Incest without the incest, or couples that shouldn't be together

Was wondering, do you guys know any other pairings that shouldn’t be together, but end up hooking up anyway because they are into each other? I was thinking for a bit, and the only thing that I came up with, is a “best friend’s SO” plot. But I kind of don’t want to do that, because I don’t like cheating that much. Yeah so I need some help from you guys.
Along the lines of the "should hate each other" theme, how about lawyers on opposite sides of the aisle in a high-stakes case.

Or for more incestuous flavor, lawyers on the same side of the aisle in a high-stakes case.

Or even more incestuous, judges on a panel hearing a high-stakes appeal.

Not sure whether it's the incestuous, shouldn't-be-doing-this bit you're after, or more just the forbidden-because-opposites bit.

How about a pair of business partners? The sensibility of avoiding intimacy with each other might come from the risk of fucking up the personal relationships with others in the business and ruining their success together?

I don't like direct blood-related incest either, myself, but I might write a story sometime about a divorced and co-parenting couple who have really good reasons not to hook up but do anyway. A sense of incestuousness would/should be the main reason. Something like, they're divorced but now they're still family because they don't hate each other, they're just incompatible in marriage - yet, they remain close because of the co-parenting aspect and maybe have a delicate platonic balance which shouldn't be perturbed because of the potential consequences, and/or maybe some other reason why intimacy between them would be severely frowned upon. Reasons that they know, not reasons imposed from the outside which are in conflict with their impulses.

I'd need to think up a scenario where the "good reasons" aren't (necessarily) about cheating on new partners, because ick, but are based on some other taboo or conflict. Mutual restraining orders, maybe? Or something written in the legal agreement itself? Or maybe some invented setting-specific imaginary cultural construct which regards divorcees as "family" subject to the same taboos as blood relations? Anyway, it might be a while before I write something like that because it's a little close to home right now dot dot dot...
Along the lines of the "should hate each other" theme, how about lawyers on opposite sides of the aisle in a high-stakes case.

Or for more incestuous flavor, lawyers on the same side of the aisle in a high-stakes case.

Or even more incestuous, judges on a panel hearing a high-stakes appeal.

Not sure whether it's the incestuous, shouldn't-be-doing-this bit you're after, or more just the forbidden-because-opposites bit.

How about a pair of business partners? The sensibility of avoiding intimacy with each other might come from the risk of fucking up the personal relationships with others in the business and ruining their success together?

I don't like direct blood-related incest either, myself, but I might write a story sometime about a divorced and co-parenting couple who have really good reasons not to hook up but do anyway. A sense of incestuousness would/should be the main reason. Something like, they're divorced but now they're still family because they don't hate each other, they're just incompatible in marriage - yet, they remain close because of the co-parenting aspect and maybe have a delicate platonic balance which shouldn't be perturbed because of the potential consequences, and/or maybe some other reason why intimacy between them would be severely frowned upon. Reasons that they know, not reasons imposed from the outside which are in conflict with their impulses.

I'd need to think up a scenario where the "good reasons" aren't (necessarily) about cheating on new partners, because ick, but are based on some other taboo or conflict. Mutual restraining orders, maybe? Or something written in the legal agreement itself? Or maybe some invented setting-specific imaginary cultural construct which regards divorcees as "family" subject to the same taboos as blood relations? Anyway, it might be a while before I write something like that because it's a little close to home right now dot dot dot...
Perhaps dating/sleeping with a sibling's ex-spouse. Particularly if it was a very messy divorce?
I think the most interesting is the best friend with the ex. One can understand lusting for your besties SO, it happens every day. But after that bitter break up where you know you friend will hate you if you even mention the ex in passing conversation. But when you get that text ... So, busy tonight? How do you say no?
Perhaps dating/sleeping with a sibling's ex-spouse. Particularly if it was a very messy divorce?
I know someone who did that. This was 20+ years ago and one part of the family still won't talk to the other. The most brutal bit - he got bored with his ex's sister a couple of months after she'd sacrificed her familial relationships and he just dumped her, walking off without a single glance over his shoulder. No, he wasn't a nice man (he's dead now).
I think the most interesting is the best friend with the ex. One can understand lusting for your besties SO, it happens every day. But after that bitter break up where you know you friend will hate you if you even mention the ex in passing conversation. But when you get that text ... So, busy tonight? How do you say no?

It's certainly a interesting concept that deserves looking into. My issue with this is that you betray a close friend just because you are horny for a moment. And the other thing is, you wouldn't know if she is sincere, or just trying to get back at her ex. The way I see it, your best friend is your friend for a reason. And she is his ex for a reason. I think a relationship like this is destined to fail.
I think a relationship like this is destined to fail.
Of course, you are right. But people do stupid things all the time and there doesn't have to be a happy ending. In the meantime though there can be some seriously scorching sex and intrigue as the couple are sneaking around. Maybe they get caught or maybe they just realize their mistake. Or maybe they fall in love and live happily ever after.
Almost every relationship can be problematic if you think about it. I’m 44 and today I hit on, then was rejected by, a beautiful woman half my age.
I had daughter with my step cousin lol. My dad's brother's step daughter. She likes getting kinky with me
I wanna thank everyone in this thread. Was a great inspiration and gave me a lot of things to think about.
First off, it is not incest if there is no actual sexual activity between the two. Watching your sibling pleasure themselves is not incest, for example. It's Voyeurism.

Secondly, then don't write about incest if you don't want to. It's that simple. If you and your friend have fans or loyal readers who follow you because of your works, they will either enjoy what you give them or they won't.

Pick two opposing sides of any two people and you can put them together in some form of sexual union. Two Presidential candidates for example that hate each other and are out for that cherished spot, but somehow find themselves deeply drawn to each other, and maybe even hate themselves for it, but love the act itself enough to keep going.