Isolated Blurts - The HT Cafe Way

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imemkay quoth:
hmmm, i've never noticed her man hands; i can't get past her giant bobble head.
a lot of men can't, anyway. :D

at first, i kinda found her reminiscent of natalie portman. i've since come to feel differently.

while i'm a pretty big foodie, i just don't find her desirable. maybe that makes me lose my food network cred but i'm OK with that.

while pretty and possessed of a truly impressive cleavage, ms. dilaurentiis just doesn't do it for me.

Why, why, WHY can't I read slowly? I'm almost finished with the book I've waited all frickin' year for. And I just bought it yesterday evening. :(
while i'm a pretty big foodie, i just don't find her desirable. maybe that makes me lose my food network cred but i'm OK with that.

while pretty and possessed of a truly impressive cleavage, ms. dilaurentiis just doesn't do it for me.


I actually find her quite annoying. Not sure exactly why, but she is akin to nails on a chalkboard. Not big on Rachel Ray either, though for a different reason. :D
rachael ray is my most enduring foodie crush. :>


Although she is easy on the eyes (she has a very pretty smile), her voice has me looking for the exits. It's like she is shouting almost. I don't know why they don't adjust her levels up on her shows so she doesn't always have to talk so loud. Ten minutes in the kitchen with her and I'd be bruisin' the basil, hucking ladles, and considering burning myself for the quick escape.
emerson quoth:
although she is easy on the eyes (she has a very pretty smile), her voice has me looking for the exits. it's like she is shouting almost. i don't know why they don't adjust her levels up on her shows so she doesn't always have to talk so loud. ten minutes in the kitchen with her and i'd be bruisin' the basil, hucking ladles, and considering burning myself for the quick escape.
yeah, but contrast that with the distinct impression i have that she's probably an extraordinarily enthusiastic sexual partner. for that, i can excuse an awful lot.

i call that being in touch with my inner pig. :>

NM quoth:
i agree, if rachel didn't talk, she'd just about be perfect. ;):D:D
well, see above...

Yay!! Game of Thrones starts back up this Sunday!!

Winter is coming. Can't wait!!

So excited!!

Pie Chart of 2 seasons of swearing on Game of Thrones

Yes, this! I'm trying to sloooowwww down, too, but I just race right through. What'cha reading? I'm reading Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare.

Currently, I'm reading JD Robb's Delusions in Death, but the book I referenced is JR Ward's Lover at Last. I think I've been following that series for hmm, maybe 6 or 7 years now.

I always have the best intentions of savoring a book, but it never works out that way. I thing when the last HP book came out, I read it in 2.5 days. :eek:

It's a good think I like to reread books.
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