I'm leaving and taking all my poems with me, unless...

Please make it easier to find your poetry.

Could you put a link in your signature to your poetry posted on Lit?

I eventually found your work by searching for your name. That is not a simple process compared with a click on a link.

WickedEve said:
No. She's pretty much being ignored, too. I think she's going to leave with me, but I'm not sure.

I would miss ALL of you if you left. Heres some attention

HUGS and HUGs and :kiss:

and a big smack on your left butt cheek, put that cowboy hat back on lil lady, It suits ya!!


bogusbrig said:
And there is me thinking I'll log onto Lit and get away from all the female drama. :eek:

Damn, BB!!

That is one terrificly sexy pic of you! YOU remind me ofthatactor, MIchael Caine. loved his hand, in The Hand

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day: 09/11/2006 “For Love of Miss Jones”

“Most of the literotic poetry can't hold my interest. My toenails hold my interest better--most of the time. This was a fascinating poem. I really must read it more than once to fully absorb it, though.”

– WickedEve. Literotica Moderator, Poetry Feedback & Discussion and Poet

With such an acerbic opening statement directed at those who offer their work for all to enjoy, I support your decision to leave. Literotica, its poets and readers deserve better.

IrishBayou said:
Quote of the Day: 09/11/2006 “For Love of Miss Jones”

“Most of the literotic poetry can't hold my interest. My toenails hold my interest better--most of the time. This was a fascinating poem. I really must read it more than once to fully absorb it, though.”

– WickedEve. Literotica Moderator, Poetry Feedback & Discussion and Poet

With such an acerbic opening statement directed at those who offer their work for all to enjoy, I support your decision to leave. Literotica, its poets and readers deserve better.

There is a wonderful compliment to the poet and about the poem in that comment. Did you write the poem? Do you need me to show you where the compliment lies?.. Besides, this thread has its tongue firmly between someone's cheeks, or was its purpose really that obscure?
Last edited:
IrishBayou said:
. . . I support your decision to leave . . .

and with that statement, from some a valued member of this community, i'm sure you made her mind up for her.

look, can you see her rushing toward the exit? . . .
IrishBayou said:
Quote of the Day: 09/11/2006 “For Love of Miss Jones”

“Most of the literotic poetry can't hold my interest. My toenails hold my interest better--most of the time. This was a fascinating poem. I really must read it more than once to fully absorb it, though.”

– WickedEve. Literotica Moderator, Poetry Feedback & Discussion and Poet

With such an acerbic opening statement directed at those who offer their work for all to enjoy, I support your decision to leave. Literotica, its poets and readers deserve better.


Have you read every poem offered each day? Most won't make you want to read it to the end. Be honest. I will agree there is always something for everyone - there's no accounting for taste. That said, I think Eve liked your poem, I did.
IrishBayou said:
Quote of the Day: 09/11/2006 “For Love of Miss Jones”

“Most of the literotic poetry can't hold my interest. My toenails hold my interest better--most of the time. This was a fascinating poem. I really must read it more than once to fully absorb it, though.”

– WickedEve. Literotica Moderator, Poetry Feedback & Discussion and Poet

With such an acerbic opening statement directed at those who offer their work for all to enjoy, I support your decision to leave. Literotica, its poets and readers deserve better.

I'm puzzled by this. You seem unhappy with Eve's comment. I understand and empathize with that (God knows, she's been cranky enough to me, though it has always been more clearly phrased as cut and not compliment and I have always deserved whatever she has thrown at me, and been grateful for the feedback. But I am Wimp Man personified. So go figure. ;)).

I have to say, though, I can't seem to find your (or whoever's, it isn't clear) poem, IB. As I am often incompetent at this, may I ask if it is still here? If so, can you provide a link?

And I am always distrustful of phrases like "those who offer their work for all to enjoy". That always seems to end up as being a synonym for "these poems suck, but you should like them because I am a nice person". Just sayin'.

Yeah. Cranky tonight.

I would be happy to look, nonjudgmentally, at your (or whosever's) poem, if it is still up. If it ain't, let me know when it is, and I will look and comment.

Welcome to the Poetry forum.
WickedEve said:
I get some attention.

Lauren pointed out to me that I leave every year. I don't think I've had my anal leaving this year. Okay, it's annual.
By the way, next month is my 5 year anniversary at lit.
I don't want to make this a totally meaningless thread, so I'll get to poetry in a minute.
Also, if you want to read any of my poetry, check out WickedEve--or KittenishJane, which I'm using for new poetry since there are too many under the W.E. name and I can't find anything in that list and some poems I don't even remember writing and I suspect that someone is messing with my head and putting poems on my member page that aren't really mine.
Even though I've posted less this year, I'm still lurking like a booger in a community without tissues. (I don't know what that means but it's kind of deep.)

So, would anyone like to share anything? A poem? What's going on in your poetry life? Anyone have a tissue?

happy early anniversary Eve! i hope you're showered with gifts, er, toys, er, complain... compliments.

WickedEve said:
I get some attention.

Lauren pointed out to me that I leave every year. I don't think I've had my anal leaving this year. Okay, it's annual.
By the way, next month is my 5 year anniversary at lit.
I don't want to make this a totally meaningless thread, so I'll get to poetry in a minute.
Also, if you want to read any of my poetry, check out WickedEve--or KittenishJane, which I'm using for new poetry since there are too many under the W.E. name and I can't find anything in that list and some poems I don't even remember writing and I suspect that someone is messing with my head and putting poems on my member page that aren't really mine.
Even though I've posted less this year, I'm still lurking like a booger in a community without tissues. (I don't know what that means but it's kind of deep.)

So, would anyone like to share anything? A poem? What's going on in your poetry life? Anyone have a tissue?
You should listen to that KittenishJane-- she could teach you a thing or two about poetry.
WickedEve said:
I get some attention. Also, if you want to read any of my poetry, check out WickedEve--or KittenishJane,

I could kick my own booty for not knowing that was you. I read I Won't Room With Mona and loved it. I did not know who that KittenishJane was, but she sooo rocked. :nana:

*Caught in your evil trap, you vicious woman !! * :eek:
normal jean said:
Damn, BB!!

That is one terrificly sexy pic of you! YOU remind me ofthatactor, MIchael Caine. loved his hand, in The Hand


It's surprising how easy it is to like some people. :kiss:
champagne1982 said:
There is a wonderful compliment to the poet and about the poem in that comment. Did you write the poem? Do you need me to show you where the compliment lies?.. Besides, this thread has its tongue firmly between someone's cheeks, or was its purpose really that obscure?
No IB didn't write that poem. I did. And I very much appreciated the compliment Eve gave me.

IB, I think it is important to remember that many of the poems posted in submissions are intended (despite the public posting) for a limited readership: they read like personal letters to some person or another, rather like radio dedications. They aren't intended to be read and critiqued, I don't think. Some people have broader aims and are trying to grow in the craft of writing poetry. I think most of those folks (though certainly not all) find the forums.

Hmm. I wonder how many people got a visual image of Eve's tongue between cheeks from this post? :D
IB, who has no affiliation with me and whom I do not know, is speaking of a poem that can be found in my signature link. or rather, he or she is speaking of Eve's feedback on that poem. *shrugs*
Tzara said:
I'm puzzled by this. You seem unhappy with Eve's comment. I understand and empathize with that (God knows, she's been cranky enough to me, though it has always been more clearly phrased as cut and not compliment and I have always deserved whatever she has thrown at me, and been grateful for the feedback. But I am Wimp Man personified. So go figure. ;)).

I have to say, though, I can't seem to find your (or whoever's, it isn't clear) poem, IB. As I am often incompetent at this, may I ask if it is still here? If so, can you provide a link?

And I am always distrustful of phrases like "those who offer their work for all to enjoy". That always seems to end up as being a synonym for "these poems suck, but you should like them because I am a nice person". Just sayin'.

Yeah. Cranky tonight.

I would be happy to look, nonjudgmentally, at your (or whosever's) poem, if it is still up. If it ain't, let me know when it is, and I will look and comment.

Welcome to the Poetry forum.
cherries_on_snow said:
IB, who has no affiliation with me and whom I do not know, is speaking of a poem that can be found in my signature link. or rather, he or she is speaking of Eve's feedback on that poem. *shrugs*
Yeah, I see that. I feel stupid now, not that that is unusual. I remember reading your poem. Nice story-like feel to it. One point—I think you mean The Devil in Miss Jones, not The Devil and Miss Jones.

I guess he must have been put off by Eve's implication that most of the posted poems aren't very good.

I guess.
IrishBayou said:
Quote of the Day: 09/11/2006 “For Love of Miss Jones”

“Most of the literotic poetry can't hold my interest. My toenails hold my interest better--most of the time. This was a fascinating poem. I really must read it more than once to fully absorb it, though.”

– WickedEve. Literotica Moderator, Poetry Feedback & Discussion and Poet

With such an acerbic opening statement directed at those who offer their work for all to enjoy, I support your decision to leave. Literotica, its poets and readers deserve better.


all I can say is...hummmph!!

I wish she would say THAT about MY work!!

Eve is a poetry goddess, and I welcome any time she even glances at my stuffthrough her toenail polish


welcome to the forum, IB
Tristesse2 said:
Have you read every poem offered each day? Most won't make you want to read it to the end. Be honest. I will agree there is always something for everyone - there's no accounting for taste. That said, I think Eve liked your poem, I did.

hi Tess :)

( i like saying that, makes me feel powerfull ;)

Yeah, I agree with you on the reading every poem, everyday thing. I tried to be noble, a long tgime ago and read every new one AND leave a constructive comment on every one.

First thing that happened was a friend warned me that some people dont really want constructive crit and might retaliate in different childish ways, which they did

next thing--

People whose work I didnt mention in the reviews, well, some were offended and I got the usual, "who the fuck died and made YOU an expert"

( I never claimed to BE an expert, just triedto help out by reading them, thats all...

its hard just to write sometimes.

read when you can, enjoy what you may :)

sure, not all LIt poetry is good, but I have read crap on some pretty spectacular, high test ezines...( just my opinion)

love y'all..I AM going to work in NC, 4 weeks, whew, thought I was stuck here watching Y/R

cherries_on_snow said:
No IB didn't write that poem. I did. And I very much appreciated the compliment Eve gave me.

IB, I think it is important to remember that many of the poems posted in submissions are intended (despite the public posting) for a limited readership: they read like personal letters to some person or another, rather like radio dedications. They aren't intended to be read and critiqued, I don't think. Some people have broader aims and are trying to grow in the craft of writing poetry. I think most of those folks (though certainly not all) find the forums.

Hmm. I wonder how many people got a visual image of Eve's tongue between cheeks from this post? :D

all I can see are her glorious toenails

and her COWBOY hat!!!

I really do aim broader, but keep missin', haha, just lazy I reckon

WickedEve said:
I'm sick of not being recognized for the Goddess that I am! So I will deprive you bastards of my poetry and my ass avs and my dildo adventures!

Well, damn, I miss friggin' everything 'round here...unless someone would like to leave me links to the dildo adventures and maybe drop copies of the ass avs in my PM box?...mmm? someone? anyone?

*lightly tapping on thread*

Is this even turned on?

IrishBayou said:
Quote of the Day: 09/11/2006 “For Love of Miss Jones”

“Most of the literotic poetry can't hold my interest. My toenails hold my interest better--most of the time. This was a fascinating poem. I really must read it more than once to fully absorb it, though.”

– WickedEve. Literotica Moderator, Poetry Feedback & Discussion and Poet

With such an acerbic opening statement directed at those who offer their work for all to enjoy, I support your decision to leave. Literotica, its poets and readers deserve better.

Wow. Look at what I missed during the last couple of days. lol
I'm not leaving.
I remember the comment and enjoying the poem.
I actually love many of the poems I read. You have to remember that lit has thousands of poems. They can't all be interesting enough for me, or anyone, as a reader.
Was that your poem? If so, what's the problem? I gave it a good score.
By the way, I'm not going anywhere. :D This was a "joke" thread. My annual thingy. So, chill...
One more thing. What's with this: "WickedEve. Literotica Moderator, Poetry Feedback & Discussion and Poet" I know I don't sign my feedback that way. :rolleyes:
cherries_on_snow said:
IB, who has no affiliation with me and whom I do not know, is speaking of a poem that can be found in my signature link. or rather, he or she is speaking of Eve's feedback on that poem. *shrugs*
Sorry. I forgot it was your poem. I remember the poem but couldn't remember who wrote it. Well, I like it, damn it! :) Very interesting read.
Tzara said:
I'm puzzled by this. You seem unhappy with Eve's comment. I understand and empathize with that (God knows, she's been cranky enough to me, though it has always been more clearly phrased as cut and not compliment and I have always deserved whatever she has thrown at me, and been grateful for the feedback. But I am Wimp Man personified. So go figure. ;)).
I need to bitch slap you. :devil:
WickedEve said:
I need to bitch slap you. :devil:
The comment I'm thinking about, you did, dearie.

And it felt real good, which has me worried. ;)
IrishBayou said:
Quote of the Day: 09/11/2006 “For Love of Miss Jones”

“Most of the literotic poetry can't hold my interest. My toenails hold my interest better--most of the time. This was a fascinating poem. I really must read it more than once to fully absorb it, though.”

– WickedEve. Literotica Moderator, Poetry Feedback & Discussion and Poet

With such an acerbic opening statement directed at those who offer their work for all to enjoy, I support your decision to leave. Literotica, its poets and readers deserve better.

Now I know what the problem is. Your first post was on the poetry review thread and you said you couldn't understand ManRay's illustrated poems not getting mentioned. I posted a reply saying that you mentioned them and that's what the thread is all about. In other words, you don't need to be a regular reviewer to mention poetry. Did that simple statement of mine offend you? If so, you really took it the wrong way.