I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

Could someone get me the cliffnotes? I'm not reading all of that...
Holy fucking shit, she came to the GB. *rolling* Ohhhhhhhhhh, it was moved here. Damn, what did we do wrong to deserve this? lol

On the serious side, does she or does she not remind anyone of Ramona Thompson? Srsly.

i am a little disappointed she didn't come over under her createshemale name or whatever the hell it was.

I don't get why it was moved to this forum. I'm a moderator on the poetry forum and when we get spam or other annoying bullshit, we move it to the moderator's cue where no one can see it and it can die a quiet death. That's where PrincessGoddess's thread should have gone. She's spammin her nutty opinions. Food for thought...
This "woman" is either extremely emotionally disturbed, or entirely out of the loop as far as human social interactions goes. She has the emotional intelligence of a junior high student, and clearly has been utterly enabled and spoiled.

On behalf of, well... me: Welcome to the real world, princess.
I don't get why it was moved to this forum. I'm a moderator on the poetry forum and when we get spam or other annoying bullshit, we move it to the moderator's cue where no one can see it and it can die a quiet death. That's where PrincessGoddess's thread should have gone. She's spammin her nutty opinions. Food for thought...

I agree.....wtf? Why move this here.

I dont agree its nutty. Although I read very little. This website is nothing if not vulnerable to subpoena. Ive said it before and Ill say it again. For 35 dollars or less, you can get....and I wont say his name.....to open his files and walk away while you and your attorney and a grand jury peruses them.

Is it Safe?

Who moved it here Angeline?
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We should all send that Catalina person a thank-you PM for gracing the GB with this monstrosity of a thread.
My eyes glaze over.
Not about this thread or the OP, just in general. I didn't read the thread or OP.
Still, the glaze.
Maybe I have pink eye.
Could someone get me the cliffnotes? I'm not reading all of that...

I was going to ask the same thing: I' WAY too A.D.D. to read through all that.

On the otherhand, noting how long-winded the person is, I'm afraid we might be cousins.


Also, I didn't recognize any of the initial (before the fold) people posting to the thread and checked to be sure I as in the General Board forum. Who are all these people?
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Also, I didn't recognize any of the initial (before the fold) people posting to the thread and checked to be sure I as in the General Board forum. Who are all these people?

This started out on the BDSM board, where apparently they're not so M that they could tolerate this drivel.
I was going to ask the same thing: I' WAY too A.D.D. to read through all that.

On the otherhand, noting how long-winded the person is, I'm afraid we might be cousins.

Do you space out before you finish typing your posts?
Did this get moved here by a mod with a sense of humor?

a mod with any sense at all would have dumped this crap into the mod queue with all the other forum trash. that is, if the need to remove it was really that great.

this used to happen all the time, the gb was the dumping ground of threads that other forums wanted to get rid of. glad to see we're starting that tradition up again. :rolleyes:
The final step prior to the filing of a lawsuit that involves an allegation of libel is, customarily, a demand for a retraction of the speech that the potential plaintiff contends are damaging, and an apology from the editor and publisher. Routinely, but not always, a publisher will simply agree to retract the speech that the potential plaintiff contends is offensive, and a public apology is issued. If the publisher chooses to defend the speech in question, then upon the filing of the lawsuit, the plaintiff routinely requests a temporary order to address the possibility that the publisher will continue to permit speech that led to the filing of the lawsuit in the first place. Types of relief include, but are not limited to: a court order compelling the speech to be removed, restrictions on what may continue to be published, and up to and including the suspension of publishing activities by the publisher. For Literotica.com, the last type of relief would mean that the website would be blocked from access to any server that would be capable of transmitting its contents online. The claim that has been made against me in writing, and published to the internet, is that I have been accused of threatening other people, and these statements have already been read by thousands of people. Since I have produced information that these claims have no basis in fact, there is a valid claim of libel to be made. It is my sincere hope that the website owners will do the right thing, and agree to my demands. If they choose to fight, then I intend to defend myself vigorously in court, and let a jury decide if I have been wronged.

You are a stupid cunt.
a mod with any sense at all would have dumped this crap into the mod queue with all the other forum trash. that is, if the need to remove it was really that great.

this used to happen all the time, the gb was the dumping ground of threads that other forums wanted to get rid of. glad to see we're starting that tradition up again. :rolleyes:

Can I use your vajayjay as my personal dumping ground?
Spineless worms threaten to take legal action against people for words on a screen.

Are you an adult, PG?

I think you’re nothing but a dumb little troll.