I went to BDSM heaven...

I went to BDSM heaven and bought some X rated videos and DVDs.

OK PlayDoe.... you're up. Time to do "z"

OK, I freely admit that I had an airhead moment. I forgot all about "Y". I was too interested in seeing what PlayDoe would do with "Z".
Ok, I went to BDSM heaven and bought some yoga tapes (you know, for increased flexablity).
and so he ends it with a huge grin on his face.........

I went to BDSM heaven and I found

all of


and a new


for life.

Shoeless Joe Jackson: "Is this heaven?"
Ray Kinsella: "No, it's Iowa."
Interesting how quickly the verb changed from ‘brought’ to ‘bought’.
Never said:
Interesting how quickly the verb changed from ‘brought’ to ‘bought’.

I thought BDSM heaven was the name of a really good sex store. Now, if I died and went to BDSM heaven, there would be no need to bring anything, right??????

redelicious said:

I thought BDSM heaven was the name of a really good sex store. Now, if I died and went to BDSM heaven, there would be no need to bring anything, right??????


I miss spelled. :eek:
Typically it’s, ‘I went to heaven and found...’
That sad, very doodadish.