I want to be someones slave.

Thank You

I would like to take a moment of the boards time to throw in my two cents for our lovely librarian.

Thank You..Very Much.......

If I were local I would give you chocolate.....

And perhaps flowers.

Johnny your talk of predators made me think .... what kind of animal would i be if i were prey and what sort of animal would like to eat me up?

I've always liked tigers. But unforunately I'm not gazelle like. And I definitely like gruffy silly bears. Maybe I'm a raspberry.
SkylineBlue said:
Johnny your talk of predators made me think .... what kind of animal would i be if i were prey and what sort of animal would like to eat me up?

I've always liked tigers. But unforunately I'm not gazelle like. And I definitely like gruffy silly bears. Maybe I'm a raspberry.
Uh huh...raspberry isn't an animal...:p
no but its tart and grainy :)

and i wouldn't be expected to travel to the bear

oh oh ... and i would taste really good with a little chocolate sprinkled on me :)
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I would like to say thank you for the web sites also <S>

I am always looking for more information for me and the subs I know.

With only a year under My belt there is still (and always will be) things I need to know or be reminded of.
I know I filtered through all of the links Wizard provided in a thread I found in the library. And they were great. I learned a lot ... which leaves me wishing I had someone to practice with but maybe soon :)
SkylineBlue said:
I know I filtered through all of the links Wizard provided in a thread I found in the library. And they were great. I learned a lot ... which leaves me wishing I had someone to practice with but maybe soon :)

Lol a lot of us are in that boat.
Just for future reference, the "what else to say" is.... Thank you.

Basic good manners go a long way, when someone goes out of their way to be helpful or kind.

I wouldn't want this experience to be a total loss for you.

~ Cait

Thanks :D

Also I don't get to come online all that often so I didn't read this the very next day and saw like you hating on me is only reason.
rick_j21 said:
Lol a lot of us are in that boat.

Is that James Dean in your AV? or is it just a similarly hot guy?

And being in the boat sucks when there are so many fishes in the sea I could be playing with.
A resounding "you're welcome" to everyone posting "thank you's" !

I'm glad you find our Library to be part of your resource network. I'm going to be adding a bunch of threads (from the last few months) this weekend. The Library grows every 3 months or so...or sooner as my time permits :p

Enjoy everyone. They're your words.
