless you change your behaviour, changing your name will not result in people liking you.

Thanks for removing all your posts from the BDSM forum, though it was pointless given many of them are already quoted, and I suspect after the site was made aware of you threatening posters with physical violence, and to close Lit down permanently with legal action including charges of child porn, they have made sure they have a copy of it all. As you already saw, I do not make threats meant to intimidate as you do, then run crying to daddy, I actually notify the correct people as to the threats you have made in terms of physical violence against posters, sending your posse to do your dirty work so you won't be implicated, etc., and do something. BTW, apart from the quotes of your posts, I am sure like myself, most still have the multitude of abusive PM's you sent to them because they dared to disagree with you and refuse to worship at your sorry feet.

You no doubt wish you had half the integrity of Homburg...not a chance of it happening ever I suspect. Good luck though, you need it.


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

Our Stories and Poetry

The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

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Today, 12:06 PM #454

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Originally Posted by myinnerslut
she deleted all her posts?

oh well. good riddence for bad rubbage.
Musta got scared when I said she had posted in a manner which could be legally pursued under laws relating to threatening physical violence and stalking through electronic means. She actually must have checked something for a change because she wasn't convinced totally before I went to Amsterdam for lunch...and a lovely lunch it was with another Litster gentleman. She must be sweating it about the quoted posts she is unable to remove..maybe she will send us PM's asking us to please do it for her.


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

Our Stories and Poetry

The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

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Today, 11:31 AM #20
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Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
The server operators on this site have been informed that Ms. Francisco allowed 27 users in the same forum to participate in harassing me, sexually and otherwise, together, as a mob, in a manner not consistent with the United States Constitution and the first amendment. It became necessary to ask my father to come onto this site to obtain copies of posts that Ms. Francisco made herself as a part of this mob, and the fact is that the actions that took place are NOT defendable under the 1st amendment protections. Therefore, I guess that we will find out whether or not Ms. Francisco's actions on one part, and lack thereof on another part, will be defended by the server operators. I fully expect that an apology will be extended to me in the near term by the server operators, and if that were to occur, then I am certain that there might be a reason to have a CONVERSATION with the server operators concerning the willingness on my part to perhaps let the matter go. However, if in the course of further investigation it is determined that there is a reasonable suspicion that violations of federal obscenity and child pornography laws have occured, any information related to those matters will be turned over to federal investigative bodies for their determination, and further disposition.

Yanno princess, it is not good to continue to try to intimidate people with threats, especially me, when you already know you are in the wrong by the posters, the forum, the law (threatening people with violence), the site owners, and the laws of human nature. Of course if you have the guts to carry through on your threats, good luck, but it seems you are just dumb...and yes, dumb you are when you claim to be good friends with the site owners and that you have informed them on me and other posters and have them on side, and then see within 15 minutes or so of my contacting them (and my posting what I told them), their response, which I also posted.

You see, where as you like to threaten people to try and get what you want through intimidation but never actually intend doing anything because you know you can't, I tend to be a different animal and I don't threaten idly, I promise and I keep promises well. I told you I would contact the site owners, and instead of telling you over and over and following your lead of doing nothing and lying through my teeth (not my style), I actually did inform them immediately as you saw and shock horror, your good friends backed the posters, the forum and myself, not you. Since then, and before I left for the day, I also had further PM's from them, and believe me they were not to tell me I am a bad moderator and you are an angel, so if I were you I would think before making any further threats, especially against the site as they might just take that more seriously than prima dona tantrums... do some research as to what you could have already legally implicated yourself in...I am sure the evidence has been checked and recorded incase it is needed, and yes, they will be able to tell your IP and who and where you are if they haven't already, so no problem even if you do delete what you said to people. Choice is yours. Oh also BTW, I am not Ms Francisco...you might have trouble if you try finding anyone under that name and title. I am being kind in not telling Francisco of course that you called him Ms., or me Francisco...he actually has a short wick with such people, and interestingly has some really interesting contacts in terms of security which extend internationally and legally. OTOH, you might need to also ask daddy how much money he has to spend if you figure any legal action against me...we aren't even on the same continent...oh I'm sorry, you keep missing that, don't you?

And child porn?...oh honey, please, we don't want to see your baby photos. On a serious note though, as I saw in a discussion last week about people who see child porn where it doesn't exist, it really makes you wonder just where they get those notions when they come solely from their own brain...sort of makes you think, doesn't it, who actually has the pedophile tendencies?


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

Our Stories and Poetry

The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".
Last edited by catalina_francisco : Today at 12:00 PM.

Today, 03:41 AM #440
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catalina_francisco is offline
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Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
Catalina, I have not said a single word towards you. I keep continuing to be attacked on a "free speech" site, and you continue to harass me. It is you doing the harassing in this box that I am typing in. I don't know who you are but it is with great anticipation that myself and my dad look forward to meeting with the attorney in the morning. We shall see if in fact we can close this place down. Trust me, after I talk to dad, I am sure we will probably shop it until we get a favorable jurisdiction in a nice conservative jurisdiction; say, Jacksonville, or maybe Houston, or maybe even Oklahoma City. Fact is, they generally don't like sites like this, and if there are any photos of teens on this site, say 15, 14, 13, thats child porn, and probably a federal grand jury will look into it, and I cant think of much that would be better to see happen to this place than to see it closed down on an obscenity and child porn case. Imagine having your name brought up in that action?

Excuse me, you have not said a single word towards me?!! You have threatened to heel me if ever we are at the same Lit event, have insulted my intelligence and suggested I don't like making friends or changes, you have insulted me on other levels and threatened me with your daddy's lawyer....need I go on? As I said, you were correct in one thing, my responsibility as a moderator to handle this as I saw fit in terms of upholding free speech which I did and after you also said you had contacted your 'good friends' the site owners about me (and others) I figured I should alert them to your threats of violence to others at least. Well as we see from their response, they are backing the free speech etc., (basically everything I and others tried to explain to you), and also have links to all your threads which I expect they checked themselves. I have posted the PM on their suggestion, as well as my own...if you wish to you are free to post your PM's to them in the same thread and I am sure they will also agree to you posting their responses to your PM's to them. If you have any problems with them or the site, contact them yourself as they are your friends as you say, aren't they? Much better than issuing more threats to the site and those on it I would think, and much more adult,.


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Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

Today, 03:13 AM #2
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Oh, in the interests of full disclosure, here is my initial PM:

" Sorry to bother you...
...but the BDSM forum has been under a constant barrage of abuse and threats of physical violence against various posters, myself included, from PrincessGoddess. I have been patient, lol apparently beyond belief according to some posters, but continue to get PM after PM and she keeps posting threads and posts on the forum to hurl further abuse and threats at everyone, and all because we did not agree with a thread she started or many of her ideas. We also dared to ask about a few things she had said which contradicted other things she said..and of course which she doesn't answer or mention as is her right.

Posters did not abuse her, at least not to start with, but she abused from the second post, not to mention she has also insisted subs/slaves are not worthy of posting in her threads...I explained a threadstarter did not own a thread, nor could a poster tell others where and how to post...didn't work. Actually given some of the past events such as this, the forum as a whole have remained fairly nice and not broken out into all out nasty attack..most have just had fun and thought it all a bit of a joke. She on the other hand has threatened physical violence including saying she mentions things like this to her friends who then take care of those who upset her without her needing to be implicated if it becomes legal, and threatened legal action as well, oh and to rally up some people to come in and wreck Lit by making it so unpleasant we will all leave and they can take over....in other words a bully.

Up to now I have only replied to her various threats with a request to read the rules and honour free speech, but I won't be around today and on waking I see she has been busy again with pages of abuse on the forum and yet another PM, this time telling me as a moderator I had legal responsibilities. Of course, it reminded me I did have responsibility, to notify of the threats and protect the beauty of Lit as a free speech and safe site, not as she felt, to make people stop standing up to her bullying and tell her she is wonderful. Of course she also said she had notified the site on me, and another poster ...possibly more, I haven't had time to read it all...and she told me there would be repercussions so I thought it was time to let you know and leave it in your capable hands if you decide it is worth your time...personally I think you have more important things to bother with, but just covering the forum's interests.

Here are links to her various threads..I did merge 2 which were the same...second one was to give us an opportunity to change our previous posts and tell her she was wonderful and right and the greatest Domme...strange as she identifies as a submissive since 1974 (13 yo at the time?):

Take My Challenge, NOW!

Lit is not a place for courtesy, respect, or nice people

This is why I left last time

No-one Has The Right To Stalk or Harrass Me On This Site

Sorry to bring this to you but figured it was best to let you know so you can or cannot get involved as you see fit. I will be around for a couple of hours I think, then I am off to Amsterdam to meet another Litster who is in the country just for today..should be fun to meet yet another poster.



Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

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Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

Today, 03:06 AM #426
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Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
Bitch I will tell you the same thing I told Neztach. I have a cell phone. I bet you do too. My dad and I are fakes? Let's put that to the test. We will gladly meet you in a mutually agreeable place . If you are right, then you are correct. If you are wrong, then we will go ahead and take out big ads in your hometown newspaper and we will print what you wrote, and show just what kind of slanderous person that you are. Oh, it's libel in print, I forgot about that.

I love it when dad takes up for me. He can wind up suing you and your family until you go bankrupt. So, miss smartypants, let's talk in person, shall we. Lunch?

Please note the new threads in both Talk and Cafe in response to my PM to the site owners regarding your abuse and threats (and I did mention you had contacted them about me and others), and also note I have been asked to let them know if I need anything else so physical threats are likely not advisable from you in the future.


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

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The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".
Last edited by catalina_francisco : Today at 03:15 AM.

Today, 01:47 AM #509
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Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
Feel free to quote me:

Henceforth, from today forward, after this post, I am not going to flood another persons thread so that what they want to talk about it gets censored, I am not going to be the first to get personal with another user, I am not going to be the first to mock another user, I am not going to be the first to be mean, offensive, or rude with another user, and so on and so forth. Essentially, I will be polite and courteous. But, if you do any of these things to me, I will defend myself. Each and every time without exception. Or we can talk about Lifestyle stuff.
Thank the Universe!! So you will no longer be threatening physical violence, legal action and telling us who can post where and what we are allowed to say? Wasn't anything to do with the PM I told you sent I to Laurel about your threats I expect? Was good of you to remind me over and over I had a duty of care responsibility to the forum as moderator. This promise from you has made my day, now I know Amsterdam will be much more fun.


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

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The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".
Last edited by catalina_francisco : Today at 01:50 AM. Reason: typos

Today, 01:23 AM #372

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Originally Posted by Etoile
I thought you wanted her to do her moderator duties?

Yep, so did I...I even agreed with her. How many times is that now that I agreed with her....3?4? Anyway, I'm sorry princess, but you did tell me you had notified the site on me, and reminded me of my duty of care, so I have PMed the site owners with a brief (well brief for me...about 4 or 5 paragraphs) overview of what has been happening including your threats of physical violence and to bring your gang to Lit to make us all leave so you can reign supreme. I did provide some links to save them some time if they bother as they are really busy people. I didn't understand that I was not allowed to let them know, especially after you said you had run to them about me and Metomorphoses and goodness knows who else. As you said, I have a responsibility as mod of this forum and I'm afraid if you threaten the posters with violence, and to destroy the forum, I agree, I have a responsibility.


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

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The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

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Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

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Today, 12:50 AM #361
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PrincessGoddess, please read the PM I just sent to you on receipt of yet another one from you as soon as I woke up. I think you have the right to be warned you might need to spend your time more productively by preparing to argue your case in relation to the breach of this Lit rule if they decide to take you seriously:

5. Do not threaten other users.

I have been patient, I have been courteous, but you are right, it is my legal responsibility as a moderator to notify Lit of someone such as yourself making threats against myself and other posters such sd physical violence and setting your friends off to get them to keep your name out of it and thus avoid any nasty prison term for anything they might do to avenge you. I did wonder if you had any friends, but decided once you reminded me so nicely of my responsibility that I don't need to know that, I need to take the repeated threats seriously and let the powers of be know in the interests of protecting the site. Have a nice day, I know I am going to on my adventures in Amsterdam.


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

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The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

Yesterday, 05:14 PM #3

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As an aside, as this is not a thread on a serious BDSM topic, I have moved it to the Cafe...was going to move it to the GB as it isn't BDSM at all, and frankly everyone has had enough of your abuse and threats, especially those of physical violence, but thought we might try this first. If you like I can send a few samples of your abuse to the site owners to save them wading through it all?


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

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The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

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Yesterday, 08:53 AM #386
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Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess

No, and being a wife does not make me better either. But yourself, and the long time posters here have been incredibly mean to me today, and it is astounding that there is all this pent-up hatred that has been directed towards me because I originally said something, in my first post this day, that the submissives on the board took ire to. I could hope to find you at a formal literotica function (if there were such a thing), and just accidentally heel you, but I would be no better than you have been to me. It's not like I tried to steal anyone's boyfriend or girlfriend.

Some people are "gossip types". When they decide that they don't like someone, then they put them down, and get their friends to join in. Why don't you pick up rocks while you are at it?
So happy you continue to show your true self. You cry abuse and then on top of all your abuse to everyone, you threaten to 'heel' me if we are ever at the same event?!! Nice to know in advance you also are into dishing out physical abuse and then in true abuser style, justifying and excusing it.

As to friends, You would know more about that than I as I am pretty much a loner and have been most of my life. I have a couple of good friends around the globe, but for the most part I post here, chat with everyone and that is about it. I also don;t have pent up hatred. In fact as some will tell you, I find the word 'hate' as too strong a word to use toward someone, let alone feel. It is negative energy, usually gross exaggeration, and a waste of time.

Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
If you are the moderator of this forum, then the obligation to stop the insults and abuse being hurled my way fell on your shoulders, and you had a direct responsibility to end it early on.
Let me again try to explain to you why Lit is unique and why you need to read the rules of Lit and comprehend them. Lit holds above all else the principle of free speech. As such, a moderator's role is to remove SPAM thread and notify the site owners of anyone continually breaching serious Lit rules such as placing SPAM in their user name of sig line, and move incorrectly placed threads to the relevant forum such as a Personal ad thread to the appropriate Personals forum. So no, I had no direct responsibility to tell people they should agree with everything you said and basically worship you, nor is my place to instruct anyone how to post and what to say. It is also worth remembering you were the one to start abusing people, not the other way around. Try the GB and then you will get a real taste for free speech and no doubt abuse if you do there what you did here, behave there like you did here. They would enjoy the entertainment and new sport.
Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
These forums should be a place where all persons feel welcomed, and where they are encouraged to open up and express themselves honestly. The way that I was attacked does nothing more than discourage a positive discourse.
In your opinion you were attacked...for 99.9% from what I am seeing, it is seen the other way around by the forum posters. It is a place where people are encouraged to be honest and respectful, hence why we do not feel the need to pat you on the head and tell you everything you believe is correct, nor do we have to take your abuse laying down. It is called being mature and an adult. We tend to express our differences here and recognise the right to be different, as much as we express our similarities. Sometimes people have bad days due to any number of reasons (ill, kids screaming all day, laid off work, no money to pay the rent etc.,) and usually they come back and apologise or at the least behave better when they are not so stressed etc., and for the most part we continue on and see each day as a new day, each thread a new opportunity to discuss. While I or anyone might not agree or share a particular person's view on one subject, they might wholeheartedly be on track with the same person about another topic. Perhaps you had a bad day, perhaps you were in the wrong head space.
Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
Perhaps you have not had the appropriate training for the responsibility that you hold. It is not a knock on your intelligence when I say that. Not everyone is cut out to be an operator, or a moderator. Knowing when to step in and prevent the absolute anarchy that unfolded today is a learned talent.
Well perhaps where you are used to posting or chatting it is a talent, and for that I am sorry for you, here it is something which is frowned upon by the site and the posters. And no, I didn't get training as there really is very little to know, it's really simple, and I don't see it as a huge responsibility, just an unpaid voluntary job that needs doing. Actually I was asked to take on the position as I was told I had been noted as being impartial and not prone to making one rule for those I got on well with and nother for those I barely knew or was vastly different from. IOW, I believe in one rule for everyone to create an atmosphere or equality and fairness, not a place for people to come to necessarily be validated regardless of what they say or do. Validation usually comes here through not asking but demonstrating a behaviour and manner that most others come to appreciate, repsect and at times admire. As to intellect, I don;t have any issues there either...I know my intellect and have used it well both personally and professionally. Actually it was one of the things all Dominants commented on when I was looking for a life partner and Dominant....seems they all saw it as one of my greatest assets.
Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
I'm sure you probably are nice to your friends and neighbors, and to the people you have chatted with here for a long time. But you come across to me as someone who does not like it when someone new arrives on the block. That is my perception, and many people are that way. They don't like their comfort zone being impeded or infringed upon.
LOL, once again you are way off base and showing just how little you know. I am nice to anyone and everyone which is really handy when living in a new country. I do get lectures from some I know here that I am too friendly and forgiving, but that is me and I am not about to change as it is the inner core I have had for 50 years. I am nice to my neighbours though we don't speak the same language so talking is out, sign is in. I am getting good at sign and stumbling through a new language with words of both intermixed. As to new arrivals on the block. I was recently involved in a project for new people to the country as that is what I am identified as...I was asked to help in areas usually just for the organisers as they said I was good at welcoming others and making them feel comfy even without the use of language...there were a few different languages to cope with so once again, it required a little more than a friendly word to be friendly.

As to being unable to step outside my comfort zone. Hmmm, let me see....

*I went back to high school in my late 30's and instead of taking the easy option of doing it with other people my own age and with special treatment I opted to do it with the usual school teenagers including wearing a uniform and doing ALL the required subjects they did, not a set version for mature age students of less subjects and exemptions...after the 2 years I was the only one out of 30 mature age students to finish and I was told it was not just because of my determination and intelligence, but also because I didn't want special treatment and I could step into unfamiliar territory and push through any reservations incurred or obstacles placed in my way such as ill health, poverty, sick children at home, raising 2 children alone, and 2 stays in hospital myself.

*Then I went to university as the first person in my family to do so and with little idea what it was all about except it meant study with a degree at the end if I survived. My family didn't approve so I had to fight their opposition for the full 4 years full time study; had to fight to keep going when they kept telling me it would be best and easier for me to quit; driving 4 hours to get to and from uni each day with a car that continually broke down; sometimes being there for 8-10 hours a day; having to then come home and shop, cook, clean, help my children, do the washing, ironing, clean the house; mow 1.2 acre of yard, spend time with my children and socialise with their friends and friends parents; pay bills with not enough money most of the time; get my uni work done on time and too a high standard to give me the best chance of re-entering the workforce after around 15 years not working or not full time; and during this time once again being ill enough to have to go through operations and hospital stays. Thankfully due to a combination of my intelligence, life experiences and skills, I was able to come out on top of my studies where many with less stress and ill health failed. During that time I also had to do periods of practical study which basically was unpaid work...and through that I defied the odds and managed to get a group running for TG, TS, bi, gay and lesbian folk in a highly homophobic area where oithers with many years experience had failed several times to do it...not only did I succeed in that where so many failed (and also took it upon themselves to come tell me they had faile d and I should forget even trying and then getting upset because I didn't listen to their advice to drop it), I also put the group ojn the map nation wide and apparently in a few places overseas so I found when people started calling me for networking, congratulating me for my bravery in taking the risks I did and succeeding...yep, I even was told I was risking my uni degree to go ahead, but I did as I am not one who believes in giving in to discrimination and bullying.

* So I graduated, barely able to stand on graduation day as once again I was ill, then began applying for work in my field and got a job in what was considered on of the top agencies in the country and a position that usually required working 5-10 years to even be thought suitable. I excelled in the position as far as my clients and various other maverick minded colleagues and people were concerned; was professionally published and even had my writing plagerised (lol, the greatest form of success if a little maddening); was once again contacted by people who sought my talents to help them in other professional areas; and though I wasn't on a high wage due to the line of work it did help to nearly pay off my mortgage on my humble abode.

* Then I decided I was ready to chance a full on committed relationship again after well over a decade as a single divorced mother, and decided I no longer wanted the mainstream which had always left me wanting something more and sought a M/s dynamic with someone compatible. I had many good offers from various corners of the globe, but none was right until F appeared in my email. We talked online (not cybered, talked) and on phone for 3 1/2 months, he came to visit and we married 2 weeks later on the first legal day possible, and soon after I visited him 16,000kms away in his country and then returned home to pack up my former life. In that visit I had my granddaughter in hospital from an accidental overdose of someone's medication she found; I had 6 weeks to find a buyer for my house, sell it and arrange to have my things moved across the globe, had to clean the house and yard from top to bottom single handed to do that which was not easy, packed 18 years of my life alone, got sick, had to maintain daily contact with F online, had to finalise all my life in Oz (medical, banking, goodbyes to friends and family, my daughter and grand daughter included), help my so organise what he wanted to bring and help him say goodbye to his previous life also, and move to a country where I didn't speak the language or have much knowledge of it's culture, didn't have any income of my own, and on top of never traveling outside my own country until this all began when I visited F 2 months earlier after our marriage.

And this is only a small sample of things I have done in my life which were completely opposite to anything I had ever known before, difficult beyond belief, or felt comfortable with being usually a very shy, quiet and introvert person, and which usually left those who know me astounded at how I did it, but no, you must be right of course as you know me and others like me so well, I really can't cope with change, new things, or stepping outside my comfort zone.
Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
Perhaps I struck a nerve today with submissives who thought that the challenge was a beauty contest. On the contrary, preparing a submissive for presentation in a public setting is a great responsibility for any Dominant. The Dominant is responsible for the appearance, actions, and demeanor of their charge in ALL public venues, ESPECIALLY in a Lifestyle setting. It was not about creating a beauty contest. What it was about was an experiment. An experiment designed to test, under real life conditions, how two reasonably similar people would turn out under different realities. Nothing more, and nothing less. To extend one's quest for knowledge important to them, that is beneficial to them and others around them, is a noble thing, and not a detrimental one.
No, I think you miss the point. Firstly I imagine many did not take to being told they were only sumissives/slaves and had nothing to offer you and were not welcome in your thread; being abused by you; being proposed to be treated as a lab rat to up your feelings of superiority as opposed to being treated as human beings and the submissives they are; that basically you said you felt most here were all talk and not 'real' in your eyes; and to top it off the fact you identify yourself all over Lit as a submissive since 1974 and then pretend (yes, for what else could it be given your own words about your submissiveness up to as recent as 48 hours ago? Interestingly for all your claims of honesty, no matter how many have mentioned this, you continue to ignore it and not answer how you changed so quickly) you are some world wise and experienced Dominant we should all prove ourselves to. Knowledge is definitely not a bad thing and for most that is exactly why we continue to talk here....we learn from each other, we interact, we treat each other with respect and dignity, and we have fun getting to know each other on some and/or various levels. You don't seem interested in knowledge, more in ego boosting. I am not sure how a competition such as you dreamt up can help people learn myself unless it is in how to pump the ego and get attention. Then again, I am obviously lacking in intelligence and experience so how would you expect me to get it?
Originally Posted by PrincessGoddess
I shall conduct the challenge among my own peers, in my part of the world. The results are most important to me, and probably not to anyone here on Lit. It is too bad that through all of this, you put forth great effort to attempt to influence me and try to get me to, I don't know, greatly dislike you or something. I don't know you, have never met you, and I don't assume anything about people or their personality. I can only operate on what they demonstrate to me.

I hope that you and your spouse have an enjoyable remainder of your Fourth of July weekend.

Wishing you nothing but the best,


LOL, I don't care if you like me, approve of me, or anything, you are a username on a forum on the internet, nothing more, nothing less. I also explained to you before that we live our lives 24/7, we don't feel a need for approval and admiration, it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks in the big scheme of living our life. It is nice to have friends, but we are not the type people to crumble if someone thinks we are crazy for what we do, how we live, or doesn't agree with us in some way...as long as we aren't doing it to them or they doing their things to us non-consensually, why should it matter? As to effort...do you really think typing a couple of posts and replying to your PM's in a civilized manner caused me effort? Not likely. Sad in your perceived intelligence you feel that was my intention when in reality all you are to me are words on a screen.

I think we all get the results are important to you, and I personally think it sad you feel you have to invest 2 years of your and someone else's ;ife into seeking approval from people you don't even know.

As you will see no doubt, we are living in Europe so we don't have a 4th of July weekend to enjoy but we wish our friends well who do, and much spanking fun.


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

Our Stories and Poetry

The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".
Last edited by catalina_francisco : Yesterday at 09:11 AM.

Yesterday, 06:48 AM #99

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Originally Posted by Kathykitten
I think perhaps miss Princess is getting a little harsh fairing here. There may not be many who agree with her style, or likes what she does, but please... Be respectful.

This is a place where anyone is supposed to be able to come with their kinks, their fantasies, and find acceptance, even though not always understanding.

Personally I managed to notice that she said that she worked through positive reinforcement, making her subs simply wish to adore her as the day was long through their own eager to serve. What is wrong with that?
Respect is earned, at least here. There was no initial harshness except I asked if the idea of a 2 year competition was serious and noted on a personal basis I don't feel the need to compete and explained why. That is not disrespectful but drew a lot of abuse from the princess accompanied by a lecture on how I was not worthy of posting in 'her' thread because I am just a slave and sub/slaves IHO have no worth or valid experience to even dare say anything to her...mind you, she identifies herself as a sub since 1974 (this posted as recent as Friday) so sort that one out. Apart from my own lectures from the princess (online and also continuously in PM after PM mostly in caps to emphasise her rage and self importance for me) who seems to have no credibility except for claiming to be the be all and end all of everything, including experienced Domming and a multitude of activities, everyone else has been abused as well if they don't bow down in worship to her supposed greatness....and which unless things have changed from when I left last night, no-one has.

If you read back and look at her words, you will see you are also not welcome in her threads as you identify as sub and sometimes switch...IHW, you have nothing worthwhile to offer and thus are banned from speaking to her...does that sound like the type Dominant you would find worthy of worship? Of course, early in the piece I politely (no, not sarcastically or rudely or abusively) enlightened the princess that by Lit rules, no-one who starts a thread owns that thread or can say who can post or in what manner or what to say...she continues to ignore that and claim ownership and tell people to leave the thread...can't sort out if it is arrogance or a lack of ability to comprehend simple rules of Lit when explained which continues to result in this type of abuse of the forum by her.

You might call that respect, but I don't nor do I take her seriously. Only a troll with little or no experience could sprout some of the prize statements heard in the last 24 hours. I have no problem with you (or anyone for that matter) but would think before claiming she has been treated harshly when most were polite and courteous and had nothing but abuse and discrimination in return, both on the forum and in PM deluge, myself included. While it is true that we try and respect everyone's view and choices here, it is not being reflected as the same by the princess though she expects us to be respectful of her...respect has to go both ways, she doesn't agree with that. I'm afraid the ego trip she is on is that despite publicly identifying as a sub herself, she wants everyone to act as if she is their Domme, and she wants everyone to agree with anything she says...that doesn't fly well here.
Originally Posted by Kathykitten
Personally I managed to notice that she said that she worked through positive reinforcement, making her subs simply wish to adore her as the day was long through their own eager to serve. What is wrong with that?
Nothing. You will find many here work with positive reinforcement. princessgoddess claims to be unique, but that just again shows a self focused view and lack of knowledge of how others interact with their own submissives. Add to that I doubt given she identifies as an experienced submissive and wife of a REAL DOMINATRIX as she informed me to impress me with her realness that she has a number of subs, not to mention ones who wish to adore her as the day is long, eager to serve her selflessly. Call me skeptical, but I just don't get a sense that the words add up to what is intended to be believed. In the past that served me well in finding an life partner through online talking so maybe it is an old habit of assessing the words which makes this all seem off base to me. Time will tell I guess.


Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

Our Stories and Poetry

The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".

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Today, 03:47 PM #19
Happily insatiable always

catalina_francisco is offline
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 16,780

Originally Posted by createashemale
Originally Posted by Homburg View Post
You confuse me monkey. Less modern interpretive dance, more rump-shaking.

I am accustomed to racists taking up for other racists. I am certain that Homberg must have taken a long listen to his KKK rally songs, searching for the right noun to call me. The Netherlands has a major problem with racial intolerance, and you prove here just how much you agree with that type of mentality.
LOL, yep you would know...I'm guessing you have never set foot outside the US. Yanno what, I live in a neighbourhood renowned for being multiracial and multicultural...not just a couple, but several nationalities all getting along fine with each other and the Dutch. We even have a whole street of restaurants from each of those nationalities, and the Dutch. Add to that I am married to someone from a different culture myself, and NESB, who has been here 36 years now and initially as a political refugee, and I also have a reputation professionally and personally for working and living with people from various cultures before leaving Oz.

Of course, I am hoping that when the people here begin getting threatened with physical violence from you and your friends you will call on as we did in the BDSM forum because we refused to post what you wanted and stay out of 'your' threads, they too will contact the site owners and once again you will be informed about free speech and brought to the site owners attention as happened today. And as we know, your response was to say you and daddy will be going to his attorneys tomorrow to get Lit shut down. Running to daddy at your age is really pathetic IMO. You really have serious issues you need to deal with before taking on more than you can chew, especially legally in terms of electronic stalking and threats of violence which are legally punishable. Oh, and BTW, the reference to monkey being taken as a racist statement is just as I pointed out about people who see child porn everywhere where it isn't...it is what is in their mind, not the person stating it...so that makes you the racist if being called a monkey immediately computes to racist for you.


Just thought as you are here now I would let you know something I was seeking information on before I told you it was actually true...I have had confirmation from a professional in the field just now. If you delete the posts from the forum as you did, in an effort to not have as much visible proof of your threats to have people taken care of, physical assault to me, threatening stalking like behaviour, you have wasted your time as anything you placed as a post and deleted is still inside your computer. So to make it simpler, if you do actually do more than threaten and go with daddy to his attorney's, and they actually decide to investigate your claims, then of course if they speak to any of us and hear what you were threatening, they will be silly to not cover their butts by having your computer professionally looked at to retrieve all you have ever done on it, deleted or not.

Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

Our Stories and Poetry

The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".
Last edited by catalina_francisco : Today at 04:01 PM. Reason: update

Today, 03:47 PM #19
Happily insatiable always

catalina_francisco is offline
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 16,780

Originally Posted by createashemale
Originally Posted by Homburg View Post
You confuse me monkey. Less modern interpretive dance, more rump-shaking.

I am accustomed to racists taking up for other racists. I am certain that Homberg must have taken a long listen to his KKK rally songs, searching for the right noun to call me. The Netherlands has a major problem with racial intolerance, and you prove here just how much you agree with that type of mentality.
LOL, yep you would know...I'm guessing you have never set foot outside the US. Yanno what, I live in a neighbourhood renowned for being multiracial and multicultural...not just a couple, but several nationalities all getting along fine with each other and the Dutch. We even have a whole street of restaurants from each of those nationalities, and the Dutch. Add to that I am married to someone from a different culture myself, and NESB, who has been here 36 years now and initially as a political refugee, and I also have a reputation professionally and personally for working and living with people from various cultures before leaving Oz.

Of course, I am hoping that when the people here begin getting threatened with physical violence from you and your friends you will call on as we did in the BDSM forum because we refused to post what you wanted and stay out of 'your' threads, they too will contact the site owners and once again you will be informed about free speech and brought to the site owners attention as happened today. And as we know, your response was to say you and daddy will be going to his attorneys tomorrow to get Lit shut down. Running to daddy at your age is really pathetic IMO. You really have serious issues you need to deal with before taking on more than you can chew, especially legally in terms of electronic stalking and threats of violence which are legally punishable. Oh, and BTW, the reference to monkey being taken as a racist statement is just as I pointed out about people who see child porn everywhere where it isn't...it is what is in their mind, not the person stating it...so that makes you the racist if being called a monkey immediately computes to racist for you.


Just thought as you are here now I would let you know something I was seeking information on before I told you it was actually true...I have had confirmation from a professional in the field just now. If you delete the posts from the forum as you did, in an effort to not have as much visible proof of your threats to have people taken care of, physical assault to me, threatening stalking like behaviour, you have wasted your time as anything you placed as a post and deleted is still inside your computer. So to make it simpler, if you do actually do more than threaten and go with daddy to his attorney's, and they actually decide to investigate your claims, then of course if they speak to any of us and hear what you were threatening, they will be silly to not cover their butts by having your computer professionally looked at to retrieve all you have ever done on it, deleted or not.

Cat's Secrets - Photography That Is

The Joy Of Pain

Our Stories and Poetry

The 500 Question Purity Test - score 26.2% Pure

Kink Score - 861 - Wow!! You're too kinky for most!!

Slave Register #624517 - registered as owned 22-06-2002

Russell Brand-ism's

" It's difficult to concentrate on the narrative of the story when there's a constant creaking of beds and occasional sighs"

"I see you're an attractive young woman...well that is in my jurisdiction...Are you aged within my range which is 18 to death?"

"I thought I wasn't interested in pornography, but then I realised it was because I was having sex all the time...if you stop having sex, pornography becomes inspiring".
Last edited by catalina_francisco : Today at 04:01 PM. Reason: update

Without a much more detailed examination of the contents of the server, it is difficult to determine how many of these libels occurred. I believe it is safe to say that Ms. Francisco’s false accusations of threats are not supported by the evidence at hand.

Because these false accusations have been made against my person, and my career, I have, once again, opted to do both the professional, and responsible thing. I have taken the time to lay out my complaint of libel in complete detail. These are not speculations on my part. I have come to Literotica.com to state that I emphatically deny that there is even a shred of evidence that I have done anything wrong. I am here to demand from the Literotica.com website owners and management, and from Ms. Francisco herself, an immediate retraction and removal from the Literotica.com bulletin boards of these outlandish and unsubstantiated claims, and furthermore demand a substantial apology for the damage that has been sustained to both my personal and professional life, and upon my character. I have earned the right, through my presentation here, to receive such retractions and apologies.

Your Post is Fucking Long. I didn't bother to read it and tuned out. It’s like “I hate so and so, they said...blah, blah, blah, blah.” Learn to write short and concise summaries that cover the main points, that post was longer than John Holmes dick.
I enjoyed the part with the bunnies and duckies. It was so cute!

I would have loved to see Spring Princess in her new gown, but the OP didn't have any pictures, which is a shame.

We must beg her for pictures!
Jesus! I couldn't even get past the second paragraph before my eyes started to glaze over.

I almost feel sorry for her, this Princess needs to be euthanized.
Frimost, are you trying to goad everyone who didn't already have your kraken-lovin' ass on Ignore to finally take that step? Use your fucking head for once.

She definitely has Ramona-like tendencies, except Ramona's posts have more jokes that fall flat and less legalistic bullshit. Also, I'm pretty sure PrincessGoddess is a woman, whereas Ramona can pee her name in the snow.
Frimost, are you trying to goad everyone who didn't already have your kraken-lovin' ass on Ignore to finally take that step? Use your fucking head for once.

She definitely has Ramona-like tendencies, except Ramona's posts have more jokes that fall flat and less legalistic bullshit. Also, I'm pretty sure PrincessGoddess is a woman, whereas Ramona can pee her name in the snow.

I believe Princess said she was a pre-op transsexual, who was never going to go whole hog.