i'm special because...

Oo! Oo! I almost forgot that I used to be able to flick people off with the toes on my left foot until I broke one of them.

That, as I recall, was pretty awesome.
EJFan said:
everyone can do useless, weird shit. what's your worthless talent?

I can wiggle my ears.....does that count as a worthless talent?

I can't see that it is a worthwhile talent, unless there is something I don't know..........

reading this I start wondering if I have any special talents at all... I fear I don't...
I can wiggle my ears & nose, but it's difficult to do it simutaneously (though not impossible). I can also partially dislocate both of my shoulders... even after having surgery to attempt to correct one of them.
quoll said:
Did you have yours taken out and put back in as well? :eek:
OH GOSH NO.......... :eek: Hmmmmm.......wondering now what your squeak sounds like........LOL :)
SummerMorning said:
I can dislocate my jaw if I open my mouth really wide. Makes it difficult to eat sandwiches, because I have to maneouver a bit to get it closed again.


I can make popping noises with the right side of my jaw.......and have been known to almost lock my jaw open when I yawn too wide......HOLY COW THAT HURTS!!! :eek: :(
muddpuppy said:
I can blow spit bubbles off my tongue... Really i can, would that be considered a special talent?

OH! can you do that harpo marx thing?

he used to smoke a cigarette and exhale the smoke into a spit bubble that he'd hold on his lips... so it looked like a ball of smoke just hanging out of his mouth... then he'd let the spit-bubble pop and the smoke would escape.

i've tried and tried but never was able to do it... if you could learn you could be my new hero! :)
Eilan said:
The only thing that I can think of is that even though I'm right-handed, I can write beautifully with my left hand. Everything is a mirror image, though, of what it SHOULD be. If I try to write normally with my left hand, it's illegible.

Funny, I can do that too, but only if I'm writing with my right hand at the same time, like on a whiteboard, holding two markers. What my left hand writes will be the exact mirror of what my right hand does.

Eilan said:
The only thing that I can think of is that even though I'm right-handed, I can write beautifully with my left hand. Everything is a mirror image, though, of what it SHOULD be. If I try to write normally with my left hand, it's illegible.
M's girl said:
Funny, I can do that too, but only if I'm writing with my right hand at the same time, like on a whiteboard, holding two markers. What my left hand writes will be the exact mirror of what my right hand does.
I`m sure this is one of the signs of demonic posession. :devil:
quoll said:
I`m sure this is one of the signs of demonic posession. :devil:
Haha, you think so..? Somewhere else in the forum it says: Odds of being considered possessed by Satan: 7,000 to 1

Pfew.... there is stil a chance.... ;)
I can tie a cherry stem with my tounge....other than that I'm afraid I'm pretty damn ordinary...
My Own Way said:
I can tie a cherry stem with my tounge....other than that I'm afraid I'm pretty damn ordinary...

I learned to do that on a cruise my senior year in high school. I used to be able to do it in under 10 seconds, but not any more. It's from lack of practice I guess since at home all my drinks don't come with fun little pieces of fruit in them. :)
It might not be that terribly special, BUT...

I am a female ejaculator!

EJFan said:
everyone can do useless, weird shit. what's your worthless talent?

I can memorize a cable TV or satellite channel lineup in a few days and recite it in my sleep. But you think I can remember to pick up some fucking milk while I'm at the store?
mrmgp said:
I can memorize a cable TV or satellite channel lineup in a few days and recite it in my sleep. But you think I can remember to pick up some fucking milk while I'm at the store?

I can tell you the license plate numbers of every car in my family for the past 20 years or so and license plate numbers of friends/acquaintances from roughly 15 years ago. But if I were to be in a hit-and-run crash, I doubt if I'd remember shit.

Nor can I remember to pick up the fucking milk. :)

M's girl said:
Funny, I can do that too, but only if I'm writing with my right hand at the same time, like on a whiteboard, holding two markers. What my left hand writes will be the exact mirror of what my right hand does.
Mmm. . . multitasking. I confess that I've never tried this.

quoll said:
I`m sure this is one of the signs of demonic posession.
Whatever do you mean? :devil:
Apparently Leonardo (da Vinci, not Caprio or the Turtle) used to use mirror writing to hide a lot of his stuff.

I wonder which came first the mirror or mirror writing. :confused:
I can recite the first couple hundred digits of pi. /yay
I can squat 500 lbs.

I like cheese?
I can write backwards and light lighters with my toes.

I guess we all could have been on David Letterman's Stupid Human Tricks segment LOL

Congratulations everybody on some fine skills!
I can do the splits, but only with my left foot forward.

I can crack the left side of my neck but not the right. I can also crack my back, sacro-iliac joint, hips, knees, ankles, middle of my foot, toes, elbows, wrists and fingers. I wish I could crack my sternum - for a few months it has felt like it needs to crack, but I can't do it. I'm going to get the chiropracter to give it a try when I go there next.
I can touch my nose with my tongue and do that eyebrow lift thing on both sides....

I USED to think I was special, but after reading all these groovy talents I am no longer that certain....

Syb. :rose: