
Are you an insomniac?

  • I never sleep!

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I seldom sleep

    Votes: 44 73.3%
  • I sleep normally

    Votes: 11 18.3%
  • I'm hardly ever awake

    Votes: 3 5.0%

  • Total voters
I sleep much better with my sub in my bed, than without. It was one of the things tha

I miss sleeping with "her"

She now sleeps with someone new, and I lay awake....

Her body was so soft, and her arms held me ever night until her morning kisses would wake me.
Re: I sleep much better with my sub in my bed, than without. It was one of the things tha

deezire1900 said:
I miss sleeping with "her"

She now sleeps with someone new, and I lay awake....

Her body was so soft, and her arms held me ever night until her morning kisses would wake me.

God, I remember going through that!!! The good news is that it will change with time, and you will heal, and you will sleep better.

I now sleep best by myself. Will have to get used to sleeping together soonish though.
I worked out from the statistics posted above that roughly four out of five of us (that's around 80%) suffer from some sort of sleeping problem.


Maybe it's because we all got too used to being sent to bed after a good spanking, and can't sleep now without one? :p

Actually, I suspect this is less of a Lit or BDSM thing, but more endemic of our current society.
i have noticed recently that when i am out of touch with friends or when i am just down in general...that i sleep a lot more than usual which means that instead of going 3 or 4 days without sleep and then crashing...i am up long enough to go to work and then napping the rest of the time...(mayhap depression? who can say???)

You know what works for insomnia? Star Wars Episodes 1&2!! Man, I can't get through either one without falling asleep!
Johnny Mayberry said:
You know what works for insomnia? Star Wars Episodes 1&2!! Man, I can't get through either one without falling asleep!

Porn movies have the same effect on my lover. *shrug* She can quote Star Wars though.
FungiUg said:
Porn movies have the same effect on my lover. *shrug* She can quote Star Wars though.

As long as it isn't the Star Wars movies that are turning her on, I think you are all set.
il mio angelo said:
As long as it isn't the Star Wars movies that are turning her on, I think you are all set.

Well, you know, between R2D2 and C3PO...
went to bed at 1 or so

and now...dear ones...i am awake...goddess bless...why??????:confused:
"Today, in news of the bizarre, several people around the world reported seeing a large arm reaching from horizon to horizon.

Scientists are puzzled, but confirm that the sightings indicated that the arm seemed to reach half-way around the world, and delivered a very firm slap to a woman in the U.S., and then disappeared.

The woman in question was approached, but wouldn't comment."
I'm hardly ever awake

My version of "other".

I do not sleep much in the Summer. Too much light, too many things to do. That lack of sleep turns me into a zombie.

I normally sleep well in the Winter.

Always sleep better with a pet in my bed.

Helena :rose:
three nights of no sleep...i invited over a friend to try and get some. uummm sleep that is. :p
I go through bouts of sleeping and then not sleeping... most of the time I get about 4 or 5 hours of sleep... that seems to be enough... the worst nights are when I wake up and 2 or 3 after only an hour or two of sleep and cannot get back to sleep until 6 or 7...

It is a good think that I have flexible hours where I work....
Sleep? What's that?
The second I close my eyes it all comes back.
Best not to close the eyes at all.....
Insomnia, here I come! I get it bad after a migraine for a couple of days, but since I spend 14-16 hours a day sleeping while I have a migraine, I guess that's only to be expected.

Of course, coming off migraine drugs also has another effect... one that has me sitting tentatively. Oh well.
I don't sleep well. I can't sleep until after 3:00 am most of the time. But I have to wake up at 5:30. It's crazy.

I wish I could sleep more.

PinkOrchid said:
If I don't get a good 7-8 hours, I'm a wreck and feel terrible all day. Once in a while I'll have a night where I can't sleep (usually when Starbucks gives me high test instead of decaf--those fuckers). But my biggest problem is I can't sleep once the sun is up, so no matter when I go to sleep, I'm up at 5 or 6. I can't find shades dark enough to remedy that.

You sound exactly like me here. I've found that either shoving a pillow over my eyes and ears or else wearing my nice black satin sleep mask (damn that thing comes in handy) will usually be enough to keep me asleep in the morning.

I've been getting no less than about 7 hours a night while here and I still feel sleepy. It sucks! How am I supposed to be grateful that I'm not a crazy insomniac like the rest of you if I'm crazy too?!