ImpishSeraph's Room


“She’s choking!! No. No. She’s good. Wait does he have two dicks? No. No. It’s a stick.

Her tip licking technique is top shelf but she’s afraid of the deep throat.

What … what’s that growing out of her head? Ah, it’s his hand

Right. Because he wants more deep throat!”

((From the distance)) hey, put those puppets away!
Omg, I'm rolling again! This was so stinkin funny!!

I'm glad that question popped up because I had forgotten how that entire evening played out until I spoke about it. We had some fun at Magfest and Springfest. This is just one of the many crazy things we did.

I met a guy there who told us a tall tail of running with the bulls in cheap flip-flops. I thought he was bullshitting until we came home and I looked it up. There were actual pictures of him online, feet in the air with those flipflops on, and the bull with his horns stuck in the fence. I seriously thought he was making it up. Crazy times at those festivals.
Omg, I'm rolling again! This was so stinkin funny!!

I'm glad that question popped up because I had forgotten how that entire evening played out until I spoke about it. We had some fun at Magfest and Springfest. This is just one of the many crazy things we did.

I met a guy there who told us a tall tail of running with the bulls in cheap flip-flops. I thought he was bullshitting until we came home and I looked it up. There were actual pictures of him online, feet in the air with those flipflops on, and the bull with his horns stuck in the fence. I seriously thought he was making it up. Crazy times at those festivals.
My nephew did it once. He did feel motivated to run fast.
My nephew did it once. He did feel motivated to run fast.
This guy was a hippie surfer type guy. He told us that he was partying with friends one night and someone brought up that there was going to be running with the bulls coming up in a few days. They decided on a whim to go but they had to leave that night to make it on time. He said it was a rich friend of his who bought him the ticket. They drove straight to the airport with a change of clothes.

He said when they got to the running, they stood in a crowed of people and he was toward the front. Someone came up and handed him a newspaper type thing rolled up. He was confused so someone told him that it was for hitting the bulls. He then said someone came up to him and told him he couldn't run because he was in cheap $2 dollar flipflops. After arguing to no avail, he walked around a building and thought, no! I came all this way and that man ain't gonna keep me from this. He walked all around the building and when he was back on the road everyone was gone.

He then said that he was so mad that he missed it and turned around to walk away and about walked into a single lone standing huge bull with large horns who snorted at him. He said, I was so close to this damn bull that his snort blew my hair out of my face. He turned around and started to run thinking YES I get to do this. He said that bull was right on him and he realized that he wasn't going to outrun this bull and realized how crazy it was. At a turn ahead in the road there were people, onlookers behind a makeshift fence, so he ran toward them and leaped over the fence onto the people hearing a loud bang behind him. The bull ran into the fence and his horns stuck through the wood.

That is all I remember him talking about but I was like Ya right, this guy is crazy if he thinks we believe this. After Magfest was over and I was at home, I kept thinking about it, so I looked it up on line. I must have looked through 20+ sites before I found an article about it. The picture at the top of the article was this guy leaping over the fence 5 ft in the air with the bull stuck in the fence. I couldn't believe my eyes. I tried to translate the article but it was hard being that it was a picture. You could see him plain as day in the photo though. (I didn't proof this before I posted, so forgive any errors)
I didn't want to thread hog...Hi @Azuldrgon
Always good to see you
I am good! I had a great day. I went jet skiing. Will be going to Daytona for our family reunion on Sunday. We will almost have the entire hotel on the beach to our family. It will be fun! I hope your well!
Just the usual.
No plans this weekend, so I should be able to relax. :D
Kid's in my house sleeping everywhere! I've been confined to my bedroom awake for 4 hours! I'm going stir crazy. I don't want to wake them up, though. I am about to sneak out to get some coffee.
Absolutely fabulous, Imp. My phone shot craps last week and had to get a new one on Sunday. Lost all of my pics on my old phone. So your gorgeous tits are the first one to occupy some kilobytes on my new phone. Or in your case, should I say megabites? 🥰
Thank you! I was just talking to a friend about how the get in the way sometimes