I hate it when . . .

I hate it when guys guess your IM handle and just pop up on it wanting to talk to you. Do you just barge into someone's house to talk to them in real life? If you want to talk to me, get to know me on the boards, then send me a PM and we will go from there, but do NOT JUST POP UP ON MY IM AND DEMAND TO TALK TO ME.:mad:
I hate it when guys guess your IM handle and just pop up on it wanting to talk to you. Do you just barge into someone's house to talk to them in real life? If you want to talk to me, get to know me on the boards, then send me a PM and we will go from there, but do NOT JUST POP UP ON MY IM AND DEMAND TO TALK TO ME.:mad:

You'd be surprised how many women to do that too. Bleck .....
I hate it when you try to be polite and they just don't get the hint that you're not interested in talking to them. One word answers are a bad thing.
I hate it when the moment comes that you fart for the first time in front of your signifigant other :eek:
I(REALLY)HIW someone has a screenname that is derivitive of something I love or something that's awesome but the person with that name has no actual clue what that thing is. They just hear it and decide to call themselves that without ever knowing anything about it.
IHIW im horny on the net with ladies willing to watch me and i cant find the web cam
IHIW my mental illness is overwhelmingly obvious

I really HIW I'm hopelessly & sometimes painfully "in love" with someone who has no idea that I exist.

What's that called again? Oh, I remember it now. It's called bat-shit crazy! *sigh*
IHW people still have their watches on in porn videos. You can't take your watch off when you have sex ????
I hate it when someone blows hot and cold with me, I can't figure out why, and I certainly don't want to have to kiss ass to find out what's really going on.

yeah me too and it happens to me with every single male I know - could it be coz I'm sometimes a bitch??? I've wondered.....
I really hate it when im just so tired that i cant sleep but have to work in the morning.

or....soo in the mood that nothing i do can cure it.
I hate it when people are evasive with me and waste my fucking time.

I hate it when I catch up on reading Literotica posts only to find an influx of newer members who can't spell or write worth a fuck. It's like the Literate in Literotica are getting fewer and fewer...
i hate it when...

i am reminded how all men are bastards -
pricks with pricks
even friends and ppl I see regularly
men truly are fucking insensitive bastards when it comes to communicating with a woman.....
but then ...i got to admit...some of the ppl I'm putting in this category arn't used to
communicating with women their own vintage.
IHIW my head hurts like this. The freaking ninja that is trying to karate chop and kick his way out can just quit already!!!
IHIW amateurs don't turn off the t.v. or turn down the music when they film a porn video of themselves. WTF? Like I'm watching to hear THAT noise ?!?
IHIW, people put "P.M. me if you want to chat!" Right on their profile then never get back to you, when you try and chat with them.