By being patronizing - displaying your superior and condescending attitude - such as thinking you need to give a sub-101 summary on the interpretation of the constitution to a PoliSci specialist is implying you regard me as stupid
Your view of someone isn’t only conveyed by specific words
Look, I kept at this precisely because I believed you were genuine in wanting open debate
You’d seemed a genuine person from all I’d seen
Yet it’s ended up you more than anyone on this thread are generalizing people according to their beliefs, and now you accuse me - with the points I’ve made, several of which supported your apparent aims in starting the thread, alongside my legitimate questions and reasoned positions, of not responding in good faith…
Simon, go read your original question, and think about all your sweeping comments and criticisms of people here - and how easily and quickly you moved to that point
You have your answer
SimonDoom should change their username to SimonSays.

Simon reminds me of JaySecrets and HisArpy in their aloof, patronizing, dogmatic approach to "good faith exchanges of viewpoints": They’re "interested" in having a civil debate, and "open" to being convinced…and yet…when someone IS civil, and DOES present a perfectly valid, convincing argument, they immediately go into patronizing-dogmatic-pontificating-jerk mode, with responses that read as transparent attempts to steamroll their opponent’s perfectly valid, convincing argument. (And, unsurprisingly, they lack self-awareness and are incapable of self-examination, so they will never gain personal insight into their own faults and failings, and the faults and failings of their arguments.)
Individuals that are so slaved to dogma and the letter of the law / scripture cannot engage in civil debate in good faith: They are too limited in the scope of what arguments they will entertain from others and what arguments they will present themselves.
They are patronizing, dogmatic, pedantic right wing sea lions.
Not an uncommon breed of sea lion here on the PB.

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