Incest: For Real or Just a Fantasy?

Is incest something you're into for real?

  • Totally, I get the best sex from my own family

    Votes: 40 9.3%
  • I haven't done it, but I do fantasise about fucking my real family

    Votes: 113 26.3%
  • I love incest fantasies and stories, but I don't think about my own family like that

    Votes: 230 53.5%
  • I don't find incest a turn on at all

    Votes: 45 10.5%
  • I've had incestuous relationships and they're a very bad thing

    Votes: 2 0.5%

  • Total voters
I have had sexual fantasies about my mother since i was a teen but never did much of anything...touched her boobs once but thought about her a thousand times
my sister came home from college today and my cock has been hard just about the entire time since...
Wow, 10% of people have done incest for real! I think we need a bit more details in some of these stories.
Wow, 10% of people have done incest for real! I think we need a bit more details in some of these stories.

I Think the number is a lot higher than 10%. There are a lot of loving and successful incest stories, (mine for example), that can't be posted because of the age limits in the Terms of Service for this web site.
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Wow, 10% of people have done incest for real! I think we need a bit more details in some of these stories.
Well, 10% of lit handles have checked the 'for real' box, anyway.

I know of a number of incest cases in real life and only one of those is good for both individuals-- and it began when the sibs were past 40 years old, and made all the choices on their own.

All the rest involve coercion, underage rape, parental abuse, suicide attempts, drug use, therapy for ever after-- not a wonderful thing.
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For some people, it could be both fantasy and reality.
Oh, sure, it could have been a one time thing that happened in any number of ways-- good, bad, indifferent, violent-- and the person keeps rewriting it in their head.
I Think the number is a lot higher than 10%. There are a lot of loving and successful incest stories, (mine for example), that can't be posted because of the age limits in the Terms of Service for this web site.

Well, 10% of lit handles have checked the 'for real' box, anyway.

I know of a number of incest cases in real life and only one of those is good for both individuals-- and it began when the sibs were past 40 years old, and made all the choices on their own.

All the rest involve coercion, underage rape, parental abuse, suicide attempts, drug use, therapy for ever after-- not a wonderful thing.

Hmmm, some very opposite opinions there. Perhaps putting up a poll like this isn't an accurate representation of reality, one way or the other. I am interested in people's stories, though, try to make them as truthful as possible.
The only thing that will ever be the truth is that the Internet has every type of person and with that every type of opinion. Some people are honest and truthful some are sick some are liars and some just want a bit of fun and will say whatever they feel like even when they know what they saying is wrong.

I'm sure if you asked a question like " who in LIt wants to rape a child" you'd get people saying yes but meet them in the real world and they wouldn't even answer your sick question

To answer this question about incest yes it's erotic and but no I couldn't do it in the real world. My parents are not exactly bad Pitt and Megan fox..........
Hmmm, some very opposite opinions there. Perhaps putting up a poll like this isn't an accurate representation of reality, one way or the other. I am interested in people's stories, though, try to make them as truthful as possible.
Well, in sixth grade a girl told us that boys could "pee milk"(we had made a kid's joke about lemonade) and said that her brother peed white sometimes. I thought her brother might need to see a doctor, having no idea of what jism looks like just yet. She most certainly was too young to have known.

My first sexual girlfriend was being molested by her father. We were sixteen. I found this out when she showed up at my house with some kind of cheap and unscary-seeming little pistol in her purse. She wanted me to suicide with her. I get her to let me call the cops, and she left with them. She called me a few months later saying that she'd been in foster care and was now moving out of state. I only found out what kind of damage a teensy derringer could do much, much later, and I am so relieved that we both didn't suffer any of that!

Like I say, I do know of one couple who got together in their forties. it went on for a little while then stopped. I only know the woman and she won't talk about it much. They hardly speak to each other at all, as far as I know, but she doesn't seem to hate him or vice versa...

There are a couple other incidences but those first two are pretty much representative, and the third is the only one like it that I know.

I did have one BF with whom I wove a sibling incest fantasy a few times... along with many others!
I have a hot neice I have fanatasized about. I'm 30 and she's like 22. We didn't grow up around each other, so I think it might be a little normal. Of course, I wouldn't tell her... but if the opportunity ever came up... haha
And, yes, I've told my wife about this fantasy. She totally gets it (the girl is HOT), but yeah... it would never happen.
Incest isn't a turn on for me, at all. It could be due to things that happened when i was much younger but even the thought of a real Mother/son, Daddy/daughter, Uncle/niece? Makes me want to puke. I can't read it, I don't want to know it occurs at all.

That being said, I do refer to myself as a Toppish Daddi and most of my previous g/f's have been of the baby grrl variety. There usually isn't a big difference in age (not counting my baby mama) but I like the little girl way of seeming and I love to be the protector, the care giver.

That has no basis in incestuous relationships though, not really. It is more about designated roles within a BDSM framework. All of that to say this~incest is not for me.
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I'd prefer to act out my (mother/son) fantasies with an older woman, (not a relative.)
If I had to give this fantasy I name, I'd say it's incest voyeurism.
In stories and fantasies, I like watching a family getting it on, rather than doing it myself.
This feeling is only intensified if I can see reactions of passers by (or group watching) outside of the family.

I'd then go to the next family and watch them go at it, and the next, and the next.

In reality there has been some controversy over adult consensual incest ever since the
Mackenzie Phillips thing.

I say if there is no outside influence such as drugs and alcohol, is it really that bad to do (should it be legal)?
Of course some ground rules would be set up, such as no penetration to prevent pregnancy and STDs.
no penetration to prevent pregnancy and STDs.
How do you expect your families to have M/F sex without penetration?

Other than that, I'd say your fantasy is one of the most convoluted and specific ones I've yet to hear of!:D
How do you expect your families to have M/F sex without penetration?

Other than that, I'd say your fantasy is one of the most convoluted and specific ones I've yet to hear of!:D
Sight of mother/son, father/daughter nudity
Various forms of touch of family genitals

My participation wouldn't really be incest now would it?
That's another fantasy within this one.
That's the great thing about fantasies, you can set up the ground rules and since all your participants are in your mind, they will all follow your rules. :D
I stick with fantasies now but when I was younger me and my first cousin where at my grand parents house sleeping over night there and we didn't want to sleep so we experimented. No actual sex but there was stroking, breast fondling, and dry humping of the rear end.
I'm one of the people who has experienced incest. In my case it was with my sister. We experimented together when we were young. From what I've read this is not uncommon among opposite sex siblings of similar age. But in our case the experimentation didn't stop and eventually led to consummated sex when we were older. We last slept together in December of 2009 and I expect we will probably do so again in the future.

While I don't feel guilty about it, I do recognize that it had a profound effect on my sexual development. Incest is my number one fantasy, and something I would not hesitate to do with a CONSENTING ADULT. I've never had much of a thing for my mother, but I would sleep with her if she offered. The normal aversion to incest that most people feel is something I simply lack. I'm not perverted in any other way that I know of. I don't like pain, or animals, or excrement. I don't get excited by underage people or children. My sole kink is consensual adult incest. I don't mind being this way, but I recognize that it isn't normal.

My ex-wife was involved in an incestuous relationship with her father. When we first got together I believed that their relationship was harmless since it began after she was an adult and she clearly enjoyed it a great deal. Then I found out that it had actually begun earlier and I think that had a lot to do with the trust and honesty issues she had. She was also crazy about incest and we enjoyed role playing together immensely. But unfortunately she was broken and actually left me to go back to her dad, who then turned around and dumped her for someone else a few years later. I don't know what she is doing now as we've not spoken in some time.

In short, incest does happen, even to normal people. While it isn't always about abuse, it isn't without consequence. Once you got there, you can't go back. Experience it when you are young and still developing as a person and its effect can be very profound.
Also, I'd like to add that this poll is really incomplete since it does not include options for people who have merely experienced incest but don't consider it "the best sex."
I enjoy the daddy/daughter type stories, fantasies and roleplaying (which you can probably guess from my screen name). However, I could never imagine doing anything sexually with any real family member.

When I was a teen, I found a couple cousins attractive, but that was normal early puberty.
Be Careful What You Wish For

I had always had an incest fantasy, and I wasn't 100% sure why. I attributed it to the fact that I was adopted and never had a good/close/normal relationship with my dad. (The adoptive one.)

I've been quoted at Lit in the past saying, "I'm not attracted to anyone in my family, but I'm not related to them anyway." I'd go on to say that if I ever met my biological father I would "stop at nothing" to fuck him, even to the point of "tricking" him, per se, by not disclosing who I was beforehand.

I hurt someone with those comments. My fiancé. Though I didn't know him when I made those comments, I hurt him nonetheless. He's come to Lit to browse and read posts. I've hid none of my past posts.

Anyway, after knowing my fiancé and being in this relationship for a while I met my biological family. That scared him. His mind flooded back to my posts from when I was a younger woman.

I tried reassuring him that despite what I did write then it was no longer true.

First of all, my biological father, at sixty-two, is a whiney bitch boy, a slave to my biological mother even though they never remained a couple (think pussy-whipped with no benefit of pussy), and just all around a pessimistic drag to be around. Secondly, dear God, he's not attractive. lol Not trying to be mean, but damn it's true. And thirdly, which is the most important point IMO, I would never cheat on my man. I'm not that type. So, even if my biological father had been attractive or whatever I do have a thing called self-control and some morals. A cheater, I am not.

It's still been difficult to reassure my fiancé though. That is something I cannot take back. My "fantasies" have dug me into a hole. I'd also be mortified if somehow my biological father, bio mother, or my half-brothers or half-sisters ever read my comments.

I'm still attracted to older men. Sam Elliott, Sean Connery, the Men's Warehouse guy, Tom Selleck, and Kenny Loggins (to name just a few) have been by far yummier as men in their fifties and sixties than when they were younger! And my man is quite older than I. I guess I like "daddy men"...

But, just be careful, you incest fantasy fetishers, of what you wish for!
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My step-dad/step-daughter story is based on my fantasies, so I picked #2. I'm interested, but I don't think she is - she didn't talk to me for months when I told her I'd do her at the drop of a hat.

Or maybe she *is* interested and doesn't know what to do...? Hmmm... new story/fantasy writing itself. And me at work...
Your fiance needs to trust you. Jealous men are almost as obnoxious as jealous women.