If you are lurking

Re: So sorry

MissTaken said:
I should have explained myself a bit better. My ennui comes and goes. It is cyclic. I am approaching my third anniversary at lit and find that my vigor with regard to posting has dropped off significantly. That should not be taken as an insult to anyone who is entertaining and fun , or informative and thought provoking. It just is.

I enjoy lit, whether I am lurking or posting. I just don't get the same rush that I used to when a thread goes well, or a joke comes off as amusing as I had hoped.

Further, if I have started a hundred threads on this forum, I would estimate that I would have started ten times that many throughout lit. LOL I am out of thread ideas, folks!

Now, Pheonix, I had no idea you
:heart: me, but think that is awesome. You are one of the posters I lurk after and all over. I may not always agree with your POV, but love your posting style!!!!

And I am sorry I wasn't more clear about my post. It really was a post made because the bumping of the thread was such a coincidence.

Anyway, this thread was originally started to help me to gather some ideas for the forum to promote more posters engaging in discussions. It has done that quite well and I welcome any further input.


No need, on my behalf -- I was really just pouting. (I keep asking around for a good pout smilie, but haven't seen one yet that does the trick.)

And I'm so flattered you lurk me, truely, too! Feel free to lurk me all over, anytime.

As to agreeing with my POV, sometimes I don't even agree with my POV, even within the same post. (Run out of hands to 'other' on.)

You guys have no idea how nice it is to be around people who even get my sense of humor rather than getting that blank look. Been doing some things lately that involved a little too much time spent around members of the Chamber of Commerce, and suchlike.

warning: more bio info about me than you likely wanted ahead. ... so I'm hanging out with these elderly pillars of society, who when they aren't busy staring at my chest (I dress demurely but being under 70 and having a chest, with an admitted penchant for draping it in red thriftstore cashmere... well, I can't rein it All in, now Can I?), or they're arguing with my worldview (our nation is Such a kinder, gentler place for the poor these days, don't you think?), or sigh, well never mind. Time to put the little ones to bed. Thanks for putting up with me on a regular basis.
:kiss: :rose:
Marquis said:
I hear that babe. However, one of the nice things about Lit is that they tend to be pretty relaxed on the rules. I can't say I'm one for all the pomp and circumstance of BDSM myself. I'm really just a pretty normal guy who can't help but be rough and demanding during sex, and has ethical problems putting vanilla women in situations they don't want to be in.

Hi Marquis :)
I am where I want to be, and I'm living the things I fantasised about for years, in a loving trusting relationship. We're a pretty normal couple, just a bit kinky.......;) Master has His own rules....:heart: :D
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I come to lit and read more than once a day
for reasons many know
I seldom post out of my own thread

For those that do not know
it is a safty issue

I have found from PMs that many lurk
and talk privatly

besides I can not type or speel well :)
Re: Re: ot: to AA (please don't be worried lurkers, we're just clarifying

AngelicAssassin said:
You need to read a little more on wolves, unless i'm missing your analogy.

i understood the rest of your post.


you are just gonna Make me stop being so sloppy in my analogies, arent you?:D the :eek: was for totally spacing out (blaming my cold again) to whom I was speaking, throwing that saying 'raised by wolves' around so lightly. Eventually will have to do some googling for new species to malign. (molerats? weasels? Is it only fish that eat their young when bored?)

raised in the middle of a so-Cal warzone (no, that one isn't being used lightly) in a nest of feral humans. did my own raisin' mostly.
How many days can You go without food? I've done 11. (don't believe in stealing. or begging. Except for sex. :D and then I'd Almost like to make it mandatory. ;) must be allowed to begg for sex. perve, huh? oooh, yeah. mmm, I'm so Good at it... haven't been allowed a good beg in a looong time....