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Hence my recommendation. I'm a poetry size queen.

I'm glad I didn't say what I was going to say, which was "If that poem were a cock it would be a clitoris!"

Now that would REALLY have gotten me in trouble!

(Go on punch away — I have distance as a nice white cushion between us.)
Yeah, I pick you as a girl who feeds on feist. And lots of it. (Makes the sex better, I know.)

Feeding on it is actually the perfect way of describing it. If everyone is subdued around me I feel weighted down and smothered. I like to feel free. And free to me is well, feisty.

I sometimes think I am missing a female chromosome because I am not into slow and soft anything.
I think a Canadian has to plead a fifth. Which I would be happy to split.

Okay! Come get drunk with me and then I won't care what I say.

I shouldn't speak for you but I will be very drunk if I drink half a fifth. I may even be dead. Stop me before I die, okay?

I get even feistier when drunk so batten down the hatches.
Okay! Come get drunk with me and then I won't care what I say.

I shouldn't speak for you but I will be very drunk if I drink half a fifth. I may even be dead. Stop me before I die, okay?

I get even feistier when drunk so batten down the hatches.
Just don't beat me, OK? I like to maintain the illusion that I am somehow slightly toppy.

Though it is more accurately, probably, tipsy.

But I mean well.
Just don't beat me, OK? I like to maintain the illusion that I am somehow slightly toppy.

Though it is more accurately, probably, tipsy.

But I mean well.

Slightly toppy, huh? Is that like being a little bit dead?

You are safe with me. Unless you meant don't beat you to becoming tipsy because I think I might have you in that area.
Slightly toppy, huh? Is that like being a little bit dead?
In my case, probably. I would likely flunk Homburg's 101 class.

For one thing, I always had problems with knots.
You are safe with me. Unless you meant don't beat you to becoming tipsy because I think I might have you in that area.
I doubt it. And, goshdarnit, "safe" is like the last thing I want to be with you.

I mean, "slavishly admired" is just one thing much higher on the list. :cool:
In my case, probably. I would likely flunk Homburg's 101 class.

For one thing, I always had problems with knots.
I doubt it. And, goshdarnit, "safe" is like the last thing I want to be with you.

I mean, "slavishly admired" is just one thing much higher on the list. :cool:

Ah, see you cannot see the evil grin. You are safe from beatings. Not from other stuff.

Well. You can check that one off your list. Done.

I just read that you were leaving for bit. Made me sad. See? Slavish. Admiration. It's there. Look harder.
I'm glad I didn't say what I was going to say, which was "If that poem were a cock it would be a clitoris!"

Now that would REALLY have gotten me in trouble!

(Go on punch away — I have distance as a nice white cushion between us.)

Maybe, but likely more with the OP than with me. :D
That feeling needs to travel through all of you. If it did, you would know stuff that would blow your mind.
Sorry, I'm kind of a simplistic guy. Blow my mind sounds kind of 70s to me, and I am allergic to black lights and Chambers Brothers records. Blow other things (yes, well, thing) seems eminently more practical, satisfying (for me, at least), and very achievable.

And we is all for achievability, amn't we? :)
Sorry, I'm kind of a simplistic guy. Blow my mind sounds kind of 70s to me, and I am allergic to black lights and Chambers Brothers records. Blow other things (yes, well, thing) seems eminently more practical, satisfying (for me, at least), and very achievable.

And we is all for achievability, amn't we? :)

Ohhh a challenge. You don't think I could blow your mind, Mistah Empirical Data-Man? Oh ye of little faith. You have no idea how much of a red flag you just waved in front of Her Feistiness

It's all achievable if you want it bad enough.
Ohhh a challenge. You don't think I could blow your mind, Mistah Empirical Data-Man? Oh ye of little faith. You have no idea how much of a red flag you just waved in front of Her Feistiness

It's all achievable if you want it bad enough.
Well, I am always wanting bad enough. Usually more than enough. It just doesn't seem to show up as much as I would like.

Now I am not going to have to get out my out nonparametric statistics textbooks to judge the results am I? Kruskal-Wallis or Mann-Whitney U? I mean, I packed those books away somewhere.

I would have thought this was an either/or test. Kind of Kierkegaardian.

Or not.
Well, I am always wanting bad enough. Usually more than enough. It just doesn't seem to show up as much as I would like.

Now I am not going to have to get out my out nonparametric statistics textbooks to judge the results am I? Kruskal-Wallis or Mann-Whitney U? I mean, I packed those books away somewhere.

I would have thought this was an either/or test. Kind of Kierkegaardian.

Or not.

I've heard that nonparametrics produce more reliable results with a smaller sample size. Now what does that say about the poem, the poet? I dunno, I think it's time for me to hit the road to dreamland. :)
Well, I am always wanting bad enough. Usually more than enough. It just doesn't seem to show up as much as I would like.

Now I am not going to have to get out my out nonparametric statistics textbooks to judge the results am I? Kruskal-Wallis or Mann-Whitney U? I mean, I packed those books away somewhere.

I would have thought this was an either/or test. Kind of Kierkegaardian.

Or not.

Ah, but here is the thing with wanting. You have to combine the wanting with some taking. No asking. Just take. I think you want too much. I think you need to do more taking. Go ahead . Take.

And I never test anyone outside the classroom. ;) I just wait for what I want. Okay, that's a lie. I dont wait. Well, I dont wait well, anyway.
That was a given.The poet chicks have always ruled on this forum. I'm not always sure in what, but they (we) do. :p

I dunno if I want to rule anyone or anything. I just like shakin' things and people up a little.