If you are lurking

I lurked for many months around the Mother Thread before I made my first post. And even once I started posting, it took all my energy just to read everything. I never had much brainpower left to post with.

When I started the Library, my post count nearly doubled. Now that I've managed to convince Anelize to take over the job, I'm back in the shadows. I still read (almost) everything, 'cause I like you guys and I like to keep up with what you're doing, but I mostly keep my thoughts to myself any more. No particular reason why...
NemoAlia said:
I lurked for many months around the Mother Thread before I made my first post. And even once I started posting, it took all my energy just to read everything. I never had much brainpower left to post with.

When I started the Library, my post count nearly doubled. Now that I've managed to convince Anelize to take over the job, I'm back in the shadows. I still read (almost) everything, 'cause I like you guys and I like to keep up with what you're doing, but I mostly keep my thoughts to myself any more. No particular reason why...

But we do miss your thoughts Nemo.
Hmm.......I mostly lurk here because I'm not a very experienced submissive and don't want to say the wrong thing or sound stupid. I still have alot of learning to do.
new to the lifestyle and lurking?

Mystery Lover said:
Hmm.......I mostly lurk here because I'm not a very experienced submissive and don't want to say the wrong thing or sound stupid. I still have alot of learning to do.

Hi Mystery Lover :rose:

Your post really touched me. It reminded me of when I was new. It's really hard when you feel so unsure of yourself isn't it? I wanted to encourage you to go ahead and dip your toes in the water and start posting and asking a question here and there.

I remember a very wise woman once told me, on my very first job...."the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask" *smile*. I think that simple statement applies to this lifestyle in SO many ways. If you have a question about something, run a search, check the Library, or post it.

If you feel unsure about doing that, PM someone that you think may have the answer. Watch the Board and look for persons of your persuasion (sub/Dom) that you admire (by what they post over time) and PM them, ask them questions. I'll bet you, 9 times out of 10, they'll be more than happy to help a new person along on their journey.

I hope to hear more from you, and others who are lurking for this reason. I think people here, on the average, are very open and caring towards folks that are new to the lifestyle.

Mystery Lover said:
Hmm.......I mostly lurk here because I'm not a very experienced submissive and don't want to say the wrong thing or sound stupid. I still have alot of learning to do.

I would not worry about saying the wrong thing or sounding stupid. Many of the oldies around here don't mind saying the wrong thing, and they certainly do not mind sounding stupid.

Who knows? You may improve the gene pool. Jump in, cause the water is, well, at least body temperature.
Miss Taken

it is not so much a topic of Lurking .
finding out the full spectrum of LIT.. can be a problem in itself.
to feel comfortable on one such board and then try to shift to another.. can be complicated ,.....although they are fellow LIT. members ,you basically have to start again...,for some it's easy ,all over the place,others have to slowly find they're way thru the threads+ postings of the different listings to remain attached.IN whatever case..read,understand,post..

perhaps ..more cross-over traffic should be encoured.
True enough, concrete.

"Crossing over" can be difficult, but well worth the effort!

Welcome to the forum!

I never felt like I fit in here.. I feel a little out of place..
but I dont lurk..
I got too much of a big mouth to be a lurker LOL
Kimura said:
I lurk because I have no real life experience with BDSM. The idea of it interests and excites me tremendously. However being single I have no way to experiement or indulge. So I read and store alot of what gets posted here, hoping to put it to use later.

This is pretty much how I feel too.

I have no real life experience with anything discussed on the forum, but I still find many of the posts and stories interesting. I know there are many non-bdsm threads, but to be honest it seems a little pointless becoming a part of a community that you feel you can contribute very little to. However, some of my more regular forums have been boring me lately, so I have been visiting other sites more frequently. Who knows, I may even make some more posts... :D
Pigeon said:
This is pretty much how I feel too.

I have no real life experience with anything discussed on the forum, but I still find many of the posts and stories interesting. I know there are many non-bdsm threads, but to be honest it seems a little pointless becoming a part of a community that you feel you can contribute very little to. However, some of my more regular forums have been boring me lately, so I have been visiting other sites more frequently. Who knows, I may even make some more posts... :D

In my experience, everyone is welcomed on the board and encouraged to post with or without experience. I think the only real unspoken specifications are you come with a healthy, non judgemental outlook and a genuine tolerence of open discussion on related topics. After all, no-one enters any community with all the answers, it is all a learning journey which if enjoyed, continues to incorporate a lifetime of experiences. I do not believe anyone ever knows all there is to know, or has experienced everything there is to experience. To believe so would indeed be sentencing yourself to a very boring existence, and it is through the input and views of newcomers we continually are aided to challenge our own concepts and thus gain a wider understanding of ourselves and the other....so by all means please begin posting and enjoying the experience.

Thanks for the welcome.
As for gaining experience, I do feel some kind of experience has been gained, if only through reading about the experiences of others, it’s just that I don’t always feel the need to post in order to gain something from a forum.

I have lurked for about three months and decided after my friend told me to try it out ,that it is a nice place here and I will meet alot of nice people and make new friends.This seems like a very friendly place.
MissTaken said:
Why are you lurking?

Is it because you are just exploring, reading and thinking?

Is it because you are intimidated by the posters who are posting a lot?

Or, perhaps, because you are watching the board dynamics and trying to figure out where you fit in? I have done that on other boards; lurked for a while to see if there was a place for me or learn who was who and what role they play in the community.

Or, is possibly because you think we are all a bunch of freaks and scare the pants off you? For some, it may be a bit like a traffic accident. You can't go by without looking, even though you know it is just horrible.

If you lurked before posting, please, tell me why?

Please, feel free to post or pm me with your responses. As summer is coming and I have two months off, I should have plenty of time to pay more attention to the forum and work on it a bit.

:rose:{{{{{{{{{{Miss Taken}}}}}}}}}}:rose:

Good Afternoon Sweetheart...

I have to admit that I'm not a lurker, but I thought that this would be a good place for me to jump into area of eroticism...

I've never before delved into this area, but the longer I've been a member of this forum, and the more people I meet, the more I find that many people are captivated by this method of sexual gratification. I figure if I'm going to help someone live out their fantasy, I ought to know what I'm talking about before I do so. So any help and advise I get along the way is greatly appreciated!

I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can... and maybe... just maybe I might find that I like it too! :p :devil: :p

I hope you have a wonderful summer vacation, and I look forward to getting to know you and others that participate in this thread!


I have been lurking because the lifestyle interests me, but having no experience, I didn't have anything to contribute. Maybe as my training advances, I'll know enough to have an informed opinion...hope so, anyway!!
MissTaken said:
Why are you lurking?

Is it because you are just exploring, reading and thinking?

Is it because you are intimidated by the posters who are posting a lot?

Or, perhaps, because you are watching the board dynamics and trying to figure out where you fit in? I have done that on other boards; lurked for a while to see if there was a place for me or learn who was who and what role they play in the community.

Or, is possibly because you think we are all a bunch of freaks and scare the pants off you? For some, it may be a bit like a traffic accident. You can't go by without looking, even though you know it is just horrible.

If you lurked before posting, please, tell me why?

Please, feel free to post or pm me with your responses. As summer is coming and I have two months off, I should have plenty of time to pay more attention to the forum and work on it a bit.


Some people have lurked here for years and never posted, and that's just fine for them.

Stop trying to change others.
MissTaken said:
Why are you lurking?

If you lurked before posting, please, tell me why?

I am just BUSY!

I am a published writer (non-erotic stuff) and usually don't have the time. Everyday I write a minimum of 2500 words no matter what. Usually that effort goes into a project, but sometimes I am "in-between" projects and simply need a place to put some sentences together. Message boards fulfill that purpose. I am registered at about 25 different message boards to cover a variety of interests.

I've been registered at Literotica for a long time but used to just drop by every month or so to lurk. I am not shy about posting, but I'd be shitty of me to start a bunch of threads knowing I won't be around to read the replies for another month.

Right now I am dating but find myself between girlfriends. Maybe hanging around Literotica will give me temporary "relief" from the tensions? Just being blunt, when I have a steady girlfriend I am usually absorbed by the actual relationship instead of discussing relationships in the abstract. ;)

On the other hand, the past couple weeks I have been contemplating some new writing ideas and maybe the subject matter will give me an ulterior motive to spend more time at Literotica. I have to do my research, right? :devil:

Anyway, Literotica is just a nice place to drop by every now and then.
MissTaken said:
Why are you lurking?

Is it because you are just exploring, reading and thinking?

If you lurked before posting, please, tell me why?
I lurk and spend most of my time on the BDSM board reading and learning. I have no RT experience as I have said...
I'm still very new to all this and trying to get acquainted with my submissive tendencies.
I am one of the ones who lurk because this interests me but I have no experience but plenty of shyness, lol.
I don't have the experince to answer the questions and I don't have any guestions to ask.
So I do what is left and lurk. :cool:
MissTaken said:

If you lurked before posting, please, tell me why?


jeez, don't most people lurk a bit before posting? Don't wanna come barging in the door and asking questions that have been asked in exactly that way a million times, want to get some idea what to expect, etc. I think I got directed nicely to the library right away, too, which I hadn't noticed before, and read for a while before posting again.

Also wanted to know how strict the place is on all that 'O/one is asking' type of protocol, and how well iconoclastic replies and/or attempts at humor are accepted, to find out how much I could be myself.

Anyway thank you all for the warm reasonable welcome and for not making me feel any stupider than I already did for being here and being such a inexperienced newbie. And for doing such a good job of troll detection and tossing.

:rose: :catgrin:
I did lurk for a long time before I started posting here, just because I didn't know dick about bdsm, and wasnt sure what I wanted to know. Then I started getting even more curious, and I had to ask questions. It just went from there.

I am pretty much back to lurking now, and I am not sure why... but I think it is because ... either we have talked about it already, and I dont want to repeat myself... or it just seems, well, stupid. Or maybe it was all the morals discussions, especially those involving children. I was pretty disgusted by some things that were said, to the point where I feel like vomiting just to see certain people's names. I don't want to subject myself to that, so I have been staying away. Nothing on the internet is worth upsetting myself over.