If letting me, and only me, do whatever I wanted was legal...

Thank you Stella, you do look ever so cute and cuddly, Stella_Alpha: you can share my ball of wool anytime you like (as long as you don't get everyone all tied up in it). Now for an altogether tougher proposition, it's midwestyankee's turn. Midwestyankee you'd look so irresistibly handsome in cat persona instead of that stupid Santa stuff, a regular Top Cat. So come on take your meds and then kitty up for us all.

KoPilot has stated 'I hereby declare that it would simply be magical if every person in the world take the time to find themselves in the feline population.' So midwestyankee fall under the pixie dust, imbibe in the Christmas spirit and to help in your transformation we'll all shout the magic word together, except for KoPilot. KoPilot can you please, pretty kitty please, issue an edict making it thus for Christmas?