
Re: Re: replie

Black Tulip said:
I think you misunderstood. I know this site is free. :rolleyes:

I meant I would not have the nerve to offer my stories to a site that offered payment for them. I don't think I'm that good,

yet. :D

If someone asked me however ... ;)

Okay, I have two things. First, I second Colly's vote on your being talented enough. *smile*

Second, I wonder how many of the really good authors would not be willing to do it if there was payment involved, due to the fact that with royalties would have to know their name and address. Even if payment were not received by the writer, in order to publish in a mag sold for profit, you would have to have a legal demur from every writer who declined payment. I think some authors (and I may be wrong) print here, not due to lack of talent, but due to the fact that family, friends, etc, need never know who they are, and they will never show up in any sort of business search. Not to mention having to explain the net earnings from Literotica Magazine to their H&R Block tax accountant.

Of course, I could be wrong....but, I doubt it.

Whisper :rose:
Replie to W Surrender

Yes Black Tulip I didn't understand your ? but I think you have what it takes.
Whispering Surrender I see your point. But their have been Alot of authors who wrote under a pen name.
Hard copy mags are out, revolution is in

Sshafer said:
I've been reading the storys on Literotica and find they are very good. While reading some storys one night I came up with an Idea and would like your feed back on it.
I think the people who runs Literotica should start a magazine I think it would sell big time. I don't think it would be that hard after all you already have the writers, I'm sure there are some of you that could be editors, advertising sales reps. I don't know maybe I'm just in twilight zone but is there anybody out there thats think this idea could work besides me?


Nothing wrong with the idea, except the future of publishing (especially short works) is not in print. It's right here. The trick is to make the Web pay well enough that online publishers can afford to reimburse people properly for their contributions. Printing a magazine probably wouldn't help much with that.

Where erotica is concerned, we're up against the puritanical capitalist pig bastards who run corporations that refuse to advertise in any medium that upsets their archaic vision of a status quo. The world is reading erotica and gazing at tits, bums and erections on their computer screens, while the circulation of hard copy publications drops daily, yet those loathesome corporate goons refuse to accept that their fellow human beings no longer want to hide in shadows to enjoy erotica, or even porn. They want to believe everyone is inhibited and reliant upon their pox brained leadership, so they keep dismissing sites like this as viable places to promote their brands.

I'm just a contributing hack. I don't own Literorica, but I have owned other sites with adult content, and no matter how classy you make it, I can promise you those stuffed suits will keep looking down their inbred, country club noses simply because they can. Call it suffering for your art. If that doesn't make you feel any better, welcome to the club. Any time you want to construct a bunch of guillotines in places like Wall Street, Bay Street and Threadneedle Street, just let me know. I'm in.

Madison Avenue and Fleet Street aren't worth the trouble. Their day is done.:devil:
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Re: Re: Re: replie

whispering_surrender said:
I think some authors (and I may be wrong) print here, not due to lack of talent, but due to the fact that family, friends, etc, need never know who they are, and they will never show up in any sort of business search.

Of course, I could be wrong....but, I doubt it.

Whisper :rose:

I'm sure you are partly right, Whisper, but many of us don't fit into that category. I post here because I have a number of stories that were written for hard copy magazines which have stopped publishing fiction. Most died in the wool erotic magazine buyers are non readers. Readers increasingly look to the Web for both journalism and literary writing. I appreciate Literotica because it gives me a place to keep my work before the public, but I'm not ashamed of my work or my name. My name is Gary Chambers, and I did ask Literotica if I could use that byline, since that's been my byline since about 1970. Instead I'm GaryBob2. What is that:confused: Who does my anonymity benefit beside no one?