Isolated Blurts - The HT Cafe Way

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I just posted a snarky comment on a newbie's How To question unlike me.

I'm feelin' pretty good about it.
Lots of biker guys and their Harleys in the hotel parking lot. I love them biker guys and their Harleys. :cool:
Guilty pleasure time!

Pirates of the Caribbean Movie Marathon

Is it wrong that I sort of have a thing for Barbosa?
I finally have the home office I've wanted for years. Now I'll have to find another way to get out of grading papers at home. :devil:
I need to protect myself from seeing the cock AVs before coffee. It burns! It burns!
That one went to hell pretty quick didn't it? Hope you are enjoying your summer! I can't wait til my kiddos get out of school, it means an extra 1 hour and 45 min of sleep per day. Woot!
I go back to work on Monday.
Now if that was in the How To, we would have been berated by some dullard holier-than- thou for those responses. ;) :rolleyes:
I know, right? :)
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