I just need to say ...

*Waving wildly from the back of the class*

Ohhhh please Miss ... I know, I know....

hehehe - everyone has dyslexic fingers from time to time; or maybe the imps came and moved the keys about. Yeah ... thats it - ain't OUR fault - its a windows thing!

After working as a classroom assistant for many years, supporting teens with Special Educational Needs ... I tend not to notice speeeling mistooks anymore. (I make a lousy proof reader!).

Seriously ... thank you all for such a warm welcome. I feel so gloriously at home and loved ... like the cat who got the cream.

((((HUGS)))) to you all!

willow :rose:
Re: *Waving wildly from the back of the class*

WillowPuss said:
...Seriously ... thank you all for such a warm welcome. I feel so gloriously at home and loved ... like the cat who got the cream.

((((HUGS)))) to you all!

willow :rose:
Your welcome .... the pleasure was all mine :)
I have been coming here for over a year. I just didn't register until much later.

But this is my home now and I am staying. I have had the pleasure of meeting one lit member in real life and look forward to meeting more.

I cannot begin to describe the support I have received from this group of people here. They have been here when I needed help and answers.

They have watched me grow in my experiences, offered comfort, advice and understanding.

They are the best.
