Bobmi357 said:Perhaps, but I've walked in this mans same shoes. His posts sent shivers down my spine, he could have been posting from my own past. Right down to the wife and his sleeping arrangements. So forgive me, but I been there, done that and have both the scars and health issues to prove it. I believe him.
Et all...
No offense at all, Bobmi. You should know me better than that by now!
I'm certain you are valid in your own feelings - after all, how can anyone's feelings be invalid or wrong? And I do feel for you in your situation and am so very pleased for you that you were able to find the happiness that you have now.
But, in all fairness, the only thing we know about your ex-wife is what you tell us. Would you not admit that it's fair to say we are all seeing her with just a tad bit of bias? Just a wee bit? If I come on the boards and say that an ex beat me, was brutal, an asshole, and every other foul thing I could think of, plenty here would agree with me. Why? Who am I? I'm relaying my feelings about him. Unless he were here to present his side, how truly fair is that?
This is where I was headed with intelsuit. I'm sure what he feels is real. And maybe his wife is a controlling, ice-cold, uncaring, bitch who only sits home all day thinking of new and evil ways to torture her husband. Or maybe she floats blissfully along thinking she has the greatest marriage ever. Or....maybe she is just as miserable as intelsuit is. No, that could never be - she must be the controlling, hateful bitch. (/sarcasm) All I'm saying is that, really, none of here know what both of these people are going through. We only know one side. And perhaps one might identify strongly with intelsuit. Others might identify more strongly with his wife. Neither is wrong.
Most here who are telling this man to simply divorce his wife and get on with his life seemed to have gone through nasty breakups themselves. A bit telling, perhaps? If it is at all possible (and it might not be, who am I to know) to make this relationship work, why not go for it? It sounds as if Intelsuit hasn't really spent much effort in positively working on his relationship, so why not at least try? There have been couples who seemed doomed who have come back from the brink of divorce. It is possible. Because it didn't work for some, why rule it out for everyone?
Divorce might be the best option for Intelsuit - only he can know that. I just think it best to try to look at all sides before condemning some one. I'm weird that way, I guess.