I'm leaving and taking all my poems with me, unless...

Tzara said:
The comment I'm thinking about, you did, dearie.

And it felt real good, which has me worried. ;)
I don't remember that one, but glad you enjoyed it.
I'm free Wed. night to give you another one. Just remind me. Or you can give me one. I'm game. ;) lol
Never said:
So, who are you anyway Wicked Eve?
Southern gal, sub, published poet (well, published a little bit) mom, mod, photographer (published and tickled about it) african art dealer, web designer (and finally getting paid for it again!) dildo owner, diabetic, over 40 and not looking too bad since I didn't bake in the sun that much as a teen and I eat right and walk every day. I'm also a bitch, moody, can be diplomatic, can be an asshole, deep down I'm a goody goody and really don't dislike anyone--at least not for long. Oh, and I'm kind of neurotic and overly sensitive. And my kids told me that I wear too much makeup. My friends say that I'm hysterically funny. My Master says I'm the sexiest woman in the world. Hey, as long as one man thinks that, it's all good.
Okay, time to leave and ship a Congo fetish to Canada. :D
A Feminine Divine ?

WickedEve said:
I'm sick of not being recognized for the Goddess that I am! .

I have just re-read Robert Graves "The White Goddess" and the identity of her latest incarnation has suddenly dawned on me. :D