In the Dark (closed)

"Sorry about being late. I'm starving. Let's eat!"

I glanced up from the kitchen table where I was setting out the food. Cate swept in like a tempest and settled into her seat. I poured the wine as she dug into the pizza.

Thusfar, our time without Ria had been fairly tolerable. Her daily reminders to try to get along indicated that she wasn't going to give up, so Cate and I had taken some baby steps towards being friendly. Cate had even cut short a date with one of the guys she was juggling rather than admit to Ria that she'd skipped out on family movie night. I therefore made sure to compliment her outfit and ask her about her day.

We maintained a decent conversation as we dined. Weather, jobs, updates for the grocery list, and other dull errata passed the time well enough. The wine certainly didn't hurt, either. We were both a bit tipsy by the time we adjourned to the den - though of course we brought the bottle with us.

"What movie did you pick out?" Cate inquired as she settled down on the couch next to me. The ultra plush leather and direct sight line made it the preferred viewing location, so I'd long gotten used to sharing it with both of them.

I shrugged. "No idea. Ria suggested it. S'one of those scary movies you two like."

For reasons apparently dating back to their childhood, Ria and Cate loved scary movies. They literally found them scary, too. They would scream, gasp, or whimper when the monster jumped out or the serial killer crept up on an unsuspecting victim, then dissolve into schoolgirl giggles. This emotional rollercoaster between terror and laughter seemed odd to me, but the two of them thought it tremendous fun.

I drank some more wine as the DVD played. The plot involved a group of young people and a strange series of mysterious deaths by some unknown assailant who was rumored to be back from the grave seeking revenge. The dialogue wasn't great and the protagonists kept wandering into dark creepy places instead of running away, but there were enough red herrings to keep the identity of the killer uncertain and the plot somewhat interesting.

About halfway through, the film decided to really earn its R rating. A pair of the protagonists decided that despite the grisly deaths of several minor characters at the hands of some unknown killer, now was a good time to bone. The cinematographer was apparently fond of the human torso given the amount of lingering views of both the chiseled abs of the guy and his busty blonde spilling out of her cotton bra.

I whistled appreciatively as the bra was removed and the tan mounds bounced free. I then remembered I was sitting next to my girlfriend's sister. I glanced over at her and found her emerald eyes on me.

"Uh, I just meant she has nice boobs," I demurred. "But not as nice as Ria's, of course," I hastened to add, lest it sound like I found the tanned blonde more attractive. "Hers are so much bigger and firmer. . . ."

I paused as I remembered that I was talking to my girlfriend's twin sister. As in right down to the same bra size. "So, of course, yours are way nicer too. . ." I offered sheepishly, feeling the embarrassed blush creep up my face. I took a hefty swig of wine and turned back to the screen. "I'm just going to watch the movie now," I murmured with what little dignity I had left.

I could blame part of my behavior on the wine, but the truth was that being apart from Ria was proving as unpleasant as I'd predicted. After half a week apart, I felt like I had cannonballs in my scrotum. Our no masturbation pact had me aching for release, so even seeing a pair of bare breasts on TV had me semi-aroused.

I was hanging onto the possibility that Ria and I might be able to arrange a rendezvous this weekend. She wasn't sure she could do it, but I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing her again for another week and a half.

Fortunately the sex scene wasn't likely to last long. The camera angle switched to that of the killer. While the leggy blonde bounced atop her boyfriend, the axe-wielding psychopath crept closer. And closer. And. . . .
As the killer stalked the unsuspecting couple having sex, Cate's chin tucked down to her chest and she scrunched into herself with her knees up and hiding behind the little barrier of her limbs in front of her. The music grew more eerie and the blonde actress bounced faster and faster. She was moaning up a storm of, "Yes, baby! Just like that! Oh my god!"

Cate gave up trying to be afraid on her own and scooted into Simon's side. She hid her face against his shoulder and whispered, "Tell me when the killer's done with them!"

A mix of Simon's cologne and the wine they've been drinking swirl around Cate. She almost forgot how solid and strong Simon felt. The way they rub each other the wrong way, it was easy to forget that they had spent a passionate night together.

No no no! Can't think about that! She thought, somewhat dizzy and definitely more than a little drunk.

She stopped covering her eyes to glance at the screen and saw the blonde arch her back and show off her large breasts to the world. Cate giggle. "I'm way bigger than her." The thought just popped out.

The scary-the-killer-is-going-to-whack-the-victims came back on and Cate shamelessly squealed a bit before using Simon as a horror movie block. He moved unexpectedly and she sort of half fell into his lap. Her hands flailing around to gain purchase. She awkwardly slid face first into Simon's lap.
The director of this film apparently was striving to push all the R-rated buttons. The horror movies from my youth typically flashed a half-naked chick on screen for a few brief shots. This one was verging on being softcore porn given the lingering shots of the busty blonde and her somewhat vivid moans.

Still, he kept ratcheting up the suspense. The killer's view crept closer to the window, bloody axe in hand. The eerie theme sounded vaguely of the shark in Jaws and began to increase in tempo.

I almost jumped myself when Cate sidled up to me. Her arm hugged me as she half hid her face against my chest. "Tell me when the killer's done with them!" she whispered.

I half-smiled. Having peeked in on Ria and Cate during one of their viewing sessions, I knew their standard viewing posture during the scary parts was clutched together on the couch and whimpering softly. I put my arm around her and hugged her back. Of course, if I'm being honest, the movie had me feeling a bit on edge myself, so I welcomed the human contact.

The action switched back to the lovers, who were still naked and still having sex. The blonde arched her back, thrusting her breasts into the camera. "Good Lord," I muttered, surprised at how much screen time her boobs were getting.

"I'm waaaaay bigger than her."

Cate's giggling boast was so unexpected that I burst out laughing. That only made her giggle harder and we were soon laughing and smiling at each other - perhaps the first moment of happiness we'd shared in weeks.

Our contentment proved brief. On screen, the killer burst out of the shadows. In a semi-clever misdirect, he'd been lurking outside the room of the brunette protagonist, not the busty blonde. The brunette screamed, so Cate squealed. As she lunged towards me to hide her face from the TV, I nearly jumped out of my seat. The resulting shifts in weight had us both crying out as I nearly tumbled off the couch with her falling atop me. After the momentary surge of terror, we both inexplicably burst into giggles once again.

The humor faded, though, as two bits of uncomfortable reality of our new positions became apparent. First, Cate's face was just a few inches above my lap and her left hand was resting on my thigh. Second, my cock was now bulging obscenely against the confines of my wool pants right beneath her fingers.

Flailing to get away seemed both rude and immature, so I tried to act nonchalant. Still, I felt I had to say something lest I seem like some sort of pervert. "Uh, sorry. . . . It's just that Ria's gone and I kinda promised her I wouldn't jack off with her away, so I'm on a bit of a hair trigger . . ."

I waited to see whether that explanation would mollify Cate. Curiously, she hadn't yet moved her hand . . . .

"Simon..." Cate was sprawled over Simon and staring at his evident hard on. She licked her suddenly dry lips. "We're not sober. My head is pretty light from the wine..."

Her body had a mind of it's own and Cate has been turned on since her short date with Logan. It didn't help that Logan had been teasing her all week and keeping her body on edge. Both of them had chosen to go slow for different reasons. They had agreed that there was something real between them and it was worth taking their time. The ache in her empty passage begged for her to fill it. Her nipples pushed insistently against her brassiere to be freed and fondled. Kissed.

Cate licked her lips.


Green eyes dilated as the ever present chemistry between them kicked down fences and roared inside of her to be free. Her breathing became more and more shallow. She watched her own hand drift to hover over his erection.

Cate looked up at Simon from a cloud of dark hair falling around her face and shoulders. "If... if I help you this time... just this time, I'll help."

Her glowing green eyes were locked with Simon's as he freed his cock and let it wave in the air beneath her nose. Cate watched Simon as she took his hard pole into her small hands. She ended up sitting right next to him. It took both of her hands to wrap around his wide girth. She tightened her grip and twisted her hands around his staff. She used the leaking precum to coat over his head and massaged all around the head. Holding tight below the lip of hood and squeezing the mushroom head out from her hands.

Cate's breathing quickened in pace with Simon's. Her body twisted and tightened as his cock pulsed and throbbed in her hands. She thrilled in being able to make him lose his breathe, make his heart pound erratically and how his hips pushed insistently for release.

Her stroking hands tightened and the pace grew harder, faster. Simon's chest heaved against her arm as she worked to make him explode. The sounds of dramatic sex was the background to her manhandling his cock to grow harder, hotter and burst!

Cate didn't think. She leaned forward and caught the first and second spurts of his orgasm in her mouth. The rest exploded in messy spurts on her face, chest and his lap.

Simon was still rock hard even though her hands and his cock were covered in his thick ejaculation. Both of them were breathing hard. She looked at him. His face was flushed from the orgasm. Her fingers twitched around his still hard length.

Right then, Cate wanted him. She wanted him with every fiber of her being.

She fought to her feet and stumbled upstairs to her room. She locked the door. Hastily wiped her gooey hands on her clothes. Almost put a finger in her mouth to suck it clean and moaned. Her hands clenched on her skirt. She stood trembling for a while. Then, she wrenched her clothes off and threw them into the trash.

Cate didn't wait for the water to heat up. She turned the shower on and stepped beneath the cold spray. She washed herself several times. Her body in a fever pitch of arousal and her heart broken in despair.

She wanted him.
She wanted her sister's boyfriend and it was getting harder to deny.


Missed Call Ria Sanders

New Voicemail

Voicemail from Ria: Hi! You must be watching the movie with Cate. I was just calling to say hi. I'm sorry, Simon, but I can't come home on the weekends. The training is pretty intense and I'm really busy. I'll make it up to you when I get home. I'll have three days before I have to go back in. We can have a mini-vacation together. Enjoy the movie! Tell me about it later. I love you!
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I tensed slightly, awaiting Cate's reaction. Given our history, I figured the swelling along my cock thigh would elicit no end of recriminations from her. No doubt she'd decry me for my inability to keep my libido in check.

Except she didn't. For several long seconds, she just stared at my crotch. Her nostrils flared slightly as her breathing became swift and shallow. At last, she licked her lips and spoke cautiously. "If... if I help you this time... just this time, I'll help."

I did nothing for a moment. Surely she couldn't mean . . . . But then why would she say. . .? I nodded slowly. "Help . . . yes, that would be good. . . . I could definitely use some help."

I reached slowly for my belt and began to unbuckle it. I moved with deliberation, half expecting Cate to object to my behavior at any moment. But she remained focused on my groin the entire time. It wasn't until my cock was fully exposed that she moved.

Her hands wrapped around it. Using both hands, she was able to nearly encircle it. She squeezed the thick pillar with her thumbs and stroked towards the fat crown. "Fuuuuck," I groaned as she pumped a trickle of precum out of me. I'd always produced a fair amount, but Ria's efforts had significantly enhanced that. (She liked the taste.) Cate worked my shaft a few more times and soon coated her hands in the slick fluid.

Cate shifted her grip and began stroking my cock in long strokes. With her hands and soon my entire length covered in shimmering precum, she slid her grip from the base to just beneath the broad flare of the mushroom-shaped head. After days without contact, her firm fingers felt delightful against my aching manhood. "Oh fuck, Cate," I grunted. "Don't stop. Don't stop.".

Cate's pace built the pressure up gradually, drawing out my pleasure. My cock swelled in her hands, forcing her fingers apart as it hardened like iron. Eventually I was thrusting my hips off the couch, my body aching for release. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm close oh fuck I'm close!" I groaned through gritted teeth.

Cate put her mouth directly in front of the tip a few seconds before I exploded. The first couple of spurts shot straight past her lips before she clamped shut to swallow. The next couple splashed across her cheek, whereupon she aimed it away from her face. The remaining gushes ended up leaving white splatters over her and me both.

I lay my head back on the couch and gasped. "Holy fuck. God, I needed that. Thank you. Thank you. Fuck. Oh God." I murmured profanity and gratitude for nearly half a minute, too dazed to to do anything else.

Despite having spilled a massive quantity of jism over the two of us, my cock remained unfazed. Still towering and throbbing like a living tower of lust, it stood stiff and ready for more. I wondered if Cate might be willing to "help" me some more.

I never got the chance to ask. Without warning, Cate suddenly pushed back from the couch and stood up. She turned away and left room. No, she fled the room. You'd have thought the serial killer from the movie was was after her. It happened so fast that my mouth was just forming the first syllable of her name as her dark hair disappeared into the hallway.

I couldn't fathom her reaction. Though severely distracted during the past several minutes, I was pretty sure that she hadn't disliked the experience. I would almost venture to say that she'd enjoyed jacking me off. The way her emerald eyes had danced as I groaned beneath her touch had seemed almost like delight. So why flee from me as if the house were on fire?

I started to rise, but realized that my cum-streaked belly would make a mess of everything if I wasn't more careful. Grumbling, I took off my shirt and used it to sponge up most the jism on my lower torso. While hardly ideal, it'd be easier to wash my shirt than the couch.

My next obstacle proved to be my pants. I couldn't walk very well with them around my ankles, but I figured chasing after Cate while completely naked might be a bad idea. Her rapid departure didn't suggest an eagerness to see more of my throbbing erection, so probably best I cover it up. Unfortunately, stuffing my unrepentant and sensitive cock down my pants was a somewhat delicate and difficult maneuver, so it took a few minutes before I followed Cate our of the room.

As I mounted the stairs, I instinctively checked my phone in the front pocket. I discovered the blinking voicemail icon and opened up a message from Ria. I immediately felt guilty that I'd gotten a hand job from her sister. That gave way to disappointment as Ria announced that she wouldn't be coming home on the weekends.

While my emotional half was crestfallen, my logical half began pondering the unpleasant truths. Half a week apart was practically torture for me. Now I'd have to three times more before Ria was home. There was no likelihood of me lasting that long. But I had promised no masturbation and Ria would feel horrible if I broke that promise.

But it didn't really count as masturbation if someone else did it, right? So Cate's actions weren't really a violation of my promise. And was it really cheating? After all, Cate's hands were identical to Ria's. If I closed my eyes, I'd never know the difference. Wasn't that almost the same as having Ria do that to me?

I was still puzzling this when I knocked on Cate's bedroom door. "Cate? Everything okay?" No answer. "Cate? You in there?" Still no answer. "Look, I don't need to come in. Just tell me if you are okay." Still nothing.

I got a little uneasy. Care had mentioned something about the wine and being light-headed. What if she was ill? "Cate? Look, Cate, I'm just going to poke my head in, okay?" I tried the door and it was locked.

Now I really couldn't let it go. What if something really was wrong? I circled around to the spare bedroom. While the master bedroom had its own private bath, Cate's bedroom shared a bathroom with a neighboring bedroom, though it was mostly used as an office and storage.

I entered the spare bedroom and crossed to the bathroom door. I paused outside; I could hear water running.

Okay, she'd run away to take a shower. There had been a lot of cum. Perhaps Cate just wanted to be clean?

Still, I couldn't shake the nagging concern that Cate might not be well. I rapped on the door. "Cate?"

No answer. Maybe she couldn't hear me over the water. But what if she'd turned on the water and passed out? I tried the door. The knob turned and I stepped inside.

Cate didn't know when she started crying. It wasn't like her to cry so much. But ever since that night she had with Simon, she felt on edge. It was easier for her to get upset or angry. Things got under her skin easier than usual. The plan to keep busy and be serious about dating had been working but did it? If the plan had been working, would she have ended up with Simon's hard cock in her hands? Just the thought of it made her remember how he felt and she stopped moving, standing still in beneath the water, stalled by the needy clenching of her aching center and held her breath as she waited for it to pass. Except it didn't.

Cate didn't want to hurt anyone. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to betray Ria. She didn't want to break her own moral grounds to be with Simon. She didn't even know if Simon actually liked her or wanted her. For all she knew, she was just a convenient body double for the woman he really loves. She could be a simple substitute for the one he truly desires and nothing more than that.

It's not like she had real feelings for Simon. She barely knows him. That was the whole point of Ria pushing for them to hangout more and talk. To get to know one another. Not to fuck. They're not suppose to fuck...

Cate was crying so hard, holding a hand to stifle her sobs and lost in her confusion that she didn't know anyone was there until the shower curtain moved and a shadow fell over her. She turned her head to the side to look. Her long dark hair was a wet mass plastered to her back and ending right above her curvy behind. Luminous green eyes, bright with flowing tears looked up at Simon. A sob wrenched out of her lips and her full lips trembled as she tried to hold it in. Her ample chest shaking with effort as she fought to silence her crying.

"S-si-" hiccup "Simon? I I don't know what to do!" She whispered raggedly. "I don't know what to do..."
Cate turned to face me in the shower. Despite being drenched from the water, I could easily tell she'd been crying. My male instinct urged me to flee. I'd been dating women for over a decade now, but I had about as much confidence in my coping skills with a crying female as I did with a ticking time bomb.

"S-si-Simon? I I don't know what to do!" Cate whispered, clutching her midsection.

Great. My instinct to flee now conflicted with my self esteem. A good guy does not turn and run from a beautiful maiden in distress was asking for my help.

I took a breath and plunged in. "Okay, let's get you out of there." I reached for the knobs and shut off the water. I turned to the cabinets behind and found where the clean towels were stored. I took out a couple and set them on the counter.

Cate wordlessly took my hand as I helped her step out of onto the bath rug. I draped one towel around her and began to dry. After a minute or so, I set aside the damp towel and wrapped the dry one around her torso. The soft terrycloth was sufficiently wide to cover most of her breasts down to her upper thighs. "Okay," I said, "Let's go."

I guided her into her bedroom and had her sit down on the bed. I stood back from her a few feet. I took another deep breath and began. "Alright, I think we should probably address the elephant in the room."

Cate's green eyes left mine and glanced meaningfully at my lower half. I followed her gaze and blushed. The distraction of finding and caring for Cate had somewhat mollified my libido, so the plump bulge along my inner thigh was merely obvious rather than obscene.

"Sorry," I murmured sheepishly. "That's wasn't the elephant I meant. It's just that when it gets hard, it takes a while to fade and. . . ." I trailed off, realizing that a detailed discussion of my cock's behavior wasn't the direction I wanted to take.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat and attempted to resume. "What I meant was this 'connection' between us. You're attracted to me. I'm obviously attracted to you." I inclined my head vaguely in the direction of my groin. If I couldn't deny my arousal, might as well accept it and move on. "But what exactly is this thing between us."

"Maybe it's just a sexual magnetism thing," I suggested with a shrug. "You've been in relationships before. You know that just because you're with someone already doesn't mean you stop noticing everyone else. An attractive person catches your eye, you still glance over. It's perfectly normal to look."

I smirked. "Of course, we did more than look. And more than once." The corners of my mouth twitched. "A lot more."

"But you and I both know that those kind of connections don't last. I know that I've hooked up with women solely because of the sexual attraction, but whether it's one night or a couple weeks, it always fizzles out. It's just not enough to go the distance. I bet you can point to similar experiences."

I folded my arms across my chest. "So you know that when that happens, you don't throw away a good thing just because of some sparkly distraction. It's not worth it. So you look, but you don't touch. You ignore the fantasy. You wait for the feeling to pass."

I paused. " But I don't think that will work for us. We acted on it. Purely by accident, of course. You didn't intend it to happen and neither did I. But it happened. So we can't just dismiss this attraction as theoretical fantasy. We've seen it, felt it. Now we can't stop thinking about it. It's something real now."

I sighed. "I think what just happened downstairs is a sign. If we try to bottle up these feelings, they'll eventually break free. Luckily this time Ria wasn't around to find out, but next time we might not be so lucky. And if something happens and she sees, it'll ruin everything."

I squared my shoulders and took a deep breath."If we can't fight it, I think we have to embrace it. I think we should take advantage of the fact that Ria is away and get this out of our system. We've got nearly two weeks, so we just do whatever it takes to exhaust this craving. So when Ria comes back, whatever this is - it's done. Gone. Over."

I held up a hand. "Of course, there's one other possibility. I said that this thing between us was just some passing fancy. Just our lust gone wild. But what if it's not? What if this is something more?

I shook my head with my eyes closed. "I don't even want to put a label on it might be because it's probably not. But I can't entirely discount the possibility. Just maybe it's something more."

I opened my eyes and looked into her emerald orbs. "Whatever is going on, I think you and I both owe it to ourselves - and to Ria - to find out. We shouldn't ignore this. We should follow this wherever it leads."

I exhaled softly. "Okay, I've said my piece. What do you think?"

Cate listened to Simon talk as he gently helped her out of the shower, dried her and wrapped her up in a dry towel. This may be the longest he's ever spoken to her in one setting. Letting her tears stop falling on their own and working to make her breathing even kept her quiet as he talked. It made her realize that he had a deep voice that warmed when he let himself open up. The sound of it curled around her and sank into her. She remembered-so vividly!-the sexy sounds he made during sex and arousal. It surprised her that she liked the sound of his voice like this. Just talking without the cold indifference and cutting sarcasm she's grown to associate with him.

She was able to listen to what he was saying and see that he wasn't being just an egoistical male. He was a man that loved her sister and had no desire to hurt Ria or Cate. They were both in a situation neither of them ever planned to be in but they were.

Cate sat on the edge of the her bed, wet hair slicked back from her forehead and a towel tucked around her middle. She looked up at Simon. Her eyes enormous and shining a bright green. She looked delicate and young. Lost.

"Do you..." She paused to take in a long inhale of air for some semblance of control. "Do you think if we stop fighting the pull between us, we can find an answer? We can figure out what's going on before Ria comes back? I don't want to hurt her. I feel like I'm betraying her over and over again. I keep having these feelings when I see you and..."

Cate closed her eyes. Simon was close enough that she could lean her forehead right below his bare chest. When she spoke again, her breath tickled his skin. "If we stop fighting it, the impulses and try hard to figure out what it all means, do you think it'll be okay? That we can get it out of our system before she comes home? She's only been gone a few days. We have less than two weeks before she's back."

Cate made a choice. She stood up and tilted her head back to look into Simon's blue eyes. She placed her hand in his larger one and twined their fingers together. "I... I'm in. Simon, I don't want to fight. Let's follow this wherever it leads."

Cate didn't say another word. She pulled the towel off and bared herself to him. Her skin tingled as it was exposed to the A/C. She shivered because his gaze felt like a touch on her skin.

She didn't say anything. She followed Simon out of her room to the master bedroom. She moved as he directed and crawled onto the high bed on her hands and knees. She waited on the bed, her rounded rear arched upwards and her head closer to the covers with her elbows resting on the bed.
"I... I'm in. Simon, I don't want to fight. Let's follow this wherever it leads."

Cate stood up and dropped the towel. Her breasts surged forth, the nipples pink and hard. My cock lurched in my pants - also pink and hard.

Wordlessly, we went into the master bedroom. Cate crawled atop the covers on her hands and knees. She bent forward, resting on her elbows such that her breasts pillowed against the bed. That left her curvaceous ass high in the air and her delicate pussy

The silence was broken by the sound of ripping fabric. Cate looked back at me, her emerald eyes wide at the surging bulge of my cock now visible through the torn inseam of my trousers. "Old pants," I croaked, my voice thick with desire.

I removed my ruined pants and clambered atop the bed behind Cate. My throbbing cock preceded me, the tip already dripping with precum. I used both hands to guide it between her thighs.

I paused as the tip brushed against her pink labia. Just as with Ria, the delicate flesh of her pussy seemed wholly mismatched against the engorged glans. Technically, I knew it would fit since it had before. But our previous sessions had been cases of mistaken identity. Tonight would be the first time that I knowingly entered her.

"I'll go slow, " I murmured, slipping the mushroom-shaped head between her nether lips. With one hand guiding the angle and another on her hip, I pushed a couple inches into her damp heat.

There were no exchanging of kisses or lingering caresses between them this time. There was no need. Cate had soaked her panties with desire when she had helped Simon with his problem.

Getting aroused wasn't a problem when she was with Simon. Ever since that night they shared, it was all too easy. She's lost count of how many erotic dreams have drenched her dreams and make her wake up needy for the feel of him inside her.

There would be time to exchange caresses, to tease, to arouse, tempt and experiment. Right now, Cate needed him inside her. She wanted to know if what she remembered was exactly what she's been missing and yearning for.

She gasped silently when the tip brushed against her. The muscles in her stomach and thighs tightening and flexing. She hadn't had sex with anyone since the night she had been with Simon. A part of her was reluctant to let anyone be that close. She should be more wary with Simon and yet she thrilled to be sprawled before him.

"I'll go slow, " Simon murmured.

He pushed his thick rod inside her and Cate moaned. He felt bigger than she remembered. He barely entered her and she felt stretched so wide! She could feel herself work hard to grasp him in and she embraced the painful adjustment of her body. The way he pushed against her aching, needy nerves and raked the flame of desire higher with each motion.

"Take me, Simon! Take me. Fill me up and take me! I've been aching for you. Please... don't make me wait."

Cate shivered and moaned as I entered her. Her pussy was damp, but she clung so tightly to me that I had to lean into her to make any progress.

Still, despite the obvious strain she was under, she swiftly upbraided me when I paused after the first few inches. Take me, Simon! Take me. Fill me up and take me!"

I put more of my weight into her, forcing the oversized shaft into her snug canal. Cate wailed away as I did so, filling the air with her cries.

As before, I was able to just barely sink all the way inside. If I squashed my hips against her plump little buttocks, I could feel the tip of my cock bottom out. It felt so much like her sister that I almost shivered.

I pulled about halfway out and slid into her again. The penetration wasn't as difficult the second time, though her grip on me remained tight. I fell into an easy rhythm that I knew I could maintain for a long time.

"Is this too slow for you?" I inquired. "Or too fast?" I hastily added, recognizing that Cate might not enjoy the teeth-rattling intensity that her sister did. Of course, I didn't have to ask such questions with Ria; I'd been with her long enough that the pitch and volume of her moans and gasps told me whether to slow down or speed up. But I couldn't read Cate the same way, so I'd have to ask.

Cate almost didn't hear Simon. It felt like all her senses were wired to the massive length of him thrusting inside of her in a slow pace that made her push back against him and revolve her hips to tease him for more. Her head rested on the bed between her arms and her hands were clenched in the thick covers.

"Perfect... you feel fucking perfect inside me, Simon." she moaned the answer to his question between short pants of breathe. All she could feel was the hard thrust of his shaft inside her tender, shuddering passage. All she could hear was the squelching wet smack of his body hitting her ass as he bottomed out inside her. She could still taste his cum in her mouth. The sound of their moans entwined and filled the room.

Each thrust pushed against her nerves and teased her sensitive passage. A tingling shudder swept through her from her core and out. She felt as if her skin was sensitized to the very flow of air. Everything made her skin tingle, her nerves dance and she could feel her body push towards the crest faster than she has before.

Perfect... you feel fucking perfect inside me, Simon." she moaned back at me, her breath already coming in swift pants.

I filed that away for future reference. Despite their identical physiques, Cate definitely didn't fuck the same as her sister.

The fact that she was comfortable with this moderate pace was striking. Ria only liked it gentle when she was either just waking up or just about to pass out. When fully awake, she'd have been alternately begging and berating me to pound her for all I was worth.

Cate also hadn't cum yet. Ria could ramp up to an orgasm rapidly, so by now I'd have expected her to be on her third or fourth. Clearly Cate needed a longer time to build up that kind of libidinous pressure.

I sank my heavy shaft into her at the same steady pace. "God, you feel good," I grunted. "Fuck yeah!" I was enjoying this less frenetic pace. Sliding into Cate's warm, moist depths felt luxurious against my swollen cock. I could actually hear the obscene squelching as her pussy clutched at my oversized member with every stroke.

Listening to Cate, I could hear her gradual shift in tone and intensity as the minutes passed. Her moans were music to my ears and a crescendo was imminent. Her timing was almost perfect, because I was approaching my own.

"Getting. Close," I huffed. "Gonna. Cum. Soon." I almost hesitated to say anything. Ria was the first woman I'd ever fucked without a condom and I'd become intensely fond of the sensation. I was no less eager to flood Cate's tight belly yet again with my seed.

Still, put previous encounters had been a case of mistaken identity. Now we were both fully aware of whom we were having sex with, but we'd never actually discussed such precautions. As a concession to my conscience, I tossed out the warning while I selfishly hoped she wouldn't ask me to stop in the next 30 seconds. I could feel my own lusty pressure building to a climax.

There was something compellingly intoxicating about the way Simon felt as he slowly thrust into her. The size of his penis was one of the largest she's ever seen and felt. The way it felt as he pushed the full head into her was a mix of pain, a feeling of being profoundly full, fighting herself to let go of her tense muscles and mold to him. She held onto the bunched covers with her hands and buried her head into the bed as he plowed his way inside. She actively fought her own body's need to move because she wanted to savor each moment.

They weren't half-drunk and asleep this time around. There was no distressing confusion to cloud the intensely physical act between them. Despite the wine they had drank during the night, it wasn't enough to make them completely lose their minds and inhibitions. There were no excuses or lies this time around.

Simon was driving his ready, hard cock into her with slow thrusts that made her toes curl. Cate remained posed before him with her full ass held in his hands. She could feel his fingers dig into her soft skin and it made her need him even more. Something about him claiming her. Why did that excite her so? But it did.

She didn't know when but, at some point, she pushed up off the bed and knelt on the bed. She used her arms to push back into Simon as she swiveled her hips in a slow circular motion. Cate struggled to keep the teasing pace that Simon had set. Her body fighting for her to lose control and freeze as shudders crashed over her.

Cate moaned out Simon's name as she lost the battle with her body. She heard him tell her that he was ready to cum and that was it. She met his push and swallowed his meaty staff whole. She helplessly ground her ass into his groin as her body froze in place as shattering shudders exploding inside her. She felt him burst into her several times and each spurt of his cum caused her body to wrench into another orgasm. She felt helpless as Simon continued to thrust into her. It was exactly what she wanted. How did he manage to touch her and affect her in a way that totally made her lose control?

Though it normally took some time for Cate to orgasm, once she started, she could easily keep having orgasms one after the other until she lost consciousness. No one has ever been able to last for that long or hold off their own orgasms with her body feverishly convulsing around them in a relentless siren's call of passion.
After months of Ria's rapid orgasms, I suppose I expected Cate to be similarly eager to please. It was almost disconcerting when I felt my own orgasm nearing and she still has not cum.

I soon learned of the fresh delights that Ria's sister had to offer. Shortly after I warned her I was getting close, she cried out my name and shuddered. The feeling of her pussy clutching against my engorged pole pushed me over the edge and I was soon roaring along with her. Thick gouts of cum spewed out of me into her waiting depths.

I instinctively slowed as I felt the last trembles of my climax fading. Ria usually collapsed after I came, worn out by her own multiple orgasms. I shoved back from Cate's hips, sliding partially out.

Cate, however, was apparently just getting started. A moaning plea for me not to stop exited her lips before I could pull out. I shoved my still hard cock back into her and was rewarded with her vaginal walls trembling into a fresh orgasm.

Re-energized, I continued thrusting into her as she finished her climax before almost seamlessly rolling into yet another. Her slender canal clenched and fluttered against my cock almost without pause as I fucked her.

I'd have gladly kept going all night, but my stamina was not limitless. "Oh fuck! Fuck yes! Yes!" I bellowed as I flooded her belly with a second deluge of jism.

Drenched in sweat and breathing like I'd run a marathon, I leaned against Cate. She folded bonelessly under my weight as we collapsed together on our sides. Having cum once with her downstairs and now twice in bed, I assuredly in need of rest.

"Oh wow. That was. Fucking incredible." I could only manage a few syllables between gasps for air. I clutched Cate to my chest, her slender back hot and sweaty against my skin.

She didn't respond save for her own breathing. I hoped that was a sign that she was similarly delirious with sexual satisfaction. I'd lost count of how many orgasms she'd had.

"Just gonna. Rest a bit," I wheezed. Exhaustion soon claimed me.