Is 24/7 healthy....or even possible?

leeroy jenkins said:
Why does it matter if Rathbone is a top or a bottom a good thought is a good though right??

places a post it note over Leeroys current AV and answers .......Its a 'Submissives Thought for the Day" Thread ..........smiles.....though you are correct in the 'good thought Department' its just not appropriate for the Thread I meant Leeroy.
@}-}rebecca---- said:
places a post it note over Leeroys current AV and answers .......Its a 'Submissives Thought for the Day" Thread ..........smiles.....though you are correct in the 'good thought Department' its just not appropriate for the Thread I meant Leeroy.

It does not pop up to much on my unread thread, so... I changed it again so your not looking at her exposed body.
leeroy jenkins said:
It does not pop up to much on my unread thread, so... I changed it again so your not looking at her exposed body.

You didn't 'have to' Leeroy but thank you just the same :rose:
~ end of hijack and loitering I'm out ~
@}-}rebecca---- said:
You didn't 'have to' Leeroy but thank you just the same :rose:
~ end of hijack and loitering I'm out ~

LOL did not do it for you Rebecca but after you posted I just changed it up again.
ObsidianRose said:
I was thinking about this while laying in bed this morning (where I do most of my thinking. LOL)

Having recently ended a very long-term vanilla relatonship, it occured to me that I am now free to explore the type of relationship that will feed my soul - a real-time, full-time, healthy well-balanced D/s relationship. I had to ask myself if this is what I really wanted. I have concluded, unequivocally, that this is precisely what I want. But it leads me to question:

Are 24/7 D/s relationships healthy....or even possible? Do they really exist in their truest form?

It would seem to me that a 24/7 arrangement might not necessarily be healthy. Being Dominant or submissive may be who we are whether or not we are in a relationship (for instance, being submissive is a state of being for me, not merely a character to be played). When we choose to enter a relationship, however, we inherently take on certain roles.

Is it healthy to maintain those roles 24/7? Is there ever a time when we should break out of those roles and simply be Jim and Miranda, on equal footing, and not Master Jim and his pet/slave/little girl, etc?

I've never been in a full time D/s relationship, but I wonder if, even though I am submissive, I can play the role of the submissive with all the pomp and cirumstance all the time. Frankly, I don't even know if it is possible...or healthy.

For instance, no one, not even the strongest of Dominants, can be strong all the time. It simply isn't possible. A relationship is best served when one person can make up for a weakness in the other. Since we know that submission is not equal to weakness, should there not be a time when a struggling Dominant can (should??) shed his armour and role of Controller/Protector/Master of the Universe, and allow himself to be vulnerable so that his other half can exercise her own strentgh and comfort him and hold him up for a time, in whatever way he requires (taking the lead on some decisions, etc) so that he might be refreshed and replinished? The term Dominant Drop comes to mind here. Is it possible that, at times, the term subSpace might mean that you need to give your sub a little Space so that she can breathe and make her own decisions? Must the roles always be so hard and fast?

Also, should there be a time when there are no roles? If a submissive is royally pissed, should there not be times when she is not required to obey the protocol and is free to simply let herself vent, cuss, swear, tell her partner that she wants to kick him in the nuts because he's being such a jerk? Can they not be Jim and Miranda Vanilla and go bowling?

Obviously this situations can apply in reverse; as we all know that not all Dominants are male.

I know every relationship is different, so there is no need to qualify your answers, but I'm curious to know your thoughts as individuals. Is it desireable, healthy, or even possible to be so wrapped up in your respective roles 24/7??

Your thoughts?

I find it surprising that this question was even asked knowing there are people here who are in a 24/7 relationship and quite happy about it. These are people I respect.

It may not be for everyone. It may not be so much like the fantasy in our heads when applied to RL but is it healthy or even possible, clearly for some, yes, it can be but maybe not for you or me. Then again, with time and the right person, who knows?

Fury :rose: