I would know you.

Answer 1: Technically I'm classified as a Parable. More specifically, one concerning how to respond properly to pretentious posts made by lone fictional words.

Answer 2: Why my toaster smells like kiwis, insanity, Coke or Pepsi, and that one day, the CIA is going to kick down my door and drag my dog off to prison for covertly selling smack to Nazis while I'm asleep. Cuz reasons.

Answer 3: That would have to be the time I hitched into a small town near the mountains and proceeded to get treated very harshly by the local PD. So much so, that I took it upon myself to exact brutal revenge in the nearby forest with nothing but a survival knife and a single rock I utilized to take out a sniper in a helicopter. Ah, those water-colored mem'ries...

Answer 4: Paper clip, rubber band, thin drinking straw, stick of chewing gum, and your continued love and support... Baby.

Answer 5: Why, that would most certainly have to be answering staggeringly deep questions presented by endlessly fascinating strangers that I don't find self important, repugnant, or own-face-punching-ly boorish in the slightest.

Yeah, Necro is the one I want to get to know. Don't worry, I'll give you a week to answer before further deciding you're not worth my time, or blessing you with a rose and sprinkle of cleansing holy water. Oh, you lucky, lucky man!!! ;):rose:
So questions for you... First I would like to see your answers to your own questions.

Then finally.. what brings you to lit?

Nice to meet you btw...
Oh, and Welcome, and best of luck to the OP. I got distracted by the shiny thing... and smart assery took over.

It happens. :):rose:
Hi cakecups. Thank you for your response. I'd be glad to answer any reasonable questions posted for me.

Q1: As to if I think it's odd no. I didn't answer my own questions as I know my answers already. No one asked me too answer my own questions although I'd be glad to if anyone asked. From my perspective If no one asks, no one is interested.

Q2: tell me your worries is a very personal question. If you want to make a meaningful connection with someone asking them about themselves is a good start. If someone chooses not to answer so be it. They either have valid personal reasons or perhaps fear of being 100% honest to someone they don't know. At some point everyones a stranger right up until they are not. A question is an initiation like a offered hand shake. Only the person on the other end can decide to take an action have a response or not. Trust at the start is leap faith thing I guess. Some are all in. Some take it incrementally. Others not at all.

I could see you thinking I'm overplaying. In reality I'm just being myself. No masks here. My signature block links right to my real face and real profile and anything else anyone wants to know short of my Social Security and credit card numbers. In open forum, open world or open anything else I am always exactly me, nothing more nothing less.

I'm glad you were amused. I hope it made you smile.

I would have liked to see at least a few sentences in your "about me". All your Fet tells me, transparent as it may seem, is your face and where you are(the latter I could care less about).

I'm sorry if I've come off distant. I don't respond well to Domly behavior. Not saying it's bad, just brings out my brat.

Threads in café do tend to go of course, but they're mostly here for fun and entertainment. So what's wrong with a little derailment? Threads in the talk stay more on course because they are usually more serious discussions rather than glitter and mix tapes.
All this is true.

I am usually less standoffish. I think you have made very fair points BFG. I do however object to being told we must think the same way as this person to be interested. I made effort to answer his questions ( his way) then he says we are being disinterested for not asking him in the way HE would interact with us, not allowing us our space to learn him our own ways. :rose:

I love new people here. And like it friendly. But my answers to those questions don't make me 'me' for some of the reasons you said, where as..well....that suffices.

Anyway..welcome op.

Thanks, Elle.

There are some who are new that seem to be more welcomed, but I think that has something more to do with their personality. They jump in and get involved. Some (me) like to dip a toe in the pond and see who grabs us up and befriends us. Call it chicken, shy, whatever . Some personalities get along great with other kinds. Lit is a big place, and not everyone is going to like everyone else, that's why there's the GB! ;)

But, there's nothing wrong with sitting back and seeing what the 'new member' is all about.
You also gave us a day to answer and ask. :D. I answered yesterday, and now that I've seen your comments in this thread, may have some questions. I'm not sure how in depth they will be. They may be on par with the Playground thread 'Have You Ever'.

I agree with what you said about more than a few being standoffish. I'm sure they don't intend to be mean, but being new in a group is a bit intimidating. Getting to know someone takes time and, honestly, can't fully be done in a thread.

Postings are just a taste of what someone is like. Who I am on a thread in the PG - flirty, fun, hugs and kisses - is not who I am in PM. I can be all those, but show more of who I am, the depth of it. That's not something I care to share in threads, with everyone (and my lovely troll :rolleyes:).

1. What do you eat for breakfast? (I can make you and Far some French Toast with the ends of bread ;))

2. Where is your favorite place to vacation and where would you go if you could again?

3. What's you're idea of a romantic date?

4. Should the dishes be dried and put away right after they're washed?

5. How many pairs of shoes do you own? (Counting mine in my head - 3!)

Thank you for your post. Correct and insightful on many dimensions. I'm impressed.

As to your questions about me.

1. I had schezwan chicken and a unsweet ice tea with lime.

2. I like Maui the whole place smells good, I typically try to stay at four seasons as I like that particular chain of hotels. As far as where id like to go again. I went caving in mammoth cave when I was younger. I'd like to do it again as it was a neat experience.

3. I'd buy a little black dress and some fuck me shoes for my girl, I'd place them on the bed with a pair of underwear a bra and her diamond collar. Tell her we are going out and she has one hour to get ready. She can only wear three of the things and nothing else. After an hour Id load her into the car and take her to a nice restaurant where there was impeccable service. I would order a bottle of Napa valley silver oak, none of that Alexander valley crap. We would dine have a intimate conversation and I'd tell her what I planned to do to her later. After wards I'd take her to a close high end hotel where I had already packed and sent the things we needed and change of clothing. Fun times would ensure. Point if fact this was the night before last. See pic of the aftermath on my fetlife.

4. Yes but typically not by me.

5. Three my everyday shoes are black leather healed black label A. Testonis, my running shoes are black Asics with a silver stripe, I own a pair of sandels for the beach.

I'll be posting another round of questions tonight for any that choose to answer.
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Question 1: Are you a Poem or a Novel?

novel: a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.

poem: a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure.

I can't see a correlation with my personality in either definition. If I have to be a work of literature, I identify myself as manifesto. A public declaration intended to be persistent, which often challenges entrenched beliefs with new ideas or points of views and provokes strong reactions in one way or the other.

Question 2: What do you worry about and why?

a) The erasure of everything I am upon my death.
b) I prefer to exist.

Question 3: Share your best childhood memory.

Receiving my very own front door key from my parents.

Question 4: If you could only keep five material things what would they be.

1. My wallet, because it's a pain in the ass to have all the cards and documents replaced.
2. My fire- and waterproof document safe, because it's a pain in the ass to have all the documents replaced.
3. - 5. The 3 most expensive items to replace that are valid within the unwritten constraints of the question, as I assume that "My house with every material thing inside" would be against the spirit of the question.

Question 5: Name your greatest aeipathy.

Complaining about made-up greek words.
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Question 1: Are you a Poem or a Novel?


Question 2: What do you worry about and why?

Nothing, It is wasted energy.

Question 3: Share your best childhood memory.
Realizing I was on my own and choosing to embrace it.

Question 4: If you could only keep five material things what would they be.
My Journal, my computer, my tool box, My pillow (I am picky about my pillow), my birkenstocks

Question 5: Name your greatest aeipathy.
The health and happiness of my family.

Thank you much Salvdali, I somehow missed you out if turn but caught it on my recheck to ensure I read everyone's posts and answered any questions. Awesome consise and controlled answers I like it. Have you by chance visited the Dali museum in Tampa, Florida? It's pretty inspiring.
Yes, I have been there twice. We have many prints hanging all over the house, though they are slowly being overtaken by by pictures of and by my kids.
Well, I think it is nice to be friendlier. I welcome your reminder words. I know the words of welcome I received coloured my experience here.

I don't think my welcome depends on posters 'bigness'. I also don't mind if they call me Elle of Gianbattista at first. I don't even mind when they get Gianbattista wrong :D.

I do think my welcome this time was coloured not just by the OP but by stuff in my background which is totally NOT fair or approprIte of me. So, it is right I apologise. However, I stand by how I feel about us being interpreted as unwelcoming or disinterested for not being the same as him in greeting.

You weren't unfair, nor were you the only one put off by OP.

I like this thread for what it's derailed into.
So questions for you... First I would like to see your answers to your own questions.

Then finally.. what brings you to lit?

Nice to meet you btw...

Question 1: Are you a poem or a novel?

I'm more a novel. While I do enjoy novel poems and aliteration. I'm the long march of time I think through the creation of my life story page and chapter at a time. Some pages I throw out as the story progresses, new knowledge is gained and applied to the context of my understanding. The poem part of me is lesser it tries to make sense of feeling and emotions that exist internally yet somehow feel as if they need to be expressed, the feelings come out yet quickly fall to metaphor. The novel in me draws a lattice of context of the feelings to allow understanding and proper light to the dark recesses of soul.

Question 2: What do you worry about and why?

I don't worry about myself much, I know what I am what I want and what I need as an individual. If I worry it's about others in my circle. When I feel that I look at the greater dynamic and try to see there needs and fulfill them. When I am motivated to act and ameliorate the stimuli to my full ability.

Question 3: Share your best childhood memory.

Perhaps slightly sadistic but a couple of my friends and I dug a ten foot 30 foot wide hole in a vacant lot. My friends dad owned a hardware store so we got 4x4s put up supports and covered the entire thing in wood with a small trapdoor and stairs as an entrance. We covered the entire thing with dirt and planted grass so it would blend in and be our fort. After a month or so we lost interest and constructed a tree fort instead. We didn't fill in our old fort and about 3 months later they went in to clear the lot and a bulldozer fell into it. It was in the local paper that unknown vandals had "dug a tank trap" I felt powerful for some reason knowing that I was responsible and my actions were observable.

Question 4: If you could only keep five material things what would they be.

My subs diamond collar because it's a symbol. I have a 18th century book on Flemish painting with illustrations from the queens library. I would keep it. My writings of my thoughts in journals not necessarily the journals but the compiled information. My onyx and silver skull cuff links, A pen one of my professors gave me out if respect.

Question 5: Name your greatest aiepathy

My stream of counciousness is both my passion and my disease. I want to understand ideas concepts and things especially ideas that have no context nor path to existing definitions.

Question 6: What brought me here. Curiosity and my I interest in writing. For some reason I suck at grammar. But luckily I suck at self deprication as well.

Again looking forward to knowing some of you.

Question 1: Are you a Poem or a Novel?

novel: a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.

poem: a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure.

I can't see a correlation with my personality in either definition. If I have to be a work of literature, I identify myself as manifesto. A public declaration intended to be persistent, which often challenges entrenched beliefs with new ideas or points of views and provokes strong reactions in one way or the other.

Question 2: What do you worry about and why?

a) The erasure of everything I am upon my death.
b) I prefer to exist.

Question 3: Share your best childhood memory.

Receiving my very own front door key from my parents.

Question 4: If you could only keep five material things what would they be.

1. My wallet, because it's a pain in the ass to have all the cards and documents replaced.
2. My fire- and waterproof document safe, because it's a pain in the ass to have all the documents replaced.
3. - 5. The 3 most expensive items to replace that are valid within the unwritten constraints of the question, as I assume that "My house with every material thing inside" would be against the spirit of the question.

Question 5: Name your greatest aeipathy.

Complaining about made-up greek words.

Thank you for your post. Very practical. The front door keys showed they trusted you. I can relate.
I like this thread for what it's derailed into.
Nah. I think I'll stay here.
It's the Internet. Once you post a thread it's not yours anymore.

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For example my original post asked for people to answer my questions and then ask some of there own about me. If they wished Only one person so far has had any questions to ask back. This makes me consider that perhaps no one cares to know me.

...or perhaps that we just don't find that style of questioning very effective in getting to know people?

I have quite a few happy childhood memories. The ballerina doll my parents bought me, the first grade teacher who took us out to the swamp to study a decomposing cow, cuddling up to my mother while she told me stories, learning poetry and mathematics at school.

But I have no idea which is the happiest of those. They don't come with a ranking. If you ask that sort of question, I might pick something that's reflective of my priorities... but I might also end up choosing something that represents what I feel I ought to value (friends! world peace!) or how I want others to view me.

Getting to know people is hard, and I don't trust shortcuts. I'd rather take my time and see how somebody interacts with me and others. If you choose to interpret that as disinterest, well, that tells me something far more useful than any number of "pick your favourite X" questions :)