I just got PLAGIARIZED!!!

not sure what this says but it is a truism non the less. If you charge nothing your product has no value.... I am sorry but we are posting these stories free. Yes the thief is a prick. Yes the websites are buying stolen material ... but we are giving them away guys.
To thieve or not to thieve!

Ok! Now ya went and done dood it!

What I give, I give freely. No, I didn't get money but you and I are different in how we view a gift.

My stories come from feelings and ideas. I hold much of my writing, photography, friendship and... love as an extention & part of me.

There is a huge difference if I give you something YOU need and I can brighten your (otherwise dull day)! It is quite another for you to take (with out permission or acknowledgement) my meager offerings and then claim you were the creator of it!

Now that plumb pisses me off! We can dissagree to disagree, and you may be my superiour in talent, but please don't even hint that it's ok for some fuck-wit to claim ownership of what I favored him/her with.
Later when I get serious, I will let my true feelings out about this topic.

I need a valium, I feel like my daugther was raped by some clown who thought she owed him a FREEBIE!

Live, Love, Laugh but don't lay down for the bus to run U over,
The Ol' Silver Fox
If you send your daughter out into the world she might get raped. it is sad but true to protect her lock her in her room and never let her into the sunlight. That my friends is the only way. I am sorry but it is reality. Don't make it right makes it that way of the world.
Should I try one last time for further 'Light and knowledge'! How in the world did you translate my comparison of my dauter's rape by some one who thought she OWED HIM A FUCK! Helllllooo.
How did you read that statement and think this was a discusion about a guantee of SAFETY.
The point is that you feel something that is given freely has no value. Is that not what you said or implied?
My point is that you or I may freely give something that is indeed very valuable on one-level or another. My industry or creativity is of value to me. So don't abrogate or deal mine away!
And what's all this Yada, about the real world. Geeez, louise....I was a cop for 16 years and brought up 5 childred. I know the real world. That does not mean that I have to accept every shitty thing that the anti-social, maladjusted, coniving bastards want to inflict.
Have I been ripped a new asshole.....many times? Of course!!!
Do I just accept it because that's the real world and thats the way it is? Hell no. At least I can try and make a difference!!!
I guess it's just me and my ol' buddy Don Quixotes. Hey Don there's another windmill.......Charge you muttha horsey!:cool:
looks like every excop in the world is also a writer. Before we get nasty I was a cop too my friend, and an insurance investigator. What I said is if you want to guarentee that you stuff will not be stolen lock it away. If you put it on a free site people are going to think it is of no value to you. Not all people but some. In the finality of it all no matter what you do people are going to steal from you.

By the way I dont have a clue what goes on in a rapist's mind. What I do know is there is no guarentee that you wont be a victem. At least not as long as you choose to go out adn live.

Tell you what, if they want to steal steer them to my crap. Nobody is going to want it anyway. If they do, it is just a validation that I have at least a little talent. The work I value I do not post here.
I give up, you win; you misunderstood my comments twice and brought the word 'nasy' into the conversation so I demure!
For the record, I harbor no ill and used no slurrs towards you, only regarding the SUBJECT of those who steal.
Nice touch that part about, It looks like every Ex-cop is a writer.
Im a lot of things beside an ex-cop, my reference was only used to make a PERTINANT point. If you can't handle that then I shake hand's and say; Have a nice, daaaay!

Live long, write well, and chill-out!
The Ol' Silver Fox is looking for more windmills, what a gas!:cool:
I'm with Frenchman , what we write is our intellectual property , just because we select certain sites to post them at does not mean that every jack the lad has the right to pinch them , to many just seeing THEIR work under THEIR name/ID being read by X number of people is a form of payment in itself by way of personal satisfaction so it is theft when someone else appropriates that work and republishes it under THEIR name , It is theft and there is no other way to describe it
of course it is stealing but shit happens i am not going to hide what i write so nobody steals it.
I have noticed sites with documents in pdf format. This is slightly harder to copy, for the complete amateur (i.e. one lacking Adobe software.).

Steganography, anyone? There must be an analog to it, for written text.
In reply to Mystery writers last message , I drive my car rather than hiding it in my garage 24/7 but I'd still get p...... off if someone stole it and I'd want it back and the thief dealt with surely we are entitled to feel the same about our own creations
I just re-read all of the posts on this subject and see the diversity of opinion and have a very good feeling about all that have lended a voice.

No matter whether we agree on a solution, I really understand and appreciate the fact that nearly all DO CARE when someone claims AUTHORSHIP for stolen work. I really am appreciative of everyones input. And that goes for you Mystery Writer! I for one really appreciate EVERY ONES point of view and your bantering with me proves you have courage and I respect that very much.

Taurent. you and I are simpatico with the originator of this subject. And I think we need to continue developing a solution that will eventually slow the rate of thievery and encourage those that are passionate about their efforts to continue submitting the fun and exciting stories in Literotica.

I've written a lot in my life but never about erotica/porn or whatever the label. But you Authors have given me much happiness and excitement. Thank you all.

So, in case I offended any, I apoogize for my fequent heavy words but the passion I feel is strong and the heart tender and good. I hope to share more with Mystery Writer so don't leave the discussion. You had a point to share and it was a good exchange!

Write well, Write Long, and Peace (and a piece)
The Ol' Silver Fox---God that Quixote dude had fun. Giddy-Up horsey----thar's another freakin' Windmill!
Oh Damn you brought peace to the battlefield , we'll have to find something else to bicker about on another thread now !! LOl

All the best even to mystery writer !!
Oh, no ya don't taurents. Me bring peace? What a nasty thing to accuse me of. Now, if I had something to do with a "Piece" now that is more like it.
I think the discussion is so important. I am much more a photographer than a writer (shit my writing is too unrefined to qualify me as a 'writer' but I love the 'pretense').
In photography I have Many ways of proving originality.
In writing it seems there is not much due to the one dimensional fact that printing words (reproduction) is mechanically limited compared to downloading my photowork.
I can show anyone; webmaster, lawyer, judge, jury the Original photo I took. The photo I submit is the finished product. The thief only has a 'cropped, and altered photo'. I always remove a certain, mole or identifying feature of the model that the thief cannot not possess. More over I have witnesses to the original work. Yada, Yada but you get my point.
I think there may be a very good basis for one of us to set up an Authors Registration Site; where in any concerned author could resister his work electronically and receive a confirmation of the registration. Like a 'minor staking a claim'. Im a Webmaster! ???
I did some reading this after none.. Frenchman I make my living iwth a camera not art business.. there is a rule in photography. It is copyrighted when it is created.... the same is true with the written word. The copyright is automatic. Prove you published it first it belongs to you. It does not matter how obscure the publishing is. Ta Da lit works just fine yall long as they keep their records loll.. day and a half.
I'm sure you are correct. But if that was all that was needed then how come it is a BIG problem in writting, and NONE in photography. I contend that is the diffuculty of copying the medium.
I have produced (just for the net thousands of photos -my own site is amateurmilehighbabes.com not yet in directories so use your browser rather than any 'search' method). My photos are not only viewed (as a story is) but due to the desire of the viewer (mostly for masterbation) they have been downloaded by the ton, yet No one has reprinted/published it as his/her work. You should know why..if not I will repeat...BECAUSE I CAN INSTANTANIOUSLY AND EASILY, PROVE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS DUE TO THE DIFFERENCE IN THE MEDIUM OF ELECTRONIC COPYING.
Due to that fact, it is not in the mind of a pretender to claim fame from a Photograph as easily as it is for them to believe that they would benefit easier from stealing work from an author of a stoy.
I only worry about theft as an Author because it is too hard/time consuming to follow up.
Photo work; NO PROBLEMEO! Hence the question is there not a better solution for the author of stories?? Comprendo me amigo?
if you find the pic you just have to prove prior ownership.... the same is true with text. If you prove you had it published first you win.... ask those hollywood guys who stole the slave ship thing.. it is not hard prove catching them is hard either way.. I get pic taken to the local drugstore with a kodack dye sub printer all the time. unless you want to sue a bride for one pic not much you can do. same is true with txt if one of my stories shows up ons sister fuck.com i aint gonna know it cause i dont do there..
sorry but it is exactly the same...
As the Japenese Admiral said to the American pilot in '43;
You make one fatal mistake, yankee pilot,
You land on wrong aircraft carrier!

It is much more than who published what first. There is case law where an author's work was published by a thief first.
I have written and composed music since the age of 12 and never published it. All my little tunes that I consider valuable are sealed in a registered, proof of delivery, and postal stamped envelope, Mailed to myself and signed for with the return.
Many writers have used this same means as insurance against theft prior to submitting a script. Because many times the script is
rejected but some a-hole of a producer re-wrote the story keeping all of the basic premises. Were it not for proof of prior work (as above for instance) the author would be up 'shit creek without a paddle.
So therefore it would be nice...would it no, to have a method for the internet writer to easily electronically file his CLAIM of ownership with a third, and unbiased , party who could settle the matter (if necessary) as an arbitrator. Such a method would be fast, secure, and cost pennies.

I don't think you get the Point so once more...The writer has to work much, much harder should he need or desire to prove ownership. The photographers ownership is MUCH. MUCH, easier.
That is all I am saying.
You will not see all this Yada, Yada about plagerism/thievery ets. on Photographer's Bulletin Boards.
Geez..Louise...I rest my case.

Misunderstood but never unloved.
The Friendly Ol' Silver Fox
lol really want to get techincal you are absolutely right on the mail to yourself trick do it myself. just writing what the copyright office has posted on their web site.. now for an old fbi trained cop my friend make sure you initial the evelope flap and that it is sealed but not taped... to prove it has not been tapered with do it one every seem so it proves no tapering.... lol
best to offer the manuscript for sale lol. there is no point in arguing anyway it will be what it will be but a photo is no better proof than what you just said.. and you still need an expert.... court quailified to testify here as to the negative of the picture
lol been there done that
somebody has to tell the judge what he is seeing.... lol