I would know you.

...or perhaps that we just don't find that style of questioning very effective in getting to know people?

I have quite a few happy childhood memories. The ballerina doll my parents bought me, the first grade teacher who took us out to the swamp to study a decomposing cow, cuddling up to my mother while she told me stories, learning poetry and mathematics at school.

But I have no idea which is the happiest of those. They don't come with a ranking. If you ask that sort of question, I might pick something that's reflective of my priorities... but I might also end up choosing something that represents what I feel I ought to value (friends! world peace!) or how I want others to view me.

Getting to know people is hard, and I don't trust shortcuts. I'd rather take my time and see how somebody interacts with me and others. If you choose to interpret that as disinterest, well, that tells me something far more useful than any number of "pick your favourite X" questions :)

Thank you for your response. And nice to meet you.

I see your perspective and especially like the last paragraph. It is indeed not so much the content of the answer although that is a great informational component but the recursive mirroring effect of the response that is most useful in learning about who's who. As a person I tend to be observant and perceptive until I gain enough knowledge about the group dynamics at play in a given environment. Over time I see who's projecting what type of image and can decide if the person is a authentic individual or someone wearing a person mask. It's not a quick process but I have learned a lot so far and have a fairly strong start as to the the temperaments over all mood and feel of the board. Looking forward to interacting with many of you and hard passing on others.

Thank you for your response. And nice to meet you.

I see your perspective and especially like the last paragraph. It is indeed not so much the content of the answer although that is a great informational component but the recursive mirroring effect of the response that is most useful in learning about who's who. As a person I tend to be observant and perceptive until I gain enough knowledge about the group dynamics at play in a given environment. Over time I see who's projecting what type of image and can decide if the person is a authentic individual or someone wearing a person mask. It's not a quick process but I have learned a lot so far and have a fairly strong start as to the the temperaments over all mood and feel of the board. Looking forward to interacting with many of you and hard passing on others.


That's interesting, because I'm getting a very strong mask vibe from you, that you're trying to project something you're not, or maybe convince yourself that you're something you're not. I got that vibe with your very first too formal post. Either that or you have a unique way of interacting with people in general that seems sort of closed off and clinical, detached, stuffy.

But I also think that was sort of the goal, irritate people enough to get a reaction and then back down a little and watch your thread grow in posts.
That's interesting, because I'm getting a very strong mask vibe from you, that you're trying to project something you're not, or maybe convince yourself that you're something you're not. I got that vibe with your very first too formal post. Either that or you have a unique way of interacting with people in general that seems sort of closed off and clinical, detached, stuffy.

But I also think that was sort of the goal, irritate people enough to get a reaction and then back down a little and watch your thread grow in posts.

Oh. I wasn't really thinking of OP's response at all.

...or perhaps that we just don't find that style of questioning very effective in getting to know people?

I have quite a few happy childhood memories. The ballerina doll my parents bought me, the first grade teacher who took us out to the swamp to study a decomposing cow, cuddling up to my mother while she told me stories, learning poetry and mathematics at school.

But I have no idea which is the happiest of those. They don't come with a ranking. If you ask that sort of question, I might pick something that's reflective of my priorities... but I might also end up choosing something that represents what I feel I ought to value (friends! world peace!) or how I want others to view me.

Getting to know people is hard, and I don't trust shortcuts. I'd rather take my time and see how somebody interacts with me and others. If you choose to interpret that as disinterest, well, that tells me something far more useful than any number of "pick your favourite X" questions :)

"I don't trust shortcuts..." is :heart:
I may swipe that, giving you full cred, of course.
With Lady Chatterley and her gals it's basically impossible for a thread to not grow.

I'm I chatterly with gals? I have been quite chatty that is true but I've only really been posting here for like a week if that
I was going to add my own two cents here as well, but others' words already said what I was going to say, only with way more humor and introspection.

Nah. I think I'll stay here.
It's the Internet. Once you post a thread it's not yours anymore.

you're trying to project something you're not, or maybe convince yourself that you're something you're not.

With Lady Chatterley and her gals it's basically impossible for a thread to not grow.
It is indeed not so much the content of the answer although that is a great informational component but the recursive mirroring effect of the response that is most useful in learning about who's who.
Which is why I didn't answer your questions. It's not about the content. I mean, with those questions, content ain't what you were going after (pardon my Southern). It seemed more manipulative, the way you presented it all. At least to me, it did.

If you've truly been mindfully observant, then you've realized that the people here and as vibrant and dynamic a group as you're likely to ever come across; all individuals whose essence could never be revealed in the answering of a few questions, or the presumptions made after.

Oh, and they don't really go for ostentatious presentation, either. Just a little fyi there. Late, obviously...

As a person I tend to be observant and perceptive until I gain enough knowledge about the group dynamics at play in a given environment.
Your word up there...'until'...says a great deal about you...within that statement. I won't presume past that.

Over time I see who's projecting what type of image and can decide if the person is a authentic individual or someone wearing a person mask.
Seems to me someone is psychologically projecting. I'll be perceptive and observant to see if my statement bears validity.

It's not a quick process but I have learned a lot so far and have a fairly strong start as to the the temperaments over all mood and feel of the board.
I've found that smacking people upside the head gets a much different reaction than offering a simple, "Hello. Nice to make your acquaintance." Gauging temperaments on the former might not be the most erudite move to make.

Looking forward to interacting with many of you and hard passing on others.
I'm sure a few will appreciate your "hard passing." Still, everyone has something to offer.* Even you. Whatever it may be.

Welcome to Lit. I'd say, "Good luck!" However, you seem most adept at making your own.


*Okay, to be honest, maybe out there on GB, there's a couple people I ignore. I felt compelled to say such.
Which is why I didn't answer your questions. It's not about the content. I mean, with those questions, content ain't what you were going after (pardon my Southern). It seemed more manipulative, the way you presented it all. At least to me, it did.

If you've truly been mindfully observant, then you've realized that the people here and as vibrant and dynamic a group as you're likely to ever come across; all individuals whose essence could never be revealed in the answering of a few questions, or the presumptions made after.

Oh, and they don't really go for ostentatious presentation, either. Just a little fyi there. Late, obviously...

Your word up there...'until'...says a great deal about you...within that statement. I won't presume past that.

Seems to me someone is psychologically projecting. I'll be perceptive and observant to see if my statement bears validity.

I've found that smacking people upside the head gets a much different reaction than offering a simple, "Hello. Nice to make your acquaintance." Gauging temperaments on the former might not be the most erudite move to make.

I'm sure a few will appreciate your "hard passing." Still, everyone has something to offer.* Even you. Whatever it may be.

Welcome to Lit. I'd say, "Good luck!" However, you seem most adept at making your own.


*Okay, to be honest, maybe out there on GB, there's a couple people I ignore. I felt compelled to say such.

Thank you Nova for your perspective, observations, and well wishes. I am pleased make your acquaintance.
Welcome Vorpal.
I have been AFK for the last month so you may not know me.
I have read through your thread and find myself intrigued by your approach, so, perhaps since I've been in the wild for the last few weeks I'm inclined to play along and at the same time say hello to all my Lit friends who I have missed while I have been off line. hello everyone...*grins* ...in a bit I'll have some pics on my Cascadia thread about where I've been

Are you a Poem or a Novel?
I think perhaps I am an anthology of short stories. I love stories...telling you mine to illustrate a point, hearing yours to understand what might have shaped you. I love the way that a good short story becomes a parable that says so much more than the particulars.

Question 2: What do you worry about and why?
While I do worry about things, I do not think this is one of the most interesting things about me. I have worked very hard to not worry about things that I cannot control. To know what matters. To pay attention to the important stuff. Which is NOT the same thing as worrying.
Instead I would say that I am deeply passionate about many things...doing my best. My friends and family. My work, my community, my art. Doing what I can to make things better...on lots of different levels.

Question 3: Share your best childhood memory.
I find it strangely difficult to conjure up a "best childhood memory". I think perhaps because I was a very " grown up child...and even as a young person was regularly described as an "old soul". I think I have to pass on this one.

Question 4: If you could only keep five material things what would they be?
My sewing machine
My violin
My kayak
My tent
Any one of several favorite hand knit sweaters.

Question 5: Name your greatest aeipathy.
Making a difference. Making things better.
And color...of all kinds. Of every hue and variety.

Vorpal: if you could change one thing in your life right now what would that be?
You asked what kind of literature we are... I wonder what kind of music you are? Metaphorically speaking of course.
While this is terribly cliché...it seems to me that most people are either "dog people" or "cat people" ~ which are you?

Others have accused you of wanting to short cut the board. I am not going to pile onto that accusation. I think the fact your thread is already 4 pages speaks for itself...you have achieved some traction on a board that can be difficult for newcomers to find a voice in. Bravo for that.
However...if you really want to know me, I expect you to take some effort. Invest in seeing what I've written here already... and/or talk to me privately, as there are many things I will say in PM (as is true for most) that I am reluctant to say on an open forum. But I am on Lit for the community, for the conversation that is possible here and am continually grateful for it.

cb :heart:
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I'll answer... but mostly because I can't resist the invitation to talk about myself. I'm one of those that secretly loves the sound of my own "voice," particularly when I have the least excuse for nostalgia. Nostalgia may be the only thing I love about myself.

Are you a Poem or a Novel?
A novel. Albeit a sometimes intensely boring one. There is some poetry in there though. Utter drivel, granted.

What do you worry about and why?
Could fill a thread with this question alone.
Food safety
The safety of my children
Bicycle Safety
My thyroid
Whether or not the food I just ate is going to give me a migraine.
Whether or not the food I just gave my little one is going to cause more intestinal problems.
That I am a mediocre parent
My wife's sleeping
My wife's late night drive home from work
My relationship with my in-laws
Inefficient dishwasher arrangements

A series of other topics that could easily summed up as: Money

I have anxiety issues (and a smidge of OCD)... so... what DON'T I worry about?

Share your best childhood memory.
Don't have any one I can single out as best. For that matter, I do have trouble singling out very many I would call good.

Today I can remember my grandparent's house in Nooksack, during my adolescence. I remember Christmases and summers there, in the little white house under those massive fir trees. The HUGE kitchen... extended at some point, to make room enough for a mud area that also allowed room for processing the produce from their giant garden. I remember the whole family in there, shelling peas, snapping beans into preservable lengths, picking the stems out of mountains of cherries.

If you could only keep five material things what would they be.
My Torc
My wedding ring
Grandparent's lakehouse (that she sold several years ago)
A survival knife?

difficutly narrowing down one more piece of dross... I have no shortage of boxes... though there is one in particular, filled with nostalgia given physical form. I should catalogue those stories somewhere for my children...

There are other material things I don't have, but wish I could get... (like the lakehouse)
My grandfather's binoculars
My father's hatchet
My grandmother's silver & jade necklace
My bracelet
But then... if I had those... I don't trust that they wouldn't just go in a box with the rest of the "bottle collection".

Name your greatest aeipathy.
I'll admit I had to google that one. I don't have much in the way of passion lately.
I'm addicted to video games... but addiction is not the same as passion.

Thank you for responding I'm happy to meet you.

Children should come with a manual lol, I know what your saying about wanting to be the most competent and best parent you can. Any parent that is present in there kids lives and can be there for them is likely leaps ahead of the vast majority. Many deal with present yet abandoning parents or those exhibiting alabandical behavior.

I love Rainer cherrys, Bing are pretty good to but remind me of the witches of eastwick so there's that.

Your fathers hatchet is a interesting thing to want. I'll guess that it has good memories attached to it. I keep a shovel in my trunk for practical reasons that was my dads but it has fond memories attached. I luckily have my grandpas binoculars and there is defiantly find attachment to them from a wistful nostalgia lens, I keep them at the beach.
Welcome Vorpal.
I have been AFK for the last month so you may not know me.
I have read through your thread and find myself intrigued by your approach, so, perhaps since I've been in the wild for the last few weeks I'm inclined to play along and at the same time say hello to all my Lit friends who I have missed while I have been off line. hello everyone...*grins* ...in a bit I'll have some pics on my Cascadia thread about where I've been

Are you a Poem or a Novel?
I think perhaps I am an anthology of short stories. I love stories...telling you mine to illustrate a point, hearing yours to understand what might have shaped you. I love the way that a good short story becomes a parable that says so much more than the particulars.

Question 2: What do you worry about and why?
While I do worry about things, I do not think this is one of the most interesting things about me. I have worked very hard to not worry about things that I cannot control. To know what matters. To pay attention to the important stuff. Which is NOT the same thing as worrying.
Instead I would say that I am deeply passionate about many things...doing my best. My friends and family. My work, my community, my art. Doing what I can to make things better...on lots of different levels.

Question 3: Share your best childhood memory.
I find it strangely difficult to conjure up a "best childhood memory". I think perhaps because I was a very " grown up child...and even as a young person was regularly described as an "old soul". I think I have to pass on this one.

Question 4: If you could only keep five material things what would they be?
My sewing machine
My violin
My kayak
My tent
Any one of several favorite hand knit sweaters.

Question 5: Name your greatest aeipathy.
Making a difference. Making things better.
And color...of all kinds. Of every hue and variety.

Vorpal: if you could change one thing in your life right now what would that be?
You asked what kind of literature we are... I wonder what kind of music you are? Metaphorically speaking of course.
While this is terribly cliché...it seems to me that most people are either "dog people" or "cat people" ~ which are you?

Others have accused you of wanting to short cut the board. I am not going to pile onto that accusation. I think the fact your thread is already 4 pages speaks for itself...you have achieved some traction on a board that can be difficult for newcomers to find a voice in. Bravo for that.
However...if you really want to know me, I expect you to take some effort. Invest in seeing what I've written here already... and/or talk to me privately, as there are many things I will say in PM (as is true for most) that I am reluctant to say on an open forum. But I am on Lit for the community, for the conversation that is possible here and am continually grateful for it.

cb :heart:

Thanks much for responding.

I enjoyed reading your answers. I believe that stories are fundamental to human communication and an excellent way to frame and emit knowledge. Knowing to not worry so much about the things out of your control is in my opinion one of the healthiest things you can learn in life. Old soul. I like that summation of qualia. Hues for humans nice perspective, like a prism where the light refracts into unique shades of us.

To your inquiry's: If I could change one thing in my life. While I'm pretty satisfied with my life I would cure my sons autism so he could one day have an independent life, home and the ability to care for himself.

I as far as what type of music I am that's easy. I am absolutely a mirror canon. Point reflecting counterpoint. Sub conscious paired with conscious, Internal matched to external.

For me when I'm creating or responding to things in the present I feel cut of from emotion and distant. Only later after the moment has passed I can process it emotionally and actually feel what I missed

I like sad music. I think the reason is that it can trigger emotion in past events that I did not have the luxury to process while in the moment.
This would be a good example.


Cats or dogs is easy as well. Cats, I have three Maine coons, I like that they seem to have more independent minds.
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It occurred to me at the last second to wonder if your "five material things" were meant to be "witness protection" (sentimental) or "zombie apocalypse (survival). Granted: morale is important in a zombie apocalypse, so nostalgia items have their place, but they'd wouldn't make it on a top 10 list.

My dad still has his boy scout hatchet. He never reached eagle, but all three of his sons did, and he continued with the program after that as a regional scout commissioner or something... I wasn't really involved at that point.

My grandpa used to wake unreasonably early, a throwback from a youth of farmwork followed by a life of "operational engineering" (he drove a dozer). If there was work to do outside he preferred to have it half done by breakfast.

No matter how early I rose, he'd be awake, sitting there in his chair by the window, looking out at the lake with those binoculars "good morning sleepy head! You missed the best part of the day."

When I was very young he also helped friends and neighbors deal with unwanted trees. I remember one time I was still in my pajamas at the breakfast table when he came home from felling 2 trees... for some reason this became my understanding of what "the crack of dawn" meant; felling trees in pre-dawn twilight.

the mysteries I pieced together as a child... lol.

Thanks for your post.

When I thought of the question I envisioned a "break glass" house fire situation where you only have time to grab what's important and get the humans/pets out prior to watching your material world burn.

It sounds like your grandfather had a tremendous work ethos. Where I travel that's rare to find. I wonder if it has something to do with the difference in the nature of our modern environments incorporating a culture of distraction as a coping stratagem. The mass stimulation inherent in the expression of this world isn't exactly friendly torward Introspection whilst in the chaotic battle people's collective attention.

At least we have air conditioning and Internet in kind. =]
It occurred to me at the last second to wonder if your "five material things" were meant to be "witness protection" (sentimental) or "zombie apocalypse (survival). Granted: morale is important in a zombie apocalypse, so nostalgia items have their place, but they'd wouldn't make it on a top 10 list.
This is insightful. Quite humorous as well. "Morale is important in a zombie apocalypse...." ~laughs and laughs~

No matter how early I rose, he'd be awake, sitting there in his chair by the window, looking out at the lake with those binoculars "good morning sleepy head! You missed the best part of the day."
What a marvelous piece of your childhood to have. My grandmother would say to me, as I was running wild through the pecan trees and she sat in the rocking chair on the porch, "Come sit. You'll use all that energy up and be left with nothing." It took me a while, but I came to realize what she was trying to say.

To your inquiry's: If I could change one thing in my life. While I'm pretty satisfied with my life I would cure my sons autism so he could one day have an independent life, home and the ability to care for himself.
This is content. This matters. Yes, it does.

Cats, I have three Maine coons, I like that they seem to have more independent minds.
I have two. One who is quite the princess and one who is a goofball who loves to kiss my hand. They found me, and I am thankful for that every single day.
1. I am the nutritional information on a Sweet and Salty Chex Mix bag, as it's tugged from the wet leaves by a field mouse in the early fall moon.

2. I suffer great angst about the proliferation of plastic Adirondack chairs, and worry that an entire generation will never know the solidity and quiet ease of what a wooden one can mean.

3. Three friends and I were walking through some woods to 7-Eleven to buy candy with some money we'd earned mowing lawns. Our attention was drawn to a small tree where we found a nest of newly hatched blue jays, ferociously chirping for their parents. Under the tree was a sleeping homeless man and we beat him senseless with sticks and rocks.

4. I love you more than you can ever know.
1. I am the nutritional information on a Sweet and Salty Chex Mix bag, as it's tugged from the wet leaves by a field mouse in the early fall moon.

2. I suffer great angst about the proliferation of plastic Adirondack chairs, and worry that an entire generation will never know the solidity and quiet ease of what a wooden one can mean.

3. Three friends and I were walking through some woods to 7-Eleven to buy candy with some money we'd earned mowing lawns. Our attention was drawn to a small tree where we found a nest of newly hatched blue jays, ferociously chirping for their parents. Under the tree was a sleeping homeless man and we beat him senseless with sticks and rocks.

4. I love you more than you can ever know.

But do you eat the butts?