Independent vs. Dependent - Dominants/subs

that's "girl" not "firl"

Although maybe I've coined something new. Damn, I'm still a lousy typist.
AngelicAssassin said:
Congrats cellis.

Sounds like you got lucky, blessed, and/or fulfilled.

Take your pick and revel in your time.

I think we were both lucky to find each other...

Life is too short to do anything but enjoy the time we have.
Peter2002 said:
cellis, What a great post. Your man is indeed a lucky guy.

I've always found the thought and act of submission more powerful and intense when my girl does have independence -- whether it is a matter of degrees is a matter of the given relationship.

Knowning that she has choices has always heightened by awareness and appreciation of her submission in whatever form it takes be it in matters of dress or social comportment or the physical or the sexual.

By the way, telling my firl how I want her to wear her hair at any given time has always been a joy for me. Maybe there is a latent cross dresser in there somewhere :rolleyes: .

In any case I enjoyed your thoughts.

Thanks for the post, Peter.

I never thought of the fact that independence and ensuing submission are seductive in their own way.