I'm outta here...

How've y'all been for the last two days?

I'm home early?
You noticed?
Oh how sweet!

Yeh. I'm home early. And i've got a few big ole giant huge enormous "lesson learned" stamps in my passport, too.

Here's what i learned on this go-round, boys and girls:
(1) A really good online/email/phone relationship will not always translate into a wonderful face-to-face relationship.
(2) Just cuz someone is as kinky as i am, has a flock of similar perversions does not mean we'll click.

Most importantly though, and the reason for (1) and (2) is this:
(3) If i've already got my emotions (hopes/needs/wishes - my submission offered, at least the beginning of that) invested in someone, even if it's still just the beginning of that relationship, i cannot spend them with another person without feeling wrong and bad and shocked and unkind.

Here's the lowdown: the man i went to see was perfectly wonderful. He was everything he said he was, everything i'd learned about him. However, he'd had nonstop in-home guests in the three weeks before my visit and our comunications were diminished accordingly.

During those three weeks, my relationship with the other man, the other dom, the one who lives where i live, intensified. During those three weeks, my feelings became more concrete and stronger for the one who lives near me.

But i was conflicted, confused. I wasn't sure i wanted another full-on D/s, you Dom me sub kinda relationship. It hasn't been that long since Steve. (Well, maybe it has...) I have trust issues. He's new to the dominant side and could i, can i, really trust my deepest truest self to someone new to the power issue, no matter that he's spent years on the bottom, watching carefully what went on on the other side? Can i accept the limitations his life partner has imposed on us both - for the long run?

The one who lives near me (i'll just give in gracefully here and now and begin calling him "my dominant", okay? that's what he is to me) sent me off to visit the other man in Denver telling me that the visit would help clarify my feelings about what was unfolding between he and i, one way or the other.

And he was right.

I knew from the time my plane landed, before i ever saw the Denver man, that i was in the wrong place and about to give a hello kiss to the wrong man.

The feelings intensified through the next double handful of hours.

The Denver man was wonderful. There was nothing at all wrong with him - it was me. My brain. My heart. My needs. They all ached to be elsewhere, with someone else. My submission was streaming in almost-concrete sheets of longing from Denver back to my home, aching for the flow of energy from the one with whom i'd already forged the interdependent links of dominance and submission.

Early the next morning i told the Denver man that i was feeling terribly conflicted...and so we began to talk.

I was back in the airport by noon and trying to find a plane out of Denver headed back to San Francisco. As soon as i got back to the City, i called my dominant - and was relieved to hear joy in his voice that i'd come home early. Since my plane arrived after the commuter rush was over, i had an effortless drive home, my spirit soaring ahead of my car and skimming the familiar hills as i drove.

And now i'm home again.

Moral of the story: amazingly, i think i'm in a D/s relationship of worth and value and strength and fineness. I never realized i was here, either, until i went someplace else where someone else was going to touch me in ways, eomtional and physical and psychological, that i only want my own dominant to touch me.
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WELCOME HOME CYM!!! Very touching, truely. It is wonderful that you have finally figured things out (well better than before any way, none of us has everything figured out). i am so happy you were able to have this awakening so early and that you have arrived back home safe and sound. Especially sound at heart.
Welcome back!

Glad you were able to sort things out so quickly and were able to get back to where you truly wanted to be so easily.
Welcome Home Cym ! I am very glad to see you there and to know you are smiling.

P.S. Sorry about the crumbs on the kitchen counter we had to rush out when we heard you were back.

P.S.S. We never did find the key to unlock the box of good toys, did you take it with you?
Thank you, *all*. Thank you thank you thank you!

lilred? Crumbs? They don't bother me a bit. The housekeeper will get them...
I don't have a housekeeper anymore.
I am the housekeeper now.
Oh well.
If that's the price of freedom in my life, then i'm glad to pay it.

Good toys?

bad kitty?
Girl you gotta do something about your sig block. It's too damn wide. It thows off everyone's postings. It's sweet and very, very cool, of course, (just like you) but waaaaaay too wide for this forum.
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I'm glad to hear that you have got things sorted Cym :)

Sounds like the beginning of something fantastic..

Hope things go really really well !
cym--do us (okay, me) a favor and come up with a nic for your Dom, will ya? That way, we can gossip about him much more easily. :)

You know I'm on your side, hon, and you already know what I think about all that's going on and all that's been developing for some time now. Rather than take sides or make judgements, I'll just say that I love you and want to see you happy. So, for as long as your Dom makes you happy, he's in my good book. The very *second* any of this starts to make you crazy, though, I'm coming up to kick his ass--and you know I'd do it, too. [Perhaps I too, as the confidante, am a little gun-shy and reluctant to trust? Strange thought, that.]

In any case, I'm glad you're home, safe and happy and well.
And that you had $4.80 in small change. :D

You know he reads this board, right?
He reads basically everything i write here.

And i'll have to discuss a nick with him for him.

And he thinks you and MasterMe coming up this way for the Fetish Flea Market in August sounds like a good time.
cymbidia said:
You know he reads this board, right?
He reads basically everything i write here.
Even better--now you won't have to repeat my somewhat-more-than-idle threats.

So, to cym's Dom: I hear wonderful things about you, and I'm sure you're a lovely man and very capable Dominant. Hopefully, we'll get an opportunity to be friends, or at least friendly. But, I have to declare my allegiances right up front: if you harm her or do her wrong, I suggest you move off the continent, because this here Amazonian switch Bitch is coming up to Frisco to even the score. :)

And i'll have to discuss a nick with him for him.
*Biting tongue about sentence structure*
Okey-dokey, then. Think you can get him to come by and say hello?

And he thinks you and MasterMe coming up this way for the Fetish Flea Market in August sounds like a good time.
Glad to hear it; you know I didn't want to horn in on your time together--at least, not if it's gonna create strain or problems between you. I hope we can make it up there; it sounds like a good time to us, too.
cym, I am so pleased that things are going well for you.
Sometimes you have to go away for a while in order to know where your home really is.
cym, i'm glad that you have gotten back safely... you were missed, even though you were only gone a couple of days..Risia and WD did an excellent job of keeping us all in line.... lol.
i'm sincerely happy that your Dom makes you happy, and completes you... you deserve only the best!
take care, and again, welcome home...
Welcome back, cym! Sounds like you're having one roller coaster of a life right now. I'm glad to hear it's going well! Hopefully now you will have the chance just to sit back and enjoy it. (Which is to say, "Hopefully now you'll have the chance to throw your hands up in the air and scream at the top of your lungs catching bugs in your teeth until you run back to the end of the line to do it all over again.")
RisiaSkye said:

So, to cym's Dom: I hear wonderful things about you, and I'm sure you're a lovely man and very capable Dominant. Hopefully, we'll get an opportunity to be friends, or at least friendly. But, I have to declare my allegiances right up front: if you harm her or do her wrong, I suggest you move off the continent, because this here Amazonian switch Bitch is coming up to Frisco to even the score. :)

It is very nice to know that cym has some very wonderful friends. I am responding to you to let you and everyone that knows cym, I will be good to her and do her no wrong. I am very aware of what has happened to her in the past as we have talked a lot to get to know one another.

I to am looking forward to meeting you and MasterMe at the flee market. We should have a lot of fun and get to know each other.
RisiaSkye said:

*Biting tongue about sentence structure*

I bit my tongue, too, but not for that reason.

Welcome home! Or something.

My father in law irks the hell out of me. And yes, that's actually relevant.
Something about misplaced messages, Muff?
Messages of importance, perhaps?

And why the fuck are you two, of all the people at Lit, biting your tongues? Don't make me call and pester it out of you...either of you!
Welcome SierraWolf glad to see ya got on here! Be good to cym or we will all kick Your butt ;)
Mine was natural occurances. I hit the deck and did the funky munkey. It was cool. My tongue looked like raw hamburger for like a week and a half.

Boy, am I glad that was a year ago. I'm eating popcorn with cayenne and you just can't do that when your tongue is hamburger.

Just so you know, i sincerely doubt we'll be seeing too much of Wolf here. He laughed in true amusement when i answered his question as to how many posts he needed to get rid of the "virgin" tag and we both agreed it'll be way into the future before he ever amasses enough posts for an av.

He's an active kinda man - and one with gigantic hands, too. He can hold two full-sized suede floggers in one hand tightly enough to use them with great intensity over and over and over and over...and his grip doesn't fail. We've agreed that it's fairly unlikely that there'll be any more trips to the ER for me, at least as a result of fisting. His hands are just too big.

The preceeding may embarass him. :D (I'll let you know.)

In any case, when/if Risia and her MasterMe come up to visit, i'm going to feel like some kind of dwarf. I'm 5'2" and the three of them are all near or over 6' tall. I'll have to find some short people to walk around with so i won't develop some kinda complex.
SierraWolf said:
It is very nice to know that cym has some very wonderful friends. I am responding to you to let you and everyone that knows cym, I will be good to her and do her no wrong. I am very aware of what has happened to her in the past as we have talked a lot to get to know one another.

I to am looking forward to meeting you and MasterMe at the flee market. We should have a lot of fun and get to know each other.
Nice to see you here, Sierra. Welcome! I'm glad to hear that you took my (only slightly) tongue-in-cheek post in the spirit in which it was meant. I hope we get to go to the flea market all together; it sounds like a great time, and I look forward to meeting you.

And Muff? How did he get that I was in Kansas? I have *no* idea where his version of my message came from--unless he's been getting into the dandelion wine! :D
Welcome back, cym. A great lesson learned, indeed. I'm just glad to see you with such opportunities. You've grown and I see you continuing to bloom.

Risia, I'm thinking of you. And, I'm praying for healing and comforting blessings to be sent to you.