
About 100 but most of them have long since stopped posting, I've just never bothered kicking them off the list. Off the top of my head...

There were a load of white supremacist alts a couple of years back that got iggy'd. Anyone overtly political or with a totally inappropriate agenda that they're evangelical about gets ignored. This is a porn board, not Prime Minister's Question Time or Bigoted Idiots Anonymous. I also hate the redneck 'only way to be safe in your bed is to waste every towelhead motherfucker in Eye-raqistan!' morons. They wouldn't last 5mins on a forum actually devoted to political discussion, they just troll here because nobody can be bothered to challenge them. Nor do they have the guts to enrol in the armed forces and put their money where their mouth is.

GBers who venture out of their natural habitat just for the pleasure of trolling get ignored.

Anyone who has ever sent me a 'burn in hell kinkster!' pm telling me my lifestyle or a current SRP is sick. Overtly religious/preachy types also get silenced.

Persistent copy/paste pmers who send me the same crap every few weeks in the hope I'll drop everything and cyberfuck their desperate ass.

Anyone with a flashy or annoying avatar/sig pic. I'm epileptic and having the same huge/flashing/animated pic flash up all over a thread can really piss me off.

People who post only to sneer and criticise, while contributing nothing whatsoever to a discussion themselves. Negativity like that can get me down after a while. There are a couple of regular posters who I simply dislike intensely and ignoring them saves me from the futility of trying to call them on their arrogant cyberswagger.
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I only have about 20 - all guys (with little post-count) asking for photos...offering photos...or asking for sex/phone/chat. If I was into that, I'd post in the personals.
Eilan said:
I don't ignore people I dislike because they're good to keep around for entertainment purposes. My list is mainly white power spammers and disturbing/annoying pic-posting trolls.

Well, there was that time that quoll and I had each other on ignore. :D
Wow. My attitude has changed dramatically since I made that post. Wonder why?

I have 92 usernames on my ignore list. Most of them are spammers or super-obvious alts, but a few are people who, for whatever reason, got under my skin so badly that my Mental Ignore function stopped working.
I didn't make it on your ignore list with this av, did I? It's not that close...and it's not even my eye. (My green is not so bright and my hair is a darker red).

As a rule of thumb, if I can make out the bit in the corner of your eye nearest the nose (whatever it's called) you go on ignore. Cartoons rarely do, so you're good.
There's a new weapon in the battle against forumus moronis, it's only available to Firefox users at the moment but we can live in hope that it will spread to other browsers. I might use Firefox just for browsing the GB. :))

Introducing FfvB version 2!!

This thread does have some tips amongst the gloating.

The ultimate vBulletin message board extension for Firefox is reborn. If you use Firefox, if you visit vBulletin message boards, you must give this a try.

Ignore Features:
With FfvB, you can ignore users, threads, prefixe and keywords.
Users: Ignoring a user will strip their posts, threads and even their quotes out of the page as if they never existed! It even works on the newreply.php page where it shows you a streamlined list of posts under the textarea.
Threads: If you wish to place a thread on the ignore list but don't want to ignore the person who started it, right click on the thread and place it on ignore. This will strip the thread out of the thread list.
Keywords: You can place a 'keyword' on ignore and any instance matching that keyword will be removed, including threads, posts and quotess.
Avatars and Sigs: vBulletin comes with options in the UserCP to turn off Avatars and Signatures but this is a universal function, meaning that ALL avatars and signatures will disappear. If you wish to place a select few on ignore but not all, right click on them and put them on your ignore list.
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Weird! I've never seen a topic with three blank pages and no posts ... ;):D

There does seem to be quite a few trolls mongering about in here lately. Some folks just seem to have no life.
I have about 6 from Author's hangout on ignore. One is a racist, mean mouthed idiot. Several others I just got so tired of 6-10 pages of You did, no you did, no I didn't...you couldn't even post a real post in some of the threads for that.

I only have I think 6 people on friend list too.
Quoll said:
There's a new weapon in the battle against forumus moronis, it's only available to Firefox users at the moment but we can live in hope that it will spread to other browsers. I might use Firefox just for browsing the GB. :))
FfvB is teh shit! :D
sadangle quoth:
i only have i think 6 people on friend list too.
i didn't think lit used the friend function for anything at all so i never bothered with it, myself. :>

silverwhisper said:
i didn't think lit used the friend function for anything at all so i never bothered with it, myself. :>

You can set PM options for mods and buddies only. That's what I use it for. :)
eilan - i just noticed that AV. Gotta say thats pretty cool.
Have you seen the cheerleader jump rope gigs that a lot of high schools / colleges seem to be picking up on? Its actually pretty neat to watch.
CherryBomb24 said:
eilan - i just noticed that AV. Gotta say thats pretty cool.
Thanks. I'm a Buckeyes fan, though I'm sure I'll be grumbling a bit in a few weeks. :D
Have you seen the cheerleader jump rope gigs that a lot of high schools / colleges seem to be picking up on? Its actually pretty neat to watch.
Hmmm. . . no, I haven't. Could be interesting. :)
Palba_Noruda said:
What keywords would (do) you ignore?
At this point, I'm just using it to ignore a couple of Litsters. That's good enough for me at the moment.
FfvB is teh shit! :D

I have to toss in my 2 cents... that is what we've needed here for a couple of years. For the first time, Im thinking that once the trolls no longer get their feast of bs and drama well start to see lit sparkle the way it used to.
popcorn2721 said:
I have to toss in my 2 cents... that is what we've needed here for a couple of years. For the first time, Im thinking that once the trolls no longer get their feast of bs and drama well start to see lit sparkle the way it used to.
Particularly on the GB. It's been an alt-and-troll-fest for at least the past couple of years. Most of them aren't even a little bit entertaining.
Particularly on the GB. It's been an alt-and-troll-fest for at least the past couple of years. Most of them aren't even a little bit entertaining.

You don't even wanna know how many fools I have on my list. Lets just say that when I check for new posts I get less than six pages of responses unless Ive been gone for at least 12 hours. Ive pretty much thinned out the racist, gore posters and political nuts... but this tool is going to make that part sooo much easier. I just upgraded my firefox so I could use it.
The funny thing is I remember how hot Lit used to be (and Im not talking about cyber, Im talking about good sexually expressive conversations about doing the one thing that we humans do well) and it used to be a real gas to be here. Now its just not as entertaining, and many of the residents are much more bitter over the crap that's gone on in the past. The quality of the newbies actually posting vs lurking seems to have slipped as well. Like I said, I would like to see that spark of life come back here.