I'm new hear my future stuff

I have no stake in this, but were the allegations proved?
I don't believe he was convicted of a crime, no, but I'm not commenting as a judge or a journalist. Still, if you prefer: it's tinged a bit by suspecting what we have compelling grounds to suspect now...

It just doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?
I have no stake in this, but were the allegations proved?
They're still married, so who gives a fuck? All a bit tawdry at the time, but fuck me, there's tens of thousands of readers here who think incest is okay, and the morally righteous still condemn a guy who marries his adopted daughter. Double or triple standards, or what?
They're still married, so who gives a fuck? All a bit tawdry at the time, but fuck me, there's tens of thousands of readers here who think incest is okay, and the morally righteous still condemn a guy who marries his adopted daughter. Double or triple standards, or what?
Marrying his adopted daughter was a bit - strange - but it was legal I think. The allegations about Dylan Farrow - I'm not qualified to comment on those.
I don't believe he was convicted of a crime, no, but I'm not commenting as a judge or a journalist. Still, if you prefer: it's tinged a bit by suspecting what we have compelling grounds to suspect now...

It just doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?
The original quote had nothing to do with incest. I can't even find which movie it's from, but I assume he wrote the script.
The original quote had nothing to do with incest. I can't even find which movie it's from, but I assume he wrote the script.
My point is the moral excitement over an act that was tacky and pretty dodgy for those looking on, but in fact no crime at all, since she was not related by blood, just a piece of paper. If you wrote about it here, the whole affair would be given a one or a two, because there's no proper taboo. It's all headlines and "Oh horror, look at the depraved monster," when maybe it was just about love. Certainly got nothing to do with the movies he makes.