I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

Dear PrincessGoddess,

Regarding your post, I have to take exception to the following.

In paragraph 83, sub-paragraph 7 of quoted private message 14, you used a comma instead of a semicolon.

Please retract and apologize for your haphazard use of punctuation marks.

I don't get why it was moved to this forum. I'm a moderator on the poetry forum and when we get spam or other annoying bullshit, we move it to the moderator's cue where no one can see it and it can die a quiet death. That's where PrincessGoddess's thread should have gone. She's spammin her nutty opinions. Food for thought...

Excellent point.
a mod with any sense at all would have dumped this crap into the mod queue with all the other forum trash. that is, if the need to remove it was really that great.

this used to happen all the time, the gb was the dumping ground of threads that other forums wanted to get rid of. glad to see we're starting that tradition up again. :rolleyes:

shall we send flowers then?
As a writer, you should understand that there's something to be said for economy of words.

If you're going to use that many words, they should at least be interesting, pretty, alliterative, or perverted.

Otherwise, there's a good chance you won't hold the reader's attention.

Just a thought.
Now that it's been mentioned I think that the only appropriate responses to this insane lady's post would have been a plethora of hardcore clown porn.
Hey, guys! There were two of them on the AH. Count yourself lucky that you only got one of them.
I don't know where this lady usually posts, but I'm pretty sure from WHERE she usually posts.

Nurse Cratchett hands her hands full, poor thing.