I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

It has been a rare event in my lifetime when I have personally suffered the injury of a libel against me. I say rare, as my use of the term rare is to inform you, the reader, that I have been previously subject to a libel, and that a libel has been inflicted upon me more than once, but not on numerous occasions.
Now you know how I feel when everybody calls me or refers to me as a pedophile without even a shred of proof of this.
The horrific statement came upon my opinion and urging that fictional children in text based stories should be described with non physical sensual actions which the site owners say are sexual actions.
Not everyone has the same preferences. Everyone sees a different number of posts per page.

I know, but the default is 25 and I figured it would be the biggest net. I'm on thirty, it's slap bang in the middle for me.
Now you know how I feel when everybody calls me or refers to me as a pedophile without even a shred of proof of this.
The horrific statement came upon my opinion and urging that fictional children in text based stories should be described with non physical sensual actions which the site owners say are sexual actions.

Shut up, kiddy fiddler.
Now you know how I feel when everybody calls me or refers to me as a pedophile without even a shred of proof of this.
The horrific statement came upon my opinion and urging that fictional children in text based stories should be described with non physical sensual actions which the site owners say are sexual actions.


Care to offer a comment? You're good at covering your tracks when writing about children...
This thread had made what would have been an unbearbly boring day mildly interesting... thanks Princess!
I get this kind of nonsense from Lt.

I'm surprised to see you play this card.

What you don't see is Dixon went out of his way, again, to quote me in another thread and his entire comment can be summed up as, "That's the dumbest thing you've ever said," so every once in a while, I remind him that I can say many dumb and hurtful things while being pretty effective at it as well as having it based upon fact.

I'm like the offensive lineman who gets flagged for pushing back...
What you don't see is Dixon went out of his way, again, to quote me in another thread and his entire comment can be summed up as, "That's the dumbest thing you've ever said," so every once in a while, I remind him that I can say many dumb and hurtful things while being pretty effective at it as well as having it based upon fact.

I'm like the offensive lineman who gets flagged for pushing back...

Wouldn't that be the very definition of an ad hominem, you fucking hypocrite?
He plays it often -- bringing up little girls. It's creepy.

The conscience of the King?

"Teaching Patti"

Takes place on a high school stage with a group of high school girls, all 18 - student/teacher taboo...

I didn't write it. I'm not making it up. That's his perview.
If you're going to keep thinking about little girls at least use the right AV:

And I'm like LT...

Get it bronze, not only does he start the drama, but he thrives on it, which is why his style is to pick on other posters...
And I'm like LT...

Get it bronze, not only does he start the drama, but he thrives on it, which is why his style is to pick on other posters...

How did he start this drama? Your first post in this thread basically called him a Paedo. You are certifiably insane.
I'm beginning to detect a pattern in Ish's conquests.
Holy fucking shit, she came to the GB. *rolling* Ohhhhhhhhhh, it was moved here. Damn, what did we do wrong to deserve this? lol

On the serious side, does she or does she not remind anyone of Ramona Thompson? Srsly.

i am a little disappointed she didn't come over under her createshemale name or whatever the hell it was.
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I just took a stroll though the BDSM cesspool. Is it a requirement to be fat and ugly to be a dom?