I'll see you soon

Writing and reading poems seems to help lift me from whatever funk I seem to sink into.

:heart: Thank you all, dear poets :rose:
champagne1982 said:
I was disappointed this morning as I moved into the day ward at the hospital. My surgeon's early morning patient had delayed him in the OR and he had another one that was still occupying a bed in the Cardiac ICU, so I was cancelled. Not rescheduled, cancelled. [...] I'm "pencilled" in on the 16th, next Wednesday for the cath and the OR is very tentatively booked for the Monday after, the 21st.
Carrie, don't feel disappointed by the delay. Treat all this as your special time, enjoy it. If you need rest, just rest. Perhaps you may like to be active, within the limits, both physically and otherwise. If you can and may then walk outdoors a bit, every day at least once, perhaps in a company, if necessary or desired. (Get in olympic shape! :))

Even sitting outdoors, lazily reading a book, doing nothing, would be great.

Senna, keep your fingers crossed a little longer please, I'm going to need them fused that way for another couple of weeks.
I will! I do.

Best to you,


Hang in there and don't let the recovery period get you down. Take it a day at a time ~ in a decade it'll be a distant memory and will seem to have been but a brief moment in a long wonderful life. :)

soooo glad i made it back before you left! you're not in Auckland hospital are you? in and out and in and out... what a trip! :p

take good care of yourself Carrie, and keep that writing hand flexing! i want to read your hospital poetry *wicked grin*

The saga of the girl who cried open heart! continues...

I had the angio/cardiogram scan yesterday and the cardiologists confirmed that my arteries are clear but that my valves are a mess. They will try to repair both the aortic and the mitral but are prepared to replace them if neccessary. I'm getting more nervous the longer I wait and now, I must wait until Tuesday, August 22. It turns out there's someone worse off than I am and in a perverse way, I'm kinda glad...

:kiss: Take care all and I'll keep you all updated.
champagne1982 said:
The saga of the girl who cried open heart! continues...

I had the angio/cardiogram scan yesterday and the cardiologists confirmed that my arteries are clear but that my valves are a mess. They will try to repair both the aortic and the mitral but are prepared to replace them if neccessary. I'm getting more nervous the longer I wait and now, I must wait until Tuesday, August 22. It turns out there's someone worse off than I am and in a perverse way, I'm kinda glad...

:kiss: Take care all and I'll keep you all updated.

hope you have a good mechanic...
I mean doctor <grin

my mother just went through open heart surgery
which is amazing the things they can do now-a-days
super glue instead of stitches and in some cases they don't open you up fully any more but do the micro-scopic operations with little holes and cameras. Don't worry your pretty little head about what might happen but fill your thoughts with what you will do with your tune-up <grin good luck hun! (~_*)
Every time I visit this thread I am gladdened by the support you all continue to show me. I know, it's as nothing in each of your own personal views but when you look at it from here, this is a collossal blessing and it's all for me.

You're beautiful people and loving friends. Thank you.

I can't tell you what I feel. That seems unimportant. I want to say, just get better, gal. It's all I ask.

So. It's all I ask.

Get better, gal.

hey beautiful! :rose:

i'm in the 22nd now and i can tell you, you're going to have a great day! :D i'll be thinking about you tomorrow.

:rose: *hugs* :kiss:
ps and don't forget that hospital poetry! *giggling*
Hospital Poetry
(for WSO)

Lime green jello on my plate
and flat ginger ale in my cup,
IV tubes running to my arm,
liquid cheese cake for my sup.

Prunes and boiled eggs to break
my fast and make my bowels move,
a little demerol to soothe the ache
and some O2 to make me groove

on down the hallway to the beat
of monitors and pumps.
The telemetric signals fly to move
feet and cause ventricular jumps.

Ten laps a day before I know
how far that really is
and a flight of stairs with easy breath -
I'm a post op motility whiz.

I'll be home and in my bed,
the dog down at my feet
and smiling as I write poetry
with each thump of my heart's beat.

I'm on my way, in about 6 hours. The surgery is supposed to start at 2 pm Mountain. My last glass of water until I wake is lifted to you. Be well, prosper and write beautiful poems. :rose: :heart:
champagne1982 said:
Hospital Poetry
(for WSO)

Lime green jello on my plate
and flat ginger ale in my cup,
IV tubes running to my arm,
liquid cheese cake for my sup.

Prunes and boiled eggs to break
my fast and make my bowels move,
a little demerol to soothe the ache
and some O2 to make me groove

on down the hallway to the beat
of monitors and pumps.
The telemetric signals fly to move
feet and cause ventricular jumps.

Ten laps a day before I know
how far that really is
and a flight of stairs with easy breath -
I'm a post op motility whiz.

I'll be home and in my bed,
the dog down at my feet
and smiling as I write poetry
with each thump of my heart's beat.

I'm on my way, in about 6 hours. The surgery is supposed to start at 2 pm Mountain. My last glass of water until I wake is lifted to you. Be well, prosper and write beautiful poems. :rose: :heart:

I'm thinking it'll all be a done deal now, you'll be laying back in your bed opening your eyes to the most beautiful day of all days. There's sunshine out there beckoning your mind and moonlight teasing your senses. Grooving on out might take a little while, but Carrie you can do it. I know these things. :) Fancy a cleansing? :D

Everything went Fine!

It's about 9pm Pacific Time, Wednesday evening, August 23rd as I write this.

Carrie is out of the OR, and word is that everything went fine!!

Surgery had been cancelled twice in the past few days, both times shortly before she was to be wheeled into OR. She didn't mention the last cancellation here.

I don't think anyone will be surprised to know that she kept her perspective and sense of humour through what had to be an extremely difficult time.

I know she'll be back in here soon.

Baby, you're the best. :rose: Have a speedy recovery sweetheart.

:heart: Michael
Michael, you're the bees knees! :kiss:

Thank you for letting us know! I'm sorry she had to put up with another cancellation, I understand how frustrating that must have been for her.

Carrie! Well done!

I got you something...


soon you'll be out there, flying about again. I know it.

Oh, by the way, I printed off your poem. I want to keep proof that you'll be grooving soon! :D

Everything went Fine!


It's about 9:45pm, Pacific time, on August 23rd.

I heard some wonderful news a couple of minutes ago. Carrie came through a long operation and is doing fine! She went into OR this afternoon, after having been cancelled twice.

I can't imagine what it feels like to be on the way into OR and have a last minute cancellation, twice!

However, she kept her wise perspective during the process and never lost her sense of humour.

I can't wait to hear from her and I know you all feel the same.

Wake soon Carrie. :rose:

Much love. :heart:

Sorry about the double posting..

Ok, so I have no idea what I'm doing in here.


But who cares, it's great news!

Thank you, Michael, it is excellent news. We're all eager to have her back.

Best wishes of a speedy recovery! :rose:
CoyoteCrush said:

It's about 9:45pm, Pacific time, on August 23rd.

I heard some wonderful news a couple of minutes ago. Carrie came through a long operation and is doing fine! She went into OR this afternoon, after having been cancelled twice.

I can't imagine what it feels like to be on the way into OR and have a last minute cancellation, twice!

However, she kept her wise perspective during the process and never lost her sense of humour.

I can't wait to hear from her and I know you all feel the same.

Wake soon Carrie. :rose:

Much love. :heart:


Great news, wishing you a speedy recovery
Thank you Michael

for the updates on Carrie's condition. I know it is much appreciated.

Carrie....can't wait to see you posting again. :rose: :heart:
Awesome news ~!!!!!!! :nana:

I am so happy to hear the surgery is over, now for the hard part. You must rest and not over do it. It takes time for the body to heal and the spirit to soar ~

I can't wait to read the writes you have awaiting us :D
I remember every surgery I have had and afterwards I was soooo tired. Then I was bursting with energy. Energy that spurted for 10 min. or so then I was kaput ~ :eek:

Heal my friend ... take your time each day to rest and feel at peace with the earth. Sending good healthy/healing vibes and heartfelt wishes your way. :)

I was wondering how she was. Thanks, Michael, for letting us know. Hope to see you back here soon, Champ. :cathappy:
Just saw this! Wonderful news. Blessings dear Champers. Heal and poet.
